Math Placement Assessment

Math Placement Assessment

The purpose of the Math Placement Assessment (MPA) is to make sure that students begin their mathematical studies at UD in a course for which ​​they are prepared and in which they can succeed. In that spirit, you cannot register for a course with a higher MPA threshold than the score you have earned.

The math placement assessment is not a pass-or-fail assessment. Your performance on the MPA does not affect your admission to UD. If your score does not meet the desired threshold, you may attempt the math placement assessment again (up to 3 times total) to improve the result, and the MPA computer program (ALEKS) provides opportunities to study between attempts.

The Mathematical Sciences department only administers the MPA, and we have posted some limited information about course sequencing. If you have questions about which course to actually take, how your placement will affect progress through your major, etc., you should contact your advisor.​

Your Math Placement Score is Important

You will receive instructions on your student portal to schedule the math placement assessment​.​ You can take this assessment more than once.

It would be best if you strived for the preferred score (or higher) associated with the entry-level math course required for your major. If you cannot achieve the preferred score, aim for the score associated with an "acceptable course" or "preparatory course."  

Do the best you can, recognizing it is best to enroll in an appropriate math course aligned with your skills.  

You will discuss your options with your adviser during New Student Orientation or when you have your next appointment. 

Almost all majors require at least one math course. Entry-level math courses require a certain math placement score in order to enroll.


Fall 2025

Starting Fall 2024, these will be the Math Placement goals.​

​Associated Math Course(s)​​

​Minimum Score Required on Math Placement
Math 010: Interme​diate Algebra (non-college credit) or Math 113: Contemporary Mathematics No minimum requirement
Math 114: College Mathematics and S​​tatistics
35 or above
Math 167: Integrated Precalculus with Algebra 40 or above
Math 115: Precalculus 45 or above
Math 117: Precalculus for Scientists and Engineers or Math 231: Integrated Calculus IA 60 or above
Math 221: Calculus I 65 or above
Math 241: Analytic Geometry and Calculus A 75 or above​​



To determine the math placement goal and entry math course needed for your major, you need to have the name of your major and its associated college.

Math courses required​ by college and major

To verify if the course you took as dual enrollment will exempt you from taking the Math Placement Test, please follow the steps below. 

  1. Is the college course you took currently on the matrix
  2. If the course is not on the matrix, please have it evaluated using this link.
  3. If the course is on the matrix: 
  • The course transfers as MATH166DE, MATH266DE, STAT200 or UNIV166DE. You need to take the Math Placement Test.
  • The course transfers as MATH113. You need to take the Math Placement Test UNLESS this course satisfies the requirement of your major. You can verify if MATH113 satisfies the requirement of your major by using the UD academic catalog
  • ​The course transfers as MATH114, MATH115, MATH117, MATH221, MATH231 or MATH241. There is no need to take the Math Placement Test, but you may need to take more math courses to satisfy the requirements of your major. See Math credit transfer policy for more info. Please discuss with your advisor and keep in mind that you must get at least a C- for the course to transfer.

There is no written confirmation sent or needed for exemption.

Incoming student - If the credits for the course you are transferring have not yet been posted to your profile and you need to meet with your advisor to pick classes, please have an unofficial copy of your transcript available. Your advisor will be able to use the transcript to verify your credits and register you for your classes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, unless by the due date you have:

  • Received test credit for a UD course by earning a score of 5 on an AP Calculus or Precalculus exam, a score of 4 or higher on an IB math exam, or the minimum score required on a CLEP mathematics exam. (Scores for exams taken this year typically arrive after your NSO appointment, so in that case you should take the math placement assessment. Your advisor can change your registration later if you achieve a high enough score.)
  • Received transfer credit (from other colleges, or dual enrollment programs in high schools) for any UD MATH course other than 166DE or 266DE.

If you are a fall 2025 incoming student, the assessment will open at the beginning of April. You will receive instructions on your student portal to schedule the math placement assessment​.​ Please have all attempts completed by June 20th.

