Greg Shriver
Greg Shriver
Office location:
531 S. College Avenue
257 Townsend Hall
Newark, DE 19716
- Ph.D. Environmental Forest Biology, State University of New York, 2002
- M.S. Wildlife Conservation, University of Massachusetts, 1996
- B.S. Wildlife Management, University of Maine, 1991
Regular courses taught
- ENWC – 418/618 Ornithology, Spring
- ENWC – 456/656 Conservation Biology, Fall
- Avian ecology and conservation
- Ecological monitoring
- Restoration ecology
- Effects of sea-level rise on salt marsh birds
Professional affiliations
- Elected member, American Ornithologists Union, 2010
- Elected Fellow, American Ornithologist Union, 2020
- Council member, Association of Field Ornithologists, 2008-2010
- Treasurer, Association of Field Ornithologists, 2008-2016
17. Hailey Glaskow. Using drones and FLIR cameras to monitor marsh bird demographics.
16. Hannah Redmond. Forest breeding bird occupancy and extinction in Mid-Atlantic National Parks. M.S. Wildlife Ecology
15. Arthur Sanchez. Factors influencing Saltmarsh and Seaside Sparrow fecundity. M.S. Wildlife Ecology
14. Lisa Elizondo. Clapper rail demography and genomics. PhD Wildlife Ecology.
13. Tim Freiday. 2017. Developing an adaptive sampling scheme for secretive marsh birds. M.S. Wildlife Ecology.
12. Sam Roberts. 2016. Nesting ecology of Saltmarsh and Seaside sparrows in New Jersey. M.S. Wildlife Ecology.
11. Solny Adalsteinsson. 2016. The influence of urban forest characteristics on tick-borne disease dynamics. Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology (Co-advised Buler and Shriver).
10. Whitney A. Wiest. 2015. The future of tidal marsh birds in the northeast: Conservation planning in response to predicted sea level rise. Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology.
9. Zach Ladin. 2015. Impacts of urbanization and forest fragmentation on a breeding population of wood thrush in Newark, DE. Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology.
8. Rebecca A. Kern. 2015. Population regulation of sympatirc tidal marsh sparrows with divergent life histories. Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology.
7. Christine Rega. 2012. Multi-trophic effects of soil calcium availability in urban forest fragments. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology. Currently employment: PhD student, University of Missouri.
6. Judith I. Keller. 2012. Prevalence of Campylobacter in Wild Birds of Delmarva. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology. Current employment: PhD student, University of Vermont.
5. Rebecca A. Kern. 2010. Secretive marsh bird response to prescribed fire frequencies in Mid-Atlantic tidal marshes. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology. Current employment: PhD student, University of Delaware.
4. Whitney A. Wiest. 2010. Development of avian rapid assessment metrics to monitor salt marsh integrity. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology. Current employment: PhD student, University of Delaware.
3. Sarah E. Goodwin. 2009. Patch, landscape, and soundscape effects on the forest bird community in the National Parks of the National Capital Region. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology. Current employment: PhD student, University of Massachusetts.
2. Sarah E. Warner. 2009. Effects of direct and indirect habitat alterations on tidal marsh sparrows in Delaware Bay. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology. Current employment: Biologist, United States Fish and Wildlife Service.
1. Pepper, Margaret A. 2008. Salt marsh bird community responses to open marsh water management. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology. Currently employment: Biologist, USDA-APHIS.
Generally, GWS appears as second author if publication is a mentored student project.
96. Ruskin, K. J., G. Herring, C. A. Eagles-Smith, A. B. Eiklor, C. S. Elphick, M. A. Etterson, C. R. Field, R. A. Longenecker, A. I. Kovach, W. Gregory Shriver, J. Walsh, and B. J. Olsen. 2021. Mercury exposure of tidal marsh songbirds in the northeastern United States and its association with nest survival. Ecotoxicology.
95. Sayers, C. J., M. R. Roeder, L. M. Forrette, D. Roche, G. L. B. Dupont, S. E. Apgar, A. R. Kocek, A. M. Cook, W. G. Shriver, C. S. Elphick, B. Olsen, and D. N. Bonter. 2021. Geographic variation of mercury in breeding tidal marsh sparrows of the northeastern United States. Ecotoxicology 30:1929–1940.
