Faculty and Research | Data Science

More than 60 faculty members — with varied research interests — representing over 20 departments from colleges throughout UD share their individual expertise and unite to equip students with the tools and knowledge required for well-paying, in-demand careers in a growing field with a high job satisfaction rate. Our affiliated faculty include NSF Career Award winners, fellows of international societies, Sloan Fellows and chaired professors.

Name/Profile Title Email Phone Location
Gonzalo Arce Charles Black Evans Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
arce@udel.edu 302-831-1493 Evans 312
Benjamin Bagozzi Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Admissions
College of Arts and Sciences – Political Science & International Relations
bagozzib@udel.edu 302-831-2355 405 Smith Hall
Federica Bianco Assistant Professor
Biden School Public Pol/Admin; Physics & Astronomy
fbianco@udel.edu 302-831-1521 Sharp Lab
VC Dinh Associate Professor
Department of Mathematical Sciences
vucdinh@udel.edu 302-831-2653 312 Ewing Hall
Gregory Dobler Assistant Professor
Biden School of Public Policy
gdobler@udel.edu 302-831-1687 272 Graham Hall
Tobin Driscoll Unidel Professor of Mathematical Sciences
Department of Mathematical Sciences
msds-director@udel.edu 302-831-3383 515 Ewing Hall
Jing Gao Assistant Professor of Geospatial Data Science
College of Earth, Ocean & Environment
jinggao@udel.edu 302-831-8266 210 Pearson Hall
Henry May Professor
College of Education and Human Development
hmay@udel.edu 302-831-2928 104C Pearson Hall
Ilya Safro Associate Professor, Computer and Information Sciences isafro@udel.edu 302-831-4512 430 Smith Hall
Cencheng Shen Associate Professor, Applied Economics and Statistics
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
shenc@udel.edu 302-831-1319 227 Townsend Hall
Amo Tong Assisitant Professor, Computer and Information Sciences
amotong@udel.edu   412 Smith Hall
Name Title(s)
Patrick Callahan Founder and CEO
Claudine Jurkovitz Senior Physician Scientist, Value Institute
Lead Biostatistics Epidemiology and Research Design (BERD) Core, DE ACCEL-CTR
Director of Centralized Research Support Network (CRSN), DE-INBRE
Christiana Health Care Systems
Dana Rohrbaugh Director, Government Information Center
Delaware Department of State
Scott Stevens Executive Director
CCB Business Intelligence Delivery Center, JP Morgan Chase
Cathy Wu Unidel Edward G. Jefferson Chair in Engineering and Computer Science
Director, Center for Bioinformatics & Computational Biology (CBCB)
Director, Protein Information Resource (PIR)
Professor, Computer & Information Sciences
Professor, Biological Sciences
Founding Director, Data Science Institute

Affiliated Faculty

Most of our faculty members are also affiliated with the Data Science Institute, which provides resources for accelerating research in data science across campus.

