Deb Jaisi
Deb Jaisi
Office location:
472 Harker ISE Lab
Newark, DE 19716
Resources and links
- Postdoc – Yale University, New Haven, CT
- Ph.D. – Miami University, Oxford, OH
- M.S. – Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
- M.S. – Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
Current courses
- PLSC405 – Environmental Forensics and Society
- PLSC445 – Biogeochemical Cycling of Nutrients
- PLSC645 – Biogeochemical Cycling of Nutrients
The Environmental Biogeochemistry Laboratory (EBL) focuses research on biogeochemical processes revolving around phosphorus (P) under three axes: i) P as an essential nutrient for all living beings, ii) P as a contaminant to open waters, and iii) P as a biocidal agent (e.g., herbicide). EBL research is carried over a trillion-fold scale range, from chemical bond formation/cleavage to micro-macro scale processes in soil and sediment and to landscape and ecosystem processes. The ecosystem-scale research seeks to address questions on source, sink, transformation, and internal cycling of phosphorus in terrestrial and coastal environments.
Professional Activities
- Member, Sigma Xi Society
- Member, American Geophysical Union
- Member, Geological Society of America
- Member, Soil Science Society of America