Mathematical Sciences

A photo of students completing a math equation on a blackboard

Where Numbers Meet Innovation



The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Delaware offers undergraduate and graduate programs in mathematics, applied mathematics, economics, secondary math education and more. Our world-class faculty are dedicated to providing students with a rigorous education, cutting-edge research opportunities, and personalized mentoring. Students gain analytical and problem-solving skills for successful careers in academia, industry, and government. Discover the power and beauty of mathematics at UD.



  • Our f​​​​​​​​aculty do cutting-edge research, publishing over 100 papers per year in refereed journals and conference proceedings. 

  • The department is helping to train the next generation of mathematicians, awarding approximately eight doctoral degrees, 12 master's degrees, and 65 bachelor's degrees each year.
  • Most of our graduate students are funded as teaching assistants, and we are constantly improving the training we provide on how to teach effectively. Students aiming for academic careers have the opportunity to serve as instructor of record.

Latest News
  • Campus building

    College of Arts and Sciences Announces New Faculty & Chairs

    August 26, 2024 | Written by Hilary Douwes
    The College of Arts and Sciences ushers in the new academic year with two new department chairs, 12 newly named professors and 27 new faculty members.
  • Forging STEM’S next generation

    August 15, 2024 | Written by Erica K. Brockmeier
    Inaugural summer outreach program hosted by UD’s Center for Hybrid, Active, and Responsive Materials (CHARM) provides local high school students, teachers with hands-on experience across a variety of STEM fields.
  • For the Love of Math

    May 30, 2024 | Written by Brenda Lange
    Jenna Paltenstein has always loved mathematics and sharing that love with others

Upcoming Events

Seminars and Colloquia


​The Department of Mathematical Sciences hosts a regular series of seminars and colloquia in the mathematical sciences and in the teaching and learning of mathematics. 

  • Analysis
  • Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Medicine and Biology
  • Departmental Colloquia
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Hallenbeck Graduate Student Seminar
  • Mathematics Education Seminar
  • Mathematics of Quantum Science
  • Numerical Analysis and PDE
  • Probability and Stochastic Processes
  • Teaching Seminar

Working together to ensure your success

Mathematical Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences | University of Delaware
Mathematical Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences | University of Delaware