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GIScience and Environmental Data Analytics
Focus on Majors: GIScience and Environmental Data Analytics: youtube.com/watch?v=melC39M_z4Q
To contribute to advances in sustainability and fostering a more equitable society in the future, you will need to learn how to analyze and harness geosptatial data, which is already being generated in every aspect of our society. In this major you will study computer science, electrical engineering, geography and mathematics in a core curriculum that builds strong skills in handling large geospatial and environmental data sets. Having built those foundational skills, you will then develop the deep knowledge and context you will need to succeed in one of five topical concentrations, listed below in Areas of Study. In the capstone course, you will apply data analytics to pressing environmental topics, such as food security, water shortages, climate change and environmental health.
- Cybersecurity
- Data Mining
- Environmental Data Science
- Management Information Systems
- Remote Sensing
- Environmental Hazards
- Food Security
- Geospatial Information Scientist
- Geospatial Information Technologist
- Homeland Security
- Photogrammetry & Cartography
- Public Health
- Water Security
What’s special about this program?
This major will help you develop in-demand skills, including managing and using large geospatial and environmental data sets, finding meaningful patterns in them, representing their complexity in graphs and tables, and distilling and presenting the coherent and logical stories they tell. These kinds of data science skills were required for 2.35 million job postings in 2015, according to QuantCrunch, a study commissioned by IBM.
Sample curriculum
General Computer Science for Engineers/Introduction to Computer Science |
ENGL110 | Critical Reading and Writing
GEOG372 |
Introduction to GIS
GIScience and Environmental Data Analytics Colloquium |
MATH241 | Analytical Geometry and Calculus A
Analytic Geometry and Calculus B
University Breadth Course
Elective Course
First-Year Experience |
CISC210 | Introduction to Systems Programming
CISC220 | Data Structures
ELEG305 | Signals and Systems
GEOG471 |
Advanced GIS
GEOG478 | GIScience and Environmental Data Analytics Colloquium
MATH243 | Analytical Geometry and Calculus C
Foreign Language Courses
Multicultural Requirement
University Breadth Course |
ELEG404 | Digital Imaging and Photography
GEOG481 |
Remote Sensing of the Environment
GEOG477/ENSC475 | Spatial Data Analysis/Environmental Statistics
GEOG478 | GIScience and Environmental Data Analytics Colloquium
MATH349/351 | Elementary Linear Algebra/Engineering Mathematics I
PLSC222/GEOG351/MAST667 | ?/Field Methods in Meteorology/?
Discovery Learning Experience
Concentration Course
Foreign Language Course |
CISC437 | Database Systems
GEOG478 | GIScience and Environmental Data Analytics Colloquium
GEOG479 | Capstone: GIScience and Environmental Data Analytics Colloquium
PHYS201/207 | Introductory Physics/Fundamentals of Physics I
Concentration Courses
University Breadth Requirement
Elective Courses or Directed Research |