First Name Last Name College and Department Email Research Interest
Gonzalo Arce College of Engineering — Electrical and Computer Engineering arce@udel.edu Machine learning, data science, graph signal and data processing, geometrical neural networks, statistical learning, computational imaging
Constantin Bacuta College of Arts and Sciences  — Mathematical Sciences bacuta@udel.edu Least squares, saddle point systems, mixed methods, multilevel methods, preconditioning, elliptic equations, Sobolev interpolation spaces, Stokes systems, inexact Uzawa algorithms
Ben Bagozzi College of Arts and Sciences — Political Science and International Relations bagozzib@udel.edu Computational social science, political event data, text-as-data, applied machine learning, natural language processing, political violence, environmental politics
Naya Banerjee College of Arts and Sciences — Mathematical Sciences naya@udel.edu  
Yin Bao College of Agriculture and Natural Resources — Plant and Soil Sciences; College of Engineering  — Mechanical Engineering yinbao@udel.edu Digital agriculture, plant phenomics, remote and proximal sensing, computer vision, robotics, machine learning
Ken Barner College of Engineering — Electrical and Computer Engineering barner@udel.edu Machine learning, data science, statistical signal, image, and video processing, biomedical and human computer interaction applications
Rahmat Beheshti College of Engineering  —  Computer and Information Sciences rbi@udel.edu Machine learning, artificial intelligence, health data science, computational epidemiology, biomedical informatics
Antony Beris College of Engineering — Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering beris@udel.edu  
Federica Bianco College of Arts and Sciences — Physics and Astronomy fbianco@udel.edu  
Austin Brockmeier College of Engineering — Electrical and Computer Engineering ajbrock@udel.edu Machine learning, text mining, signal processing, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, health risk prediction
Jeff Buler College of Agriculature and Natural Resources  —  Entomology and Wildlife Ecology jbuler@udel.edu Radar, bird migration, distribution modeling, applied landscape ecology, remote sensing
Sunita Chandrasekaran College of Engineering — Computer and Information Sciences schandra@udel.edu  
Bintong Chen Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics — Business Administration bchen@udel.edu  
Ke Chen College of Arts and Sciences — Mathematical Sciences kechen@udel.edu Scientific machine learning, inverse problems, deep operator learning, and randomized numerical linear algebra
Mike Crossley College of Agriculture and Natural Resources —  Entomology and Wildlife Ecology crossley@udel.edu Ecoinformatics tools to learn about insect ecology and management in changing farmscapes
Nina David College of Arts and Sciences — Biden School of Public Policy and Administration npdavid@udel.edu Land use planning, regional planning, growth management, metropolitan governance, collaborative governance, smart growth, smart cities
Kyle Davis College of Earth, Ocean and the Environment —  Geography and Spatial Sciences kfdavis@udel.edu Geospatial data science for food system sustainability
Keith Decker College of Engineering — Computer and Information Sciences decker@udel.edu Multi-agent systems, cooperative distributed problem solving, parallel and Distributed planning and scheduling, multi-agent learning, distributed information gathering, health informatics, bioinformatics, computational organization design
Shanshan Ding College of Agriculature and Natural Resources — Applied Economics and Statistics sding@udel.edu  
Vu Dinh College of Arts and Sciences  — Mathematical Sciences vucdinh@udel.edu Applied probability, phylogenetics, evolutionary biology, statistical learning, uncertainty quantifications
Greg Dobler College of Arts and Sciences— Biden School of Public Policy and Administration gdobler@udel.edu  
Sarah Dodson-Robinson College of Arts and Sciences — Physics and Astronomy sdr@udel.edu Astronomy, astrophysics, exoplanets, stars, time series, frequency domain
Tobin Driscoll College of Arts and Sciences — Mathematical Sciences driscoll@udel.edu Scientific computing, biomedical image and video processing and mining, data-driven mathematical modeling
Evangelos Falaris Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics — Economics falaris@udel.edu Labor markets, developing countries, applied econmetrics
Xiao Fang Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics — Accounting and Management Information Systems xfang@udel.edu AI and machine learning, fintech, social network analytics, healthcare analytics
Jing Gao College of Earth, Ocean and the Environment — Geography jinggao@udel.edu Geospatial data science, machine learning, human dimensions of global environmental change, urban land change, spatial population, uncertainty analysis and modeling
