Center for Food Systems and Sustainability
Edible Forest Garden: youtube.com/watch?v=U7-Zi0JH0jg
Supported by a seed grant from the Center for Food Systems and Sustainability (CENFOODS), the edible forest garden is the culmination of a group effort from students, faculty and staff across five colleges and the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension.
Welcome to the Center for Food Systems and Sustainability (CENFOODS) at the University of Delaware. Our overarching aim is to position UD as an emergent leader in sustainable food production. The goals of CENFOODS are to coordinate, integrate and enhance UD’s research, teaching and outreach efforts on the sustainability of food production and surrounding ecosystems.
The ability to sustainably produce healthy and safe food for a growing population is one of the most urgent issues facing the world today. Moreover, as the population increases, there will be more strain on the built environment and without careful planning will result in increased pollution of critical resources including soil, water, and food. The development of solutions to this complex issue requires an approach that transcends traditional disciplines. CENFOODS serves as the nexus for an integrated and coordinated research, education, and extension program.
Meet the people who make up CENFOODS, including experts from across five colleges within the University of Delaware.
Undergraduate Internships
CENFOODS funds undergraduate research and extension internships in food systems and sustainability.

Research and extension
In addition to an internship program, the center integrates research, education, and community outreach.