Kami Silk

Kami Silk

Chair of Communication
Rosenberg Professor of Communication

Office: 250 Pearson Hall


  • Ph.D. – University of Georgia
  • M.A. – Bloomsburg University
  • B.A. – Bloomsburg University


Kami Silk, (Ph.D., University of Georgia) is a Rosenberg Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Communication at the University of Delaware. She previously served as the senior associate dean for research in the College of Communication Arts and Sciences and professor in the Department of Communication and AgBioResearch at Michigan State University.

Silk is a health communication scholar who investigates how to communicate effectively to promote positive health outcomes among the lay public. Her recent research has focused on the health issues of breast cancer risk reduction, suicide prevention, social norms, and improving nutritional practices among adolescent mothers for obesity reduction. Her research has been published in the Journal of Health CommunicationHealth CommunicationSocial Science & MedicineJournal of Nutrition Education & Behavior, and Health Promotion & Practice.

Silk is a researcher with the Breast Cancer and Environment Research where she serves as the principal investigator of two National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences grants and as a co-investigator of another breast cancer project. Her BCERP work includes communication science research and outreach activities to educate girls, parents, and pediatric health care providers about the links between the environment and breast cancer.

Media mentions
  • Trailblazing Scholars

    June 12, 2023 | Written by Stephanie Doroba
    UD grads set high bar as first to earn doctorates in communication
  • Vaccine Hesitancy

    January 21, 2022 | Written by Ann Manser
    Health communication scholars at UD investigate attitudes, demographics
  • Discovering Delaware

    March 22, 2021 | Written by Chris Kelley
    Communication majors use senior research project to showcase the First State