The Class of 1982 celebrated 40 years since graduating from the University of Delaware during October events.
Alumni joined both familiar faces and classmates they haven’t seen in ages for a reunion gathering at the Blue Hen Homecoming Tailgate on Saturday, October 22, and for a virtual reunion celebration on Tuesday, October 11.
Want to be sure you receive updates about future events? Update your information with your current email address.
Make a gift in honor of your reunion
Help Blue Hen students who are following in your footsteps with a gift to UD in honor of your reunion year.

To ensure you're receiving information about your reunion, check your profile to see if we have your correct contact information.

Do you have any questions about reunions for the Alumni Office?
Join your class Facebook Group
Are you inspired to dig up college photos and share them with classmates? Or want to ask if anyone remembers a standout memory of yours from UD? Or are you curious to catch up and see what’s happening in your classmates’ lives? Connect through your class Facebook group!

Pam E. Berentsen, HS82

John Marsini, AS82
Become an ambassador! Email ud-reunions@udel.edu.