94. Roberts, S. G., Thoma, D. P., Perkins, D. W., Tymkiw, E. L., Ladin, Z. S., & Shriver, W. G. 2021. A habitat-based approach to determining the effects of drought on aridland bird communities. Ornithology, 138(3). https://doi.org/10.1093/ORNITHOLOGY/UKAB028
93. Stanley, C. Q., Dudash, M. R., Ryder, T. B., Shriver, W. G., & Marra, P. P. 2021. Variable tropical moisture and food availability underlie mixed winter space-use strategies in a migratory songbird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 288(1955). https://doi.org/10.1098/RSPB.2021.1220
92. Stanley, C. Q., Dudash, M. R., Ryder, T. B., Shriver, W. G., Serno, K., Adalsteinsson, S., & Marra, P. P. 2021. Seasonal variation in habitat selection for a Neotropical migratory songbird using high-resolution GPS tracking. Ecosphere, 12(3), e03421. https://doi.org/10.1002/ECS2.3421
91. Klingbeil, B. T., J. B. Cohen, M. D. Correll, C. R. Field, T. P. Hodgman, A. I. Kovach, E. E. Lentz, B. J. Olsen, W. G. Shriver, W. A. Wiest, and C. S. Elphick. 2021. High uncertainty over the future of tidal marsh birds under current sea-level rise projections. Biodiversity and Conservation 30:431–443.
90. Tallamy, D. W., and W. G. Shriver. 2021. Are declines in insects and insectivorous birds related? Ornithological Applications 123:1–8.
89. Ladin, Z. S., B. Ferrell, J. T. Dums, R. M. Moore, D. F. Levia, W. G. Shriver, V. D. Amico, T. L. E. Trammell, J. C. Setubal, and K. E. Wommack. 2021. Assessing the efficacy of eDNA metabarcoding for measuring microbial biodiversity within forest ecosystems. Scientific Reports:1–14.
88. Shriver, W. G., Z. S. Ladin, J. Buler, and V. D’Amico. 2020. Non-native shrubs and calcium availability are important for birds breeding in urban forests. Urban Ecosystems.
87. Marshall, H., E. J. Blomberg, V. Watson, M. Conway, J. B. Cohen, M. D. Correll, C. S. Elphick, T. P. Hodgman, A. R. Kocek, A. I. Kovach, W. G. Shriver, W. A. Wiest, and B. J. Olsen. 2020. Habitat openness and edge avoidance predict Saltmarsh Sparrow abundance better than habitat area. The Condor 122:1–13.
86. Ladin, Z. S., W. A. Wiest, M. D. Correll, E. L. Tymkiw, M. Conway, B. J. Olsen, C. S. Elphick, W. L. Thompson, and W. G. Shriver. 2020. Detection of local-scale population declines through optimized tidal marsh bird monitoring design. Global Ecology and Conservation 23:e01128. Elsevier.
85. Field, C. R., K. J. Ruskin, J. B. Cohen, T. P. Hodgman, A. I. Kovach, B. J. Olsen, W. G. Shriver, and C. S. Elphick. 2019. Framework for quantifying population responses to disturbance reveals that coastal birds are highly resilient to hurricanes. Ecology Letters 22:2039–2048.
84. Landsman, A. P., Z. S. Ladin, D. Gardner, J. L. Bowman, G. Shriver, V. D’Amico, and D. A. Delaney. 2019. Local landscapes and microhabitat characteristics are important determinants of urban–suburban forest bee communities. Ecosphere 10.
83. Olsen, B. J., J. L. Froehly, A. C. Borowske, C. S. Elphick, C. R. Field, A. R. Kocek, A. I. Kovach, R. A. Longenecker, W. G. Shriver, J. Walsh, and K. J. Ruskin. 2019. A test of a corollary of Allen’s rule suggests a role for population density. Journal of Avian Biology
82. Walsh, J., P. M. Benham, P. E. Deane-Coe, P. Arcese, B. G. Butcher, Y. L. Chan, Z. A. Cheviron, C. S. Elphick, A. I. Kovach, B. J. Olsen, W. G. Shriver, V. L. Winder, and I. J. Lovette. 2019. Genomics of rapid ecological divergence and parallel adaptation in four tidal marsh sparrows. Evolution Letters 3:324–338.