All attempts must be scheduled with a live proctor since they have the password for the assessment​. If you are an incoming student, you should have received an email with instructions at your personal email address (non UD).

You can schedule an in-person test at one of our 3 testing centers located in Delaware.

If you are unable to schedule the test at one of our testing centers, please send an email including your UDID# to ​

The math placement assessment is administered on a computer using an adaptive program called ALEKS. It covers many major areas of high school mathematics, such as algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, and trigonometry. You may not use any notes or outside resources. ALEKS will make a calculator available when the question requires it. It will not be available at all times. The goal of the assessment is to ascertain your mathematical skills which include the ability to do math operations without the assistance of a calculator.​

You will be allowed 2 hours to complete the assessment​.

To prepare for the math placement assessment, you should consider revisiting important concepts from their high school classes of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, algebra 2, and/or precalculus. You are not expected to master concepts that you have not studied. We use the ALEKS placement system to place you into the math course that matches your incoming knowledge level so that you will be successful.

If you want to prepare for the math placement assessment, review the list of topics below and complete related practice problems to refresh your memory. There are many online resources available to review and practice relevant topics; use Google or other search engines to find relevant resources.

After your first attempt, you will have access to the ALEKS Prep and Learning Module, which creates a personalized review for you based on the result of your first attempt.

General list of topics for the placement assessment:

  • Whole Numbers, Fractions, and Decimals
  • Percents, Proportions, and Geometry
  • Signed Numbers, Linear Equations and Inequalities
  • Lines and Systems of Linear Equations
  • Relations and Functions
  • Exponents (integer and rational)
  • Factoring
  • Quadratic and Polynomial Functions
  • Rational Expressions and Functions
  • Radicals and Rational Exponents
  • Exponentials and Logarithms
  • Trigonometry

Please contact Disability Support Services to discuss the procedure for obtaining an assessment accommodation. It is best to complete this process BEFORE your first attempt, so you should contact them as soon as possible after matriculation.

Yes. We will accept new scores while assessments are ongoing but cannot guarantee you a seat in your desired math class. Moreover, certain majors require you to be enrolled in a particular math class in order to register for their core classes so delay will affect your enrollment in those classes as well.

Keep in mind that your ALEKS account expires 1 year after your original login. Please contact the Mathematical Sciences department to request a new account. You will need to pay a fee for the new account.  

​Check ​​if your score is high enough to enroll in your desired math course, the placement goals are on this page listed by threshold goals and goals dependent on specific majors. If so, you do not need to take additional attempts unless there are circumstances (change of major, etc) where you may need a higher-level math course in the future.

​If your score is not high enough, then you may make additional attempts (up to three total).

  • ​Subsequent attempts are scheduled using the same protocol as for the first; follow the instructions in the student portal.
  • There must be 48 hours between attempts.
  • Your highest score will be used to determine your placement.

You will spend time in a Prep and Learning (P&L) module in ALEKS to better prepare for the additional attempts.

  • If your goal is to enroll in MATH 114, MATH 115, or MATH 231, choose "Prep for Pre-calculus". If your goal is to enroll in a MATH 221 or MATH 241, choose "Prep for Calculus". NOTE: Once you make the choice, you cannot change it! ​
  • You must spend at least 5 hours in P&L between MPA attempts.

The 5-hour limit is the BARE MINIMUM that you should spend in P&L. Your focus should be to fill in your Learning Pie as completely as possible before your next attempt. To work efficiently, focus on the topics where the Learning Pie is not filled in very much.

If you cannot achieve a high enough score to enroll in the math course you need, you will need to complete a course for which you have met the threshold to prepare you for your desired course.​

You can access ALEKS through the original link you use to complete the test on your first attempt.

Here is the link for your convenience: Math Placement Assessment​.

View specific instructions on how to a​ccess the Prep & Learning Module.

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