Graduate College Council
The Graduate College Council acts as the primary deliberative and representative body of the Graduate College. It consists of faculty members who are nominated and elected as the representatives of graduate programs within the academic colleges as well as one graduate student from each college.
The purpose of Council meetings is to:
- discuss issues relevant to all aspects of graduate education
- develop and propose university-wide policies that support and improve common aspects of graduate programs for submission to the Faculty Senate
- approve proposed interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary graduate programs for submission to the University Faculty Senate Graduate Studies Committee
These meetings are open to all faculty with secondary appointments in the Graduate College. The Graduate College bylaws below outline the exact structure and function of the Graduate Council.
- Executive Committee
- Interdisciplinary Curriculum Committee
- Student Life Committee
- Committee on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
The Executive Committee is made up of one representative from each academic college and one voting graduate student representative. Executive Committee members are elected yearly from the elected faculty members of the Council and one of the three voting graduate students. The Committee members shall elect a Secretary from the Committee membership who shall serve both the Executive Committee and the Council.
Executive Committee members are elected annually by the Council members by June 1 in the spring semester to begin a one-year term starting on September 1 of the following academic year. The Executive Committee chair is elected by the Council and presides over the Executive Committee and Council meetings.
The Secretary shall keep a record of official actions of the Committee and the Council and post minutes on the College website. The Dean or their designee may attend Executive Committee meetings but will only vote in the case of a tie.
The Executive Committee has the following authorities and responsibilities:
- to establish the agenda for Council meetings;
- to refer appropriate matters to a standing or ad hoc committee of the College;
- to call special meetings of the Council;
- to make recommendations to the Council for action on any matter related to the College;
- to investigate any condition that could affect the College’s academic freedom or that of any of its members. The committee shall report its findings to the College Council and faculty;
- to discharge any other responsibility or authority that the Council assigns to the Executive Committee.
Jeff Buler - CANR
Michael Fields - CAS
Jessica Sowa - Biden School
Lindsay Naylor - CEOE
Teomara Rutherford - CEHD
John Slater – COE
Ho Ming Chow - CHS
Siyan Wang - Lerner College
Max Bobbin – Graduate Student Representative
This committee is composed of one faculty member from each of the other colleges, who serve renewable two-year terms, one graduate student, and one representative chosen by the Dean. This committee reviews and evaluates:
- graduate courses and curricula that originate within the Graduate College (e.g., Multi-College interdisciplinary programs);
- new or provisional University-wide academic policies and degree requirements;
- changes in the structure of academic programs that originate within the College;
- developments in graduate teaching and curricula that may affect the
University; and - other matters related to graduate educational affairs.
Jeff Buler–CANR
Laura Desimone–CEHD (and Biden School), Chair
Clara Chan–CEOE
Jennifer Horney–CHS
Bramie Lenhoff–COE
Siyan Wang–LCBE
Mike Michaud (Biden)–GSG
Mary Martin–Graduate College
This committee consists of three faculty members, one of whom shall be chair, three graduate students chosen by the Graduate Student Government, one representative chosen by the Dean, and the Vice President (or designee) for Student Life. The Chair is selected and approved by a vote of the Committee at the beginning of each term. Committee members serve two year renewable terms, which should be staggered insofar as possible.
This committee makes recommendations bearing upon the care and support of graduate, professional, and post-doctoral students. It advises the College Dean on the implementation of rules and regulations enacted by the Graduate Council or the Faculty Senate. The committee advises on matters such as graduate student financial aid, graduate student housing, graduate student counseling and placement, and graduate student health and mental health. It may meet with the directors of administrative units responsible for these matters at the request of the directors or at the discretion of the chairperson of the committee. Recommendations, which may be in the form of resolutions, may be routed from this committee either through the Council or directly to the Faculty Senate Committee on Student Life for consideration for approval.
LaRuth McAfee-Graduate College
Amy Griffin-CAS
Rae Chresfield-Student Wellbeing
Graduate Student Representatives:
Eric Sterin
Ollie Carter
Masooma Sarfraz
More Information to be Announced this Fall.
Jeff Buler* | CANR / ENWC |
Deb Jaisi | CANR / PLSC |
Adil Bentahar* (sabbatical fall 2024) | CAS / ELI/AA |
Andrew Teplyakov | CAS / Chem/Biochem |
Ben Stanley (fall rep, spring alt) | CAS / English |
Cristina Guardiola-Griffiths | CAS / Languages Listeratures & Cultures |
Erica Selva | CAS / Biological Sciences |
Federica Bianco | CAS / Physics & Astronomy |
Ikem Okoye | CAS / Art History |
Jingmei Qiu | CAS / Mathematics |
Mieke Eeckhaut | CAS / Anthropology, Fashion & Apparel Studies, Sociology, Criminal Justice |
Paul Brewer | CAS / Communication |
Peter Mende-Siedlecki | CAS / Psychological & Brain Sciences |
Philip Gentry | CAS / Art, Design, Music, Theatre |
Rebecca Davis | CAS / History |
Teomara Rutherford* | CEHD / Education |
Tia Barnes | CEHD / Human Development & Family Science |
Jeremy Firestone | CEOE / Marine Science and Policy |
Lindsay Naylor* | CEOE / Geography & Spatial Sciences |
Ho Ming Chow* | CHS / CSCD |
Kimberly Walker | CHS / MMS |
Melissa Witman | CHS / KAAP |
Sharon Dudley-Brown | CHS / NURS |
Dawn Elliott | COE / BME |
Dennis Prather | COE / Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Joe Feser | COE / ME |
John Slater* | COE / Biomedical Engineering |
Mar | COE / CBE |
Mark Nejad | COE / Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Rui Zhang | COE / Computer and Information Sciences |
X. Lucas Lu | COE / ME |
Hamed Mahmudi | LCBE / Finance |
Jeremy Tobacman* | LCBE / Economics |
Kurt Norder | LCBE / Business Administration |
Michael Jung | LCBE / Accounting & MIS |
Tim Webb | LCBE / Hospitality, Sport & Business Management |
Jessica Sowa* | Biden School of Public Policy and Administration |
Kalim Shah | Biden School of Public Policy and Administration |
Lou Rossi | Ex-officio / Graduate College |
Miguel Garcia-Diaz | Ex-officio / Research |
GSG Representatives
Meredith Lewis | CANR |
Alan Parkes | CAS |
Matthew Van | Biden School of Public Administration |
Romain Richaud | CEOE |
Guba | CEHD |
Stergios Bachoumas | COE |
Kristin Kelly | CHS |
Tejas Kshemkalyani | LCBE |
Max Bobbin | Executive Council |
Council Meetings
The Council meets at least monthly during the regular fall and spring semesters. More frequent meetings can be called by a majority vote of the Graduate College Executive Committee or by petition of at least twenty percent of the Council members. Council meetings are open to all members of the College Faculty and invited guests.
The purposes of Council meetings are to:
- discuss issues relevant to all aspects of graduate education,
- develop and propose university-wide policies, which support and improve common aspects of graduate programs, for submission to the Faculty Senate, and
- approve proposed interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary graduate programs for submission to the University Faculty Senate Graduate Studies Committee.