Qingwu (William) Meng
Qingwu (William) Meng
Office location:
160 Townsend Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Resources and links
- Ph.D. – Horticulture – Michigan State University
- M.S. – Horticulture – Michigan State University
- B.E. – Agricultural Structural Environmental and Energy Engineering & B.A. – English (double major) – China Agricultural University
Current courses
- PLSC167010 – Growing Plants in Space
- PLSC321 – Hydroponic Food Production
- PLSC467010 – Controlled Environment Crop Physiology and Technology
- PLSC667010 – Controlled Environment Crop Physiology and Technology
- PLSC865 – Seminar: Plant and Soil Interfaces
In the Delaware Indoor Ag Lab (DIAL), my research group works on a wide range of specialty crops in soilless culture (e.g., hydroponics), including leafy greens, culinary herbs, microgreens, small fruiting crops, and floriculture crops. Our environmental plant physiology research aims to improve efficiency and value of specialty crop production in controlled environments, including indoor facilities and greenhouses. My research program focuses on the optimization of environmental factors (e.g., light, carbon dioxide, and temperature) and root-zone factors (e.g., nutrient solution concentration and composition) relevant to plant photosynthesis, morphology, phytochemical production, and quality traits. My horticultural lighting research uses color-tunable light-emitting diode (LED) fixtures for indoor studies and dimmable LED grow lights for greenhouse studies. Strategic delivery of energy, water, and nutrients based on plant responses can increase resource use efficiency.
Professional activities
- Member, American Society for Horticultural Science
- Member, International Society for Horticultural Science
- Member, AmericanHort
- Member, Committee on Controlled Environment Technology and Use (NCERA-101)
- Member, Multistate Research Project on Resource Optimization in Controlled Environment Agriculture (NE-1835/2335)