81. Correll, M. D., C. S. Elphick, W. Hantson, B. B. Cline, E. L. Tymkiw, W. Gregory Shriver, and B. J. Olsen. 2019. A multi-scale comparison of elevation measurement methods in northeastern tidal marshes of the United States. Wetlands 39:633–643. Springer Netherlands.
80. Roberts, S. G., R. A. Longenecker, M. A. Etterson, C. S. Elphick, B. J. Olsen, and W. G. Shriver. 2019. Preventing local extinctions of tidal marsh endemic Seaside Sparrows and Saltmarsh Sparrows in eastern North America. Condor 121.
79. Wiest, W. A., M. D. Correll, B. G. Marcot, B. J. Olsen, C. S. Elphick, T. P. Hodgman, G. R. Guntenspergen, and W. G. Shriver. 2019. Estimates of tidal-marsh bird densities using Bayesian networks. The Journal of Wildlife Management 83:109–120. Wiley-Blackwell.
78. Hiltpold, I., and W. G. Shriver. 2018. Birds Bug on Indirect Plant Defenses to Locate Insect Prey. Journal of Chemical Ecology 44, 1- 4.
77. Wiest, W. A., M. D. Correll, B. G. Marcot, B. J. Olsen, C. S. Elphick, T. P. Hodgman, G. R. Guntenspergen, and W. G. Shriver. 2018. Estimates of tidal-marsh bird densities using Bayesian networks. The Journal of Wildlife Management. http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/jwmg.21567.
76. Correll, M. D., W. A. Wiest, T. P. Hodgman, J. T. Kelley, B. J. Mcgill, C. S. Elphick, W. G. Shriver, M. Conway, C. R. Field, and B. J. Olsen. 2018. A Pleistocene disturbance event describes modern diversity patterns in tidal marsh birds. Ecography 41:684–694.
75. Correll, M. D., W. Hantson, T. P. Hodgman, B. B. Cline, C. S. Elphick, W. Gregory Shriver, E. L. Tymkiw, and B. J. Olsen. 2018. Fine-Scale Mapping of Coastal Plant Communities in the Northeastern USA. Wetlands2018:1–12.
74. Adalsteinsson, S. A., W. G. Shriver, A. Hojgaard, J. L. Bowman, D. Brisson, V. D’Amico, and J. J. Buler. 2018. Multiflora rose invasion amplifies prevalence of Lyme disease pathogen, but not necessarily Lyme disease risk. Parasites and Vectors 11:54. BioMed Central.
73. Longenecker, R. A., J. L. Bowman, B. J. Olsen, S. G. Roberts, C. S. Elphick, P. M. Castelli, and W. Gregory Shriver. 2018. Short-Term Resilience of New Jersey Tidal Marshes to Hurricane Sandy. Wetlands, 38:1–11.
72. Ladin, Z. S., S. Van Nieuland, S. A. Adalsteinsson, V. D’Amico, J. L. Bowman, J. J. Buler, J. M. Baetens, B. De Baets, and W. G. Shriver. 2018. Differential post-fledging habitat use of Nearctic-Neotropical migratory birds within an urbanized landscape. Movement Ecology 6:17.
71. Adalsteinsson, S. A., J. J. Buler, J. L. Bowman, V. D’Amico, Z. S. Ladin, and W. G. Shriver. 2018. Post-independence mortality of juveniles is driven by anthropogenic hazards for two passerines in an urban landscape. Journal of Avian Biology 49:e01555.
70. Ruskin, K. J., M. A. Etterson, T. P. Hodgman, A. C. Borowske, J. B. Cohen, C. S. Elphick, C. R. Field, R. A. Longenecker, E. King, A. R. Kocek, A. I. Kovach, K. M. O’Brien, N. Pau, W. G. Shriver, J. Walsh, and B. J. Olsen. 2017. Demographic analysis demonstrates systematic but independent spatial variation in abiotic and biotic stressors across 59 percent of a global species range. The Auk 134:903–916.
