Student Clubs & Activities

Build Your Credentials

At the University of Delaware, communication students can build professional skills through a variety of on-campus opportunities. They have access to state-of-the-art facilities and equipment where they can practice the techniques of video production, television production, and broadcasting. This includes a student television studio, a media production lab, a campus/community radio station, and an independent, student-run newspaper. They also serve as public relations practitioners and as oral communications consultants who tutor fellow students in public speaking.

The work you do outside the classroom is what helps you get your foot in the door.

- Stella Galli, AS23 2022-2023 PRSSA Chapter President and Oral Communication Consultant

What is Lambda Pi Eta?

Lambda Pi Eta is the National Communication Honor Society of the National Communication Association. A member of the Association of College Honor Societies, it was founded in 1985 at the University of Arkansas. The goals of Lambda Pi Eta are:

  • to recognize, foster and reward outstanding scholastic achievement in communication studies
  • to stimulate interest in the field of communication
  • to promote and encourage professional development among communication majors
  • to provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas in the field of communication
  • to establish and maintain closer relationships between faculty and students
  • to explore options for graduate education in communication studies

There are over 400 chapters located worldwide.

Who is eligible to join?

Requirements for the individual student include:

  1. Completion of at least 60 semester hours (or at least 90 quarter credit hours in college)
  2. Admittance in the communication major
  3. Completion of at least 12 semester hours (or at least 18 quarter credit hours) of communication study
  4. A cumulative GPA of at least 3.5
  5. A communication studies GPA of at least 3.25
  6. Current enrollment as a student in good standing
  7. Commitment to the field of communication

What is the cost of membership?

There is a one-time $30 membership fee in Lambda Pi Eta.  This includes the cost of your membership pin and certificate.  Also, there are local UD chapter dues in the amount of $20.

What are some benefits of my membership?

Lambda Pi Eta members can become members of the National Communication Association, receive honor cords, build their resume with service activities and professional experience, submit their papers for presentation, apply for awards, hold a national officer position, and attend and participate in regional and national conventions.

How is the chapter structured?

Each chapter must have a faculty adviser.  The faculty adviser's primary duties are to check grade requirement eligibility of potential members, assist the chapter in carrying out its activities, submit orders to the national office, oversee the induction ceremony, and to keep correspondence with the National Communication Association.

Chapters typically elect the following student officers: president, vice president, secretary and/or treasurer.

What does a chapter have to do?

Minimally, a chapter must submit a chapter report to the national office in the spring of each year. There are no specific requirements for the chapter report; however, it should include information about the chapter's activities.  The more effort put into the chapter, the more members will benefit. Some activities include holding a regular scheduled meeting (some with speakers), fundraising events, participation at regional and national conventions, submitting application for Lambda Pi Eta awards, nominating members for student officer positions, attending induction ceremonies for new members each semester and much more.

Visit UD's Lambda Pi Eta Chapter

Interested in becoming an oral communication consultant?

Oral communication consultants assist fellow students with speech organization and presentation. OCCs enjoy and excel at public speaking and multimodal presentations. Make an appointment with an OCC if you are working on a speech or presentation of any kind. 

The paid, part-time positions with the University Writing Center are available to communication majors who have completed COMM351, a required training class offered by invitation only. Communication majors who have taken COMM 212, Public Speaking & Professional Presentation, will receive an invitation to interview for and take COMM351. 

visit the University Writing Center

Public Relations Student Society of America, Delaware Chapter

The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) is the foremost organization for students interested in public relations and communication. As a national pre-professional society, PRSSA is made up of more than 11,000 students in 300+ chapters at universities across the United States and Argentina. PRSSA helps you enhance your education, broaden your network, and launch your career in public relations. Membership in PRSSA provides many benefits to students like you:

  • Networking
  • Internships
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Events & conferences
  • Scholarships & awards

The PRSSA chapter at the University of Delaware aims to provide members with practical public relations experience and hands-on, outside-the-classroom opportunities to prepare for their future careers. Aside from real-world exposure to public relations, members gain valuable professional development skills that will launch them into a successful career in any industry. Through PRSSA-UD, members can benefit from:

  • General meetings featuring public relations professionals
  • Skill slams on professional development tools
  • Mentorship from professionals and upperclassmen
  • Field trips to public relations firms & related businesses
  • Networking opportunities
  • Client work, writing samples & other portfolio pieces
  • Resume builders
  • And much more!

Visit UD's PRSSA Chapter

Do you have a passion for storytelling?

Consider joining The Review's staff. Applications typically open at the beginning of each semester; contact

The Review is the independent student newspaper of the University of Delaware. Since 1882, it has served as a voice for UD students and strived to provide timely, accurate and insightful information about the university and the surrounding community.

Founded as a monthly publication called the Delaware College Review, the paper now publishes an issue three to four times per semester. In addition, it provides daily updates and multimedia content through The print edition is distributed for free on campus and around the city of Newark.

visit the Review

Join STN49

STN49 is UD's student-run television network, with locations at Pearson Hall and on East Main Street. Students broadcast to the UD community in a wide variety of weekly shows. There are many opportunities available, and interested students can gain first-hand experience in production, writing, broadcasting, editing, and camera operation.


Join WVUD Radio

WVUD, the Voice of the University of Delaware, is the University's non-commercial educational radio station. WVUD has a triple mission:

  • To serve the University of Delaware
  • To serve Newark, our city of license, and
  • To train students interested in broadcasting

WVUD's offices and studios are located in the Perkins Student Center.

visit WVUD Radio