Javier Garcia-Frias College of Engineering — Electrical and Computer Engineering jgf@udel.edu  
Mahya Ghandehari College of Arts and Sciences — Mathematical Sciences mahya@udel.edu  
John Gizis College of Arts and Sciences — Physics and Astronomy gizis@udel.edu  
Olga Gorbachev Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics — Economics olgag@udel.edu  
Dominique Guillot College of Arts and Sciences — Mathematical Sciences dguillot@udel.edu Matrix analysis, analysis on networks, covariance models, applications in science and engineering
Jodi Hadden-Perilla College of Arts and Sciences —  Chemistry and Biochemistry jhadden@udel.edu Molecular dynamics simulations, computational chemistry and biophysics, structural biology, biomolecular force fields, high-performance computing, large-scale data analysis and visualization
Jamie Holder College of Arts and Sciences — Physics and Astronomy jholder@udel.edu Gamma-ray astrophysics, multi-messenger astronomy, neutron stars, supernova remnants, black holes, active galaxies
Tom  Hsu College of Engineering — Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering thsu@udel.edu  
Thomas Ilvento College of Agriculture and Natural Resources — Applied Economics and Statistics ilvento@udel.edu  
Arthi Jayaraman College of Engineering — Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (primary) and Materials Science and Engineering (secondary) arthij@udel.edu Machine learning, microscopy image analysis, molecular modeling and simulation, soft materials, interdisciplinary graduate education,
Jonathan Justice Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration justice@udel.edu Public budgeting, public finance, financial management, fiscal stress, decision making, administrative accountability, transparency, public administration, public governance
Delphis Levia College of Earth, Ocean and the Environment — Geography dlevia@udel.edu  
Li Liao College of Engineering — Computer and Information Sciences liliao@udel.edu  
Jing Ma Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics — Hospitality and Sports Business Management jingma@udel.edu Business analytics, data science, optimization, statistical modeling, hospitality analytics
Mokshay Madiman College of Arts and Sciences — Mathematical Sciences madiman@udel.edu Machine learning, data science, analysis, optimization, control of cyber physical systems, decentralized stochastic systems
Andreas Malikopoulos College of Engineering — Mechanical Engineering andreas@udel.edu  
Lena Mashayekhy College of Engineering — Computer and Information Sciences mlena@udel.edu  
Matthew Louis Mauriello College of Engineering — Computer and Information Sciences mlm@udel.edu Human-computer interaction, applied machine learning, education, health and well-being, environmental sustainability
Henry May College of Education and Human Development — Center for Research in Education and Social Policy (CRESP) hmay@udel.edu Education statistics, program evaluation, casual inference, experimental design, psychometrics
Ethan McCormick School of Education emccorm@udel.edu Applied statistics, longitudinal modeling, time series, psychometrics, structural equations, mixed effects models, nonlinear models
Pinki Mondal College of Earth, Ocean and the Environment — Geography & Spatial Sciences mondalp@udel.edu Satellite image, remote sensing, GIS, machine learning, geospatial data science, environmental geography, forest, agriculture, weather, food security, sustainable development goals
Peter Monk College of Arts and Sciences — Mathematical Sciences monk@udel.edu Inverse problems, Python, wave propagation, regularization, numerical analysis
Ratna Nandakumar College of Education and Human Development — School of Education nandakum@udel.edu Applied statistics, Rasch measurement and analysis, single subject research, Bayesian analysus, differential item functioning, psychometrics
Kassra AR Oskooii College of Arts and Sciences — Political Science and International Relations oskooiik@udel.edu  
Sandeep Patel College of Arts and Sciences — Chemistry and Biochemistry sapatel@udel.edu  
Xi Peng College of Engineering — Computer and Information Sciences xipeng@udel.edu  
Juan Perilla College of Arts and Sciences — Chemistry and Biochemistry jperilla@udel.edu Computational chemistry, computational biology, structural biology, AI applied to molecules, drug design, machine learning applied to infectious diseases, high performance computing
Veronique Petit College of Arts and Sciences — Physics and Astronomy vpetit@udel.edu Stellar astrophysics, structure and evolution of massive stars, d​etection and characterization of stellar magnetic fields, telescope observations, data analysis, simulations and modeling
Petr Plechac College of Arts and Sciences — Mathematical Sciences plechac@udel.edu  
Tom Powers College of Arts and Sciences — Philosophy tpowers@udel.edu Ethics of information technology, especially AI and machine ethics