69. Sadoti, G., A. L. Jones, W. G. Shriver, and P. D. Vickery. 2017. Employing landscape metrics in an open population model to estimate demographic parameters of a grassland bird. Landscape Ecology 32:1553–1562.
68. Walsh, J., I. J. Lovette, V. Winder, C. S. Elphick, B. J. Olsen, G. Shriver, and A. I. Kovach. 2017. Subspecies delineation amid phenotypic, geographic and genetic discordance in a songbird. Molecular Ecology 26:1242–1255.
67. Field, C. R., K. J. Ruskin, B. Benvenuti, A. C. Borowske, J. B. Cohen, L. Garey, T. P. Hodgman, R. A. Longenecker, E. King, A. R. Kocek, A. I. Kovach, K. M. O’Brien, B. J. Olsen, N. Pau, S. G. Roberts, E. Shelly, W. G. Shriver, J. Walsh, and C. S. Elphick. 2017. Quantifying the importance of geographic replication and representativeness when estimating demographic rates, using a coastal species as a case study. Ecography 41:971–981.
66. Walsh, J., I. J. Lovette, V. Winder, C. S Elphick, B. J. Olsen, W. G. Shriver, A. I. Kovach. 2017. Subspecies delineation amid phenotypic, geographic and genetic discordance in a songbird. Molecular Ecology
65. Walsh, J., W. G. Shriver, M. D. Correll, B. J. Olsen, C. S. Elphick, T. P. Hodgman. 2017. Temporal shifts in the saltmarsh–Nelson’s sparrow hybrid zone revealed by replicated demographic and genetic surveys. Conservation Genetics 1–14
64. Walsh, J., R. J. Rowe, B. J. Olsen, W. G. Shriver, A. I. Kovach. 2016. Genotype‐environment associations support a mosaic hybrid zone between two tidal marsh birds. Ecology and evolution 6: 279–294.
63. Ladin, Z.S., V. D’Amico, J. M. Baetens, R. R. Roth, W. G. Shriver. 2016. Predicting Metapopulation Responses to Conservation in Human-Dominated Landscapes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4:1–12.
62. Ladin, Z. S., V. D’Amico, J. M. Baetens, R. R. Roth, and W. G. Shriver. 2016. Long-term dynamics in local host-parasite interactions linked to regional population trends. Ecosphere 7:xxx-xxx.
61. Ladin, Z. S., C. Higgins, J. P. Schmit, G. Sanders, M. J. Johnson, A. S. Weed, M. Marshall, P. Campbell, J. Comiskey, and W. G. Shriver. 2016. Using regional bird community dynamics to evaluate ecological integrity within national parks. Ecosphere 7:xxx-xxx.
60. Correll, M. D., W. A. Wiest, T. P. Hodgman, W. G. Shriver, C. S. Elphick, B. McGill, K. M. O’Brien, and B. J. Olsen. 2016. Predictors of specialist avifaunal decline in coastal marshes. Conservation Biology
59. Correll, M., W. A. Weist, B. Olsen, W. G. Shriver, C. S. Elphick, T. P. Hodgman. 2016. Habitat specialization explains avian persistence in tidal marshes. Conservation Biology 7:1–13.
58. Adalsteinsson, S. A., V. D’Amico, W. G. Shriver, D. Brisson, and J. J. Buler. 2016. Scale-dependent effects of nonnative plant invasion on host-seeking tick abundance. Ecosphere 7:xxx-xxx.
57. Ruskin, K.J., M. A. Etterson, T. P. Hodgman, A. C. Borowske, J. B. Cohen, C. S. Elphick, C. R. Field, R. A. Kern, E. King, A. R. Kocek, A. I. Kovach, K. M. O’Brien, N. Pau, W. G. Shriver, J. Walsh, B. J. Olsen. 2016. Seasonal fecundity is not related to geographic position across a species’ global range despite a central peak in abundance. Oecologia 1–11.
56. Horton, K. G., W. G. Shriver, and J. Buler. 2016. An assessment of spatio-temporal relationships between nocturnal bird migration traffic rates and diurnal bird stopover density. Movement Ecology 4:xxx-xxx.
