Mathematical Sciences Learning Laboratory (MSLL)
Need Math Help?
Free math help (drop-in) is available six days a week in MSLL Open Lab. In-person help is available in Kent Dining Hall center space. Online help is available via Zoom at this link.
Spring Semester HoursFebruary 7 – May 15, 2025 |
Monday – Thursday: 1:00 – 6:00 p.m. (in person), 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. (online) Friday: 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. (in person) Sunday: 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. (online) |
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What is MSLL?
The Mathematical Sciences Learning Laboratory (MSLL) is an initiative of the College of Arts and Sciences led by the Math Department that represents a new model for teaching and learning in undergraduate mathematics courses.
MSLL represents a serious and committed effort by the College and Department to improve teaching and learning in the foundational courses at UD. Currently, Math 010: Intermediate Algebra, Math 115: Pre-Calculus, and Math 231/232: An Integrated Approach to Calculus are being offered in MSLL.
MSLL offers Open Lab time for students looking for a welcoming environment to work on and study math. Free math tutoring is available during Open Lab time for the following courses:
Our People
All Results
Dawn Berk
Associate Professor
MSLL, Director5 Courtney St., Room 202
Phone: (302) 831-6813
Email: berk@udel.edu
The MSLL Approach
Our teaching model emphasizes active learning using evidence-based teaching strategies. Some key elements of the MSLL approach are:
MSLL consists of a large Problem-based Learning (PBL) classroom, a Testing Lab, and faculty offices, all located in one center. In addition to class times, MSLL is open for "Open Lab" 6 days a week, for about 30-35 hours per week. Open Lab is a time when students can drop in to work on their math homework, study for math exams, and/or receive free math tutoring from undergraduate math/math education majors on staff.
The core MSLL faculty have collaboratively developed instructional activities for each class session of each course. These activities define exactly what mathematical problems will be worked on during each class and are designed to support students' conceptual understanding, problem solving skills, and ability to communicate about mathematics. Using a shared curriculum allows for a level of coherence and consistency across sections that is atypical of most multi-section courses. Moreover, implementing a shared curriculum in every section of the course enables us to study the effects of the course (rather than the individual instructors) over time.
Class time is spent providing students with opportunities to be active learners where they can grapple with key mathematical ideas, communicate mathematically, and develop conceptual understanding of the topics they are learning. Students work in groups of 2 to 6, solving and discussing math problems while the instructor and classroom assistant circulate around the room, probing student thinking and providing guidance. Lecture is kept to a minimum.
Since limited class time is spent on procedural skills, students need a chance to practice and hone these skills outside of the classroom. We use an adaptive learning technology (ALEKS) to provide individualized support to students.
Testing at MSLL is different than in a traditional math course. Working from the idea that more frequent, lower-stakes assessments are better for learning, students take four semester exams – two computer exams and two written exams. The computer exams focus primarily on procedural fluency and are taken within the same learning platform (ALEKS or WebAssign) that students use for homework. These exams are administered during “exam weeks” in the MSLL Testing Lab. Students schedule their exam time based on what works best for their schedule and their individual preferences. To promote mastery and success, students may have a second attempt during an exam “retake week,” with the higher of their two scores counting. The two written exams consist primarily of free-response questions and focus on conceptual understanding and problem-solving. The final exam consists of both a computer portion and a written portion, with students having the opportunity for a second attempt of the computer portion.
We engage in continuous design cycles to systematically improve the courses over time. Each semester, we revisit and adjust the learning goals, revise the classroom activities, and assessments, and rethink MSLL policies and procedures. This work is enabled by our use of a shared curriculum. Having shared experiences of enacting the same instructional activities in each section of our courses enables us to test multiple implementations of the activities in a single semester and to have more productive conversations about what worked, what didn't work, and why.