Support our department

Nicole Travis, University of Delaware student and executive producer of STN49 News, stands in front of a camera inside the STN studio.
As the executive producer of STN49 news, University of Delaware communication student Nicole Travis prepares for the next broadcast.

How to Support the Communication Department

With help from donors, the Department of Communication recently renovated the space and updated equipment at UD's Student Television Network (STN). By donating to the Department of Communication at the University of Delaware, you are supporting the next generation of communication scholars.

Your donation to one of the following funds can greatly impact educational and research programs at many levels. Your donation to one of the following funds can support unpaid internships, student travel to conferences, on-campus events and workshops, and student research, and many other priorities:

  • Department of Communication – Supports the Department's mission of providing high quality education and experiences to students. This fund supports things like on-campus events for students and alumni, student awards and scholarships, equipment for labs and courses, and other student enhancement expenses such as meet-and-greets, workshops, and speaker series for career development.
  • Transformational Learning Fund – Supports students who have unpaid internships, student research, equipment and materials for student projects, and student travel for professional development opportunities.
  • The Initiative on Free and Responsible Expression – Supports research and public engagement activities about issues where free expression conflicts with other important values, including hate speech, misinformation, and the quality of public discourse. 

If you have any questions about supporting the Department of Communication, please contact the Office of Annual Giving at or call 866-535-4504.