The President's Leadership Council serves as an advisory group to the president, and was also the Campaign Cabinet for Delaware First: The Campaign for the University of Delaware.


It is comprised of ambassadors dedicated to providing leadership, advice and assistance to the president in order to increase the levels of engagement and philanthropy among the University's alumni, parents, friends, faculty, staff and students.

President's Leadership Council

John L. Anderson, Ph.D. 

Carol A. Ammon 

Jeremie M. Axe, M.D. 

James C. Borel 

Christopher F. Buccini

John R. Cochran III

John R. Collins

Donna M. Fontana

Chai Gadde

Charles A. Genuardi

Courtney Smith Goodrich

David R. Helwig

Jeffrey L. Herbert, Esq. 

Thomas W. Hofmann, C.P.A. 

Thomas W. Horne

Raymond A. Jacobsen, Jr., Esq. 

Elan P. Keller, Esq. 

Vance V. Kershner

Mary Ellen Payne

David A. Plastino

Michael J. Renna 

Kathleen M. Siegfried

Robert L. Siegfried, Jr.

Angela Tsionas

Marichu C. Valencia

Marna C. Whittington

Mary Jane Willis

William H. Willis, Jr.

Connie S. Wittig

Robert G. Wittig


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