Wei Qian College of Agriculture and Natural Resources — Applied Economics and Statistics weiqian@udel.edu Statistical machine learning, high-dimensional modeling, dimension, high-dimensional modeling, dimension reduction, multi-armed bandits, artificial intelligence, actuarial statistics, statistical computing, optimization, network modeling, data science applications 
Jing Qiu College of Agriculture and Natural Resources — Applied Economics and Statistics qiujing@udel.edu  
Jingmei Qiu College of Arts and Sciences — Mathematical Sciences jingqiu@udel.edu Computational fluid dynamics,discontinuous Galerkin method, weighted essential non-oscillatory methods, semi-langrangian method, mutli-scale multi-physics, Masov plasma dynamics, implicit explicit methods
Ed Ratledge College of Arts and Sciences — Biden School of Public Policy and Administration ratledge@udel.edu  
Chandra Reedy College of Arts and Sciences — Art History clreedy@udel.edu  
Breck Robinson College of Arts and Sciences — Biden School of Public Policy and Administration robinsob@udel.edu  
Laurie Ruggiero Health Behavior and Nutrition Sciences ruggiero@udel.edu  
Teomara Rutherford College of Education and Human Development — School of Education teomara@udel.edu Learning analytics from educational technology data; use of social science data
Marianna Safranova College of Arts and Sciences — Physics msafrono@physics.udel.edu Quantum many-body theory, quantum sensors, data portal, dark matter
Ilya Safro College of Engineering — Computer and Information Sciences isafro@udel.edu  
Ulf Schiller College of Engineering —  Computer and Information Sciences uschill@udel.edu Multiscale modeling and simulation, data-driven materials science, physics-informed machine learning, high-performance computing
Keith Schneider College of Arts and Sciences — Psychological and Brain Sciences keithas@udel.edu Vision, perception, awareness, dyslexia, thalamus, neuroimaging, neuroscience, attention, fMRI
Vijay Shanker College of Engineering — Computer and Information Sciences vijay@udel.edu  
Cencheng Shen College of Agriculture and Natural Resources — Applied Economics and Statistics shenc@udel.edu  
Abhyudai Singh College of Engineering — Biomedical Engineering absingh@udel.edu Modeling and analysis of biomolecular circuits, systems biology, virus-host interactions, computational neuroscience, ecological population dynamics
Dan Smith College of Arts and Sciences — Biden School of Public Policy and Administration dansmith@udel.edu  
Sandy Student School of Education srstu@udel.edu Educational and psychological measurement, psychometrics, growth models
Bert Tanner College of Engineering — Mechanical Engineering btanner@udel.edu Machine learning, data science, robotic systems, rmphasis to multi-agent coordination, hybrid dynamical systems, mobile manipulation, nonholonomic motion planning and control
Jeremy Tobacman Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics — Economics tobacman@udel.edu Behavioral economics, household finance, consumer credit, intertemporal choice, development economics
Amo Tong College of Engineering — Computer and Information Sciences amotong@udel.edu Machine learning, algorithms and complexity theory, social science, real-time systems
Tibor Toth College of Arts and Sciences — Biden School of Public Policy &
tibi@udel.edu Survey research, policy and policy analysis
Dion Vlachos College of Engineering — Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering vlachos@udel.edu  
Carolyn Voter College of Engineering — Civil and Environmental Engineering cvoter@udel.edu Hydrologic modeling
Gang Wang Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics — Accounting and MIS gangw@udel.edu Two-sided e-platforms; the economic impacts of digital technologies (such as robots and generative AI); Causal analytics and online experimentation
Harry Wang Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics — Accounting and MIS hjwang@udel.edu Artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, social computing, and enterprise systems
Timothy Webb Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics —  Hospitality Business Management twebb@udel.edu Developing revenue management strategies for restaurant and hotel organizations
Cathy Wu College of Engineering — Computer and Information Sciences wuc@udel.edu Bioinformatics and data science - natural language processing, knowledge networks, machine learning
Jiaheng Xie Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics — Accounting and MIS jxie@udel.edu Interpretable deep learning, large language model, health analytics
Leting Zhang Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics — Accounting and MIS letingz@udel.edu Economics of information technology, IT risks, healthcare, labor, causal inference
Ryan Zurakowski College of Engineering — Biomedical Engineering ryanz@udel.edu