55. Wiest, W. A., M. D. Correll, B. J. Olsen, C. S. Elphick, T. P. Hodgman, D. R. Curson, W. G. Shriver. 2016. Population estimate for tidal marsh birds of high conservation concern in the northeastern USA from a design-based survey. The Condor: Applications in Ornithology 118:274–288.
54. Walsh, J., W. G. Shriver, B. J. Olsen, A. I. Kovach. 2016. Differential introgression and the maintenance of species boundaries in an advanced generation avian hybrid zone. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16:65.
53. Walsh, J., B. J. Olsen, K. J. Ruskin, W. G. Shriver, K. M. O’Brien, and A. I. Kovach. 2016. Extrinsic and intrinsic factors influence fitness in an avian hybrid zone. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 119:890–903.
52. Wiest, W. A., and W. G. Shriver. 2016. Survey frequency and timing affect occupancy and abundance estimates for salt marsh birds. The Journal of Wildlife Management 80:48–56.
51. Shriver, W. G., K. M. O’Brien, M. J. Ducey, and T. P. Hodgman. 2016. Population abundance and trends of saltmarsh (Ammodramus caudacutus) and Nelson’s (A. nelsoni) sparrows: influence of sea levels and precipitation. Journal of Ornithology. 57:189–200.
50. Walsh, J., W. G. Shriver, B. J. Olsen, K. M. O’Brien, A. I. Kovach. 2015. Relationship of phenotypic variation and genetic admixture in the Saltmarsh-Nelson’s sparrow hybrid zone. The Auk 132:704–716.
49. Ladin, Z. S. Ladin, V. D’Amico, D. P. Jaisi, and W. G. Shriver. 2015. Is brood parasitism related to host nestling diet and nutrition? The Auk 132:717–734.
48. Horton, K. G., W. G. Shriver, and J. Buler. 2015. A Comparison of traffic estimates of nocturnal flying animals using radar, thermal imaging, and acoustic recording. Ecological Applications 25:390-401.
47. Neckles, H. A., J. E. Lyons, G. R. Guntenspergen, W. G. Shriver, and S. C. Adamowicz. 2015. Use of structured decision making to identify monitoring variables and management priorities for salt marsh ecosystems. Estuaries and Coasts 38:1215–1232.
46. Goodwin, S. E., and W. G. Shriver. 2014. Using a bird community index to evaluate national parks in the urbanized national capital region. Urban Ecosystems 17:979-990.
45. Keller, J. I., and W. G. Shriver. 2014. Prevalence of Three Campylobacter Species, C. Jejuni, C. Coli, and C. Lari, Using Multilocus Sequence Typing in Wild Birds of the Mid-Atlantic Region, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 50: 31–41.
44. Kern, R. A., and W. G. Shriver. 2014. Sea level rise and prescribed fire management: Implications for seaside sparrow population viability. Biological Conservation 173:24–31.
43. Wiest, W. A., W. G. Shriver, and K. D. Messer. 2014. Incorporating climate change with conservation planning: a case study for tidal marsh bird conservation in Delaware, USA. Journal of Conservation Planning 10:25–42.
42. Tymkiw, L., J. L. Bowman, and W. G. Shriver. 2013. The effect of white-tailed deer density of breeding songbirds in Delaware. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:714–724.
41. Ryder, T. B., R. C. Fleischer, W. G. Shriver, and P. P. Marra. 2012. The ecological-evolutionary interplay: density-dependent sexual selection in a migratory songbird. Ecology and Evolution 2:976–987.
40. Shriver, W. G., and R. Greenberg. 2012. Avian community responses to tidal restoration along the North Atlantic coast of North America. Pages 119-125 in Roman, C. T., and D. M. Burdick, editors. Tidal Marsh Restoration: A synthesis of science and management. Island Press, Washington D. C.
39. Warner, S. E., W. G. Shriver, B. J. Olson, R. G. Greenberg, R. J. Taylor. 2012. Mercury in wing and tail feathers of hatch-year and adult tidal marsh sparrows. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 63:586–593.
38. Kern, R. A., W. G. Shriver, J. L. Bowman, L. R. Mitchell, and D. L. Bounds. 2012. Seaside sparrow success in relation to prescribed fire. Journal of Wildlife Management.
