With generous donors helping create unparalleled opportunities, critical resources and transformational experiences, UD is cultivating a generation of leaders.
• Biden School
• Center for Economic Education & Entrepreneurship
• Faculty support
• WE Hatch in Horn Entrepreneurship
From comprehensive programs, unique internships and events with some of the brightest political minds in the country, philanthropic support continues to evolve and enhance the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy & Administration offerings for students to cultivate their curious minds into the next generation of world leaders.
The incredible generosity of numerous donors supports unparalleled student experiences; influential panel discussions on pressing public policy issues; and in-depth programs exploring the critical issues, including systemic inequality, socioeconomic challenges and social justice.
This fall, UD’s Biden School will launch its new civil discourse pilot program supported by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF). The program will be called the SNF Ithaca Initiative, named after the home of one of Greek mythology’s greatest heroes, Odysseus, whose talent for persuasive discourse was revered in ancient Greece.
The SNF Ithaca Initiative will cultivate engaged citizens while providing a new named professorship in the Biden School, new course offerings focused on civil discourse, a bipartisan cohort of resident and visiting fellows, graduate and undergraduate student scholarships and a series of compelling new programs and special events designed to foster a healthier vision of democracy.

As the Center for Economic Education & Entrepreneurship (CEEE) celebrates its 50th year of empowering educators and students with the tools for economic, financial and lifelong success—while also taking on more programming than ever before—founder Jim O’Neill is being honored and recognized with a fund created in his name.
Many have already rallied to support the James B. O’Neill CEEE Faculty and Staff Support Fund, which will be used to recruit, retain and reward distinguished faculty and staff members, as well as to support the daily operations of the CEEE and will be managed at the discretion of the director of the Center.

“This funding will have a tremendous impact on the future of the CEEE. It will allow us to cover the administrative expense associated with the director position, freeing up additional financial resources that can be used to implement new programs and cover the expenses associated with current programs when funders change their priorities or funding becomes unavailable. In essence, this fund provides financial stability for the CEEE so that we can continue to prepare thousands of educators every year in economics, personal finance and entrepreneurship by providing dynamic, standards-based professional development and resources for the next 50 years.”
–Carlos Asarta, Ph.D., CEEE director and recipient of the James B. O’Neill Directorship
Across departments, colleges and programs, our faculty are researchers, problem-solvers, innovators and leaders. They’re engaging students, helping them dream big while providing strong academic grounding and inspiration to pursue solutions to today and tomorrow’s grand challenges. Faculty support allows the University to attract and retain the best and brightest—enabling them to uncover ground-breaking discoveries—through endowed, named professorships as well as research and discretionary funds.
University of Delaware professor Thomas H. Epps, III, understands the importance and impact a named position can have on a career. Epps started at UD’s College of Engineering as an associate professor, progressed in his career to the Thomas & Kipp Gutshall Career Development Chair and was recently named the Allan & Myra Ferguson Distinguished Chair of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering.

“For many of us, when we’re lucky enough to get a chair or become a named professor, we view it as a great honor recognizing us for what we have done in our work so far and as a promise of what is yet to come. The funding from the Gutshall named position was critical in providing opportunities to take a little bit of risk and try something I hadn’t done before. The new named position will enable me to come up with strategies for getting critical centers on campus while also helping faculty who joined the department after me.”
–Thomas H. Epps, III, Director of the Center for Research in Soft Matter & Polymers, Allan & Myra Ferguson Distinguished Chair of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Numerous data and surveys indicate there is an incredible demand for empowering women entrepreneurs. The stats show that providing resources and opportunity for woman will result in greater success, greater societal impact and several trillions in global economic impact.
WE Hatch, a program in Horn Entrepreneurship at UD, aims to empower women in innovation and entrepreneurship through a variety of seminars and workshops, networking and community building, mentorship and venture funding support. Each prong of the initiative addresses disadvantages experienced by women startup founders and corporate innovators.
Philanthropic support is providing enhanced opportunities, expanded programming and startup support for women entrepreneurs.