Report on Philanthropy
Reflecting on the accomplishments of fiscal years 2020 and 2021

To our generous supporters,
As valued friends of the University of Delaware, you have not only enabled many great achievements throughout these challenging times, but also strengthened our Blue Hen family, providing encouragement and resources to succeed in any situation. This has been particularly meaningful during the pandemic, and we so appreciate your kindness.
We are truly grateful for your commitment to enrich people and programs that define the UD community. You have inspired confidence and greatness by supporting education, research, hands-on learning and innovative spaces for Blue Hens to explore, discover and grow.
The UD Report on Philanthropy captures just some of the impressive impact made possible by your generosity.
Together, we remain Blue Hen Strong.
With gratitude,

Dennis & Eleni Assanis
President and First Lady
Our dedicated and generous donors continued to fuel progress and advance our Blue Hens through Delaware First: The Campaign for the University of Delaware, helping us reach more than $142 million contributed by 31,808 donors in the past two years.
In the past two years, generous annual giving donors came together to support the following top three UD areas:
By Donors:
Blue Hen Strong Fund
Parents Fund
Delaware Fund
By Dollars:
Blue Hen Strong Fund
Lerner College of Business and Economics
Parents Fund