37. Keller, J. I., W. G. Shriver, and J. Waldenstrom, P. Griekspoor, and B. Olson. 2011. Prevalence of Campylobacter in wild birds of the Mid-Atlantic Region, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 47:750–754.
36. Etterson, M. A. B. J. Olsen, R. Greenberg, and W. G. Shriver. 2011. Source, sinks, and model accuracy. In Sources, Sinks, and Sustainability Across Landscapes. Cambridge University Press.
35. Shriver, W. G., T. P. Hodgman, and A. Hansen. 2011. Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrow (Ammodramus nelsoni), The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
34. Shriver, W. G., J. P. Gibbs, H. W. Woltz, N. P. Schwarz, and M. A. Pepper. 2011. Galapagos rail (Lateralis spilonotus) population change associated with habitat invasion by the red-barked quinine tree (Cinchona pubescens). Bird Conservation International 21:221–227.
33.Goodwin, S. E. and W. G. Shriver. 2010. Traffic noise and occupancy patterns of forest birds. Conservation Biology 25:406–411.
32. Pepper, M. A. and W. G. Shriver. 2010. Effects of open marsh water management on the reproductive success and nesting ecology of seaside sparrows in tidal marshes. Waterbirds 33:381-388.
31. Gingrich, J. B., L. O’Connor, W. H. Meredith, J. D. Pesek, and W. G. Shriver. 2010. Epidemiology of West Nile Virus: A Silent Epiornitic in Northern Delaware in 2007 without Associated Human Cases. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 26:274-286.
30. Shriver, W. G., T. P. Hodgman, J. P. Gibbs, and P. D. Vickery. 2010. Home Range Sizes and Habitat Use of Nelson’s and Saltmarsh Sparrows. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122:340–345.
29. Warner, S. E., W. G. Shriver, M. A. Pepper, and Robert J. Taylor. 2010. Mercury concentrations in tidal marsh sparrows and their use a bioindicators in Delaware Bay, USA. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 171:671–679.
28. Johnson, D. H., J. P. Gibbs, M. Herzog, S. Lor, N. D. Niemuth, C. A. Ribic, M. Seamans, T. L. Shaffer, W. G. Shriver, S. Stehman, and W. L. Thompson. 2009. A sampling design framework for monitoring secretive marshbirds. Waterbirds 32:203–215.
27. Burghardt, K. T., D. W. Tallamy, and W. G. Shriver. 2009. The impact of native plants on biodiversity in suburban landscapes. Conservation Biology 23:219–224.
26. Wang, Y., B.R. Mitchell, J. Nugranad-Marzilli, G. Bonynge, Y. Zhou, and G. Shriver. 2009. Remote Sensing of Land-Cover Change and Landscape Context of the National Parks: A Case Study of the Northeast Temperate Network. Remote Sensing of Environment 112:1453–1461.
25. Tierney, G. L., D. Faber-Langendoen, B. R. Mitchell, W. G. Shriver, and J. P. Gibbs. 2009. Monitoring and evaluating the ecological integrity of forest ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7:308–316.
24. Schaeffer, K. M., W. P. Brown, and W. G. Shriver. 2009. Misdirected parental care by a male eastern towhee at a wood thrush nest. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121:427–429.
23. Perkins, D. W., W. G. Shriver, and P. D. Vickery. 2009. The effects of fire on the breeding ecology of Florida Grasshopper Sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum floridanus) and Bachman’s Sparrows (Aimpohila aestivalis). Florida Field Naturalist 37:121–145.
22. Perkins, D., P. Vickery, and W. G. Shriver. 2008. Population viability analysis of the Florida Grasshopper Sparrow: Testing recovery goals and management options. Auk 125:167–178.
21. Shriver, W. G., P. D. Vickery, J. P. Gibbs, T. P. Hodgman. 2007. Flood tides affect the breeding ecology of two sympatric sharp-tailed sparrows. Auk 124:552–560.
20. Shriver, W. G., D. Evers, T. P. Hodgman, B. J. MacCulloch. 2006. Mercury in sharp-tailed sparrows breeding in coastal wetlands. Environmental Bioindicators 1:129–135.
