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Economics Education

Prepare economically literate and productive citizens
Become an effective economics teacher by strengthening your knowledge of both education and economics. Study how markets work. Learn what is produced, how it is produced, and how income is distributed. Explore subjects such as:
- The role and impact of international trade
- The effect of monopolies on the economy
- The problems of unemployment and inflation
Your studies will provide you with a framework for evaluating policy to determine whether they help improve the quality of people’s lives. You will be equipped to help design solutions for society’s economic problems.
You will also learn how to turn your knowledge into effective, engaging lessons for secondary students that will help them develop the skills they need to graduate as economically literate and flourishing citizens.
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
- Math
- Adolescent development and educational psychology
- Educational technology for teaching social studies
- Disciplinary literacy in the social studies
- High school teacher
- Middle school teacher
- School counseling
- School administration
- Nonprofit organizations
- Educational leadership
- Educational technology
What’s special about this program?
UD’s bachelor of arts in economic education combines coursework in economics and education with a strong emphasis on content knowledge and pedagogy. This prepares teacher candidates to teach economics, including Advanced Placement economics, as well as the other social science disciplines, including civics, geography and history.
Even before student teaching, economic education majors complete over 75 hours of classroom experience tutoring, mentoring and teaching adolescents in local middle and high schools. In their senior year, candidates participate in a yearlong placement in a secondary school where they will complete their student teaching. This rigorous program enables economic education graduates to secure teaching jobs throughout the Eastern Seaboard, the nation and abroad.
Get Involved
Blue Hen Economics
Blue Hen Investment Club
Lerner Student Advisory Board
Omicron Delta Epsilon International Economics Honors Society
Sample curriculum
Basics of Business |
ECON101 | Microeconomics
ECON103 | Macroeconomics
ENGL110 | First-Year Writing
HIST104 |
World History |
Foreign Language
Math Requirement Course
University Breadth Courses
ECON300/301 |
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory or
STAT200 | Basic Statistical Practice
ECON303 | Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
ECON306 |
Introduction to Econometrics |
EDUC419 | Diversity in Secondary Education
POSC150 | Introduction to American Politics
HIST206 | United States History
University Breadth Courses
ECON300-Level |
Economics Course
ECON300/400-Level | Economics Courses
EDUC414 | Teaching Exceptional Adolescents
EDUC413 | Adolescent Development and Educational Psychology
GEOG120 | World Regional Geography
Second Writing Course
Related Work Courses
ECON400-Level | Economics Courses
EDUC420 | Reading in the Content Areas
EDUC400 | Student Teaching
HIST491 | Planning a Course of Instruction
HIST492 | Integrating Instructional Technology into Social Studies Teaching
HIST493 | Problems in Teaching History and Social Sciences
University Breadth Course |