19. Hanson, A. R. and W. G. Shriver. 2006. Habitat use by salt marsh birds in Northeastern North America: effects of fragmentation and implications for conservation. Pages 141–154 in R. Greenberg, S. Droege, J. Maldonado, and M. V. McDonald, editors. Vertebrates of Tidal Marshes: Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation. Studies in Avian Biology 32, Lawrence, Kansas.
18. R. Greenberg, C. Elphick, J. Cully Nordby, C. Gjerdrum, H. Spautz, G. Shriver, B. Schmeling, B. Olsen, P. Marra, N. Nur, and M. Winter. 2006. Flooding and predation: trade-offs in nesting ecology of tidal-marsh sparrows. Pages 96-109 in R. Greenberg, S. Droege, J. Maldonado, and M. V. McDonald, editors. Vertebrates of Tidal Marshes: Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation. Studies in Avian Biology 32, Lawrence, Kansas.
17. Shriver, W. G., J. P. Gibbs, P. D. Vickery, H. L. Gibbs, T. P. Hodgman, P. T. Jones, and C. Jacques. 2005. Concordance between morphological and molecular markers in assessing hybridization between sharp-tailed sparrows in New England. Auk 121:94–107.
16. Gibbs, J. P. and W. G. Shriver. 2005. Can road mortality limit populations of pool breeding amphibians? Wetlands Ecology and Management 13:281–289.
15. Vickery, P. D., B. Zuckerberg, A. L. Jones, W. G. Shriver, and A. P. Weik. 2005. Influence of fire and other anthropogenic practices on grassland and shrubland birds in New England. Studies in Avian Biology 30:139–146.
14. Engstrom, R. T., P. D. Vickery, D. P. Perkins, and W. G. Shriver. 2005. Effects of fire regime on birds in southeastern savannas and dry prairies. Studies in Avian Biology 30:147–160.
13. Shriver, W. G., P. Hodgman, J. P. Gibbs, and P. D. Vickery. 2004. Landscape context influences salt marsh bird diversity and area requirements in New England. Biological Conservation 119:545–553.
12. Shriver, W. G. and J. P. Gibbs. 2004. Projected effects of sea-level rise on the population viability of Seaside Sparrows (Ammodramus mantimus) In H. R. Akcakaya et al. (eds.) Species Conservation and Management: Case Studies. Oxford University Press, 608 pp.
11. Perkins, D. W., P. D. Vickery, and W. G. Shriver. 2003. Spatial dynamics of source-sink habitats: effects on rare grassland birds in fragmented landscapes. Journal of Wildlife Management 67:588-599.
10. Jones, A. L., W. G. Shriver, P. D. Vickery, and R. Lockwood. 2003. A probable Grasshopper x Savannah Sparrow hybrid singing a Song Sparrow song. Wilson Bulletin 115:231–236.
9. Gibbs, J. P., W. G. Shriver, and H. Vargas. 2003. An assessment of a Galapagos rail population over thirteen years (1986 to 2000). Journal of Field Ornithology 74:136–140.
8. Gibbs, J. P., and W. G. Shriver. 2002. Estimating the effects of road mortality on turtle populations. Conservation Biology 16:1647–1652.
7. Hodgman, T. P., W. G. Shriver, and P. D. Vickery. 2002. Redefming range overlap between the sharp-tailed sparrows of coastal New England. Wilson Bulletin 114:38–43.
6. Shriver, W. G., and P. D. Vickery. 2001. Response of breeding Florida Grasshopper and Bachman’s sparrows to prescribed winter burning. Journal of Wildlife Management 65:397–402.
5. Shriver, W. G. 2000. Book Review-Managing habitat for grassland birds: A guide for Wisconsin. Journal of Wildlife Management 64:887–888.
4. Shriver, W. G., P. D. Vickery, and D. W. Perkins. 1999. The effect of summer burns on breeding Florida Grasshopper and Bachman’s sparrows. Studies in Avian Biology 19:144–148.
3. Shriver, W. G., and P. D. Vickery. 1999. Aerial assessment of potential Florida Grasshopper Sparrow Habitat: Conservation in a fragmented landscape. Florida Field Naturalist 27:1–9.
2. Shriver, W. G., P. D. Vickery, and S. A. Hedges. 1996. The effects of summer fire on Florida Grasshopper Sparrows. Florida Field Naturalist 24:68–73.
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