Chris Williams
Chris Williams
531 S. College Avenue
261 Townsend Hall
Newark, DE 19716
- Ph.D. Wildlife Ecology, Minor Natural Resource Policy, University of Wisconsin, 2001
- M.S. Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin, 1996
- B.S. Zoology, Miami University, 1994
- B.S. Botany, Miami University, 1994
Courses taught
- ENWC 413/613 – Wildlife Policy and Administration
- ENWC 201 - Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Professional experience
- Professor, University of Delaware, Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, 2016 to present.
- Joint Professor, Department of Energy and Environmental Policy, Biden School of Public Policy & Administration.
- Faculty Affiliate, Quantitative Biology, Departments of Biological Sciences and Mathematical Sciences, University of Delaware, 2009–present.
- Faculty Affiliate, Delaware Environmental Institute, University of Delaware, 2008 to present.
- Associate Provost and Academic for the Office of
Sustainability, 2023-2024. - Associate Professor, University of Delaware, Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, 2011–2016.
- Joint Faculty Appointment, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy, University of Delaware, 2011–2015.
- Assistant Professor, University of Delaware, Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, 2004–2011.
- Visiting Instructor, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Department of Wildlife Ecology, Spring 2004.
- Visiting Instructor, University of Wisconsin – Rock County, Department of Biology, Fall 2003.
- Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Zoology, University of Wisconsin, 2001–2004.
- Visiting Instructor, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point, Department of Wildlife. 2000.
- Co-Chair, University of Delaware Sustainability Council
- Faculty Senate
- Executive Committee, 2016-2025
- Past President, 2019-2020 & 2022-2023
- President, 2018-2019 & 2021-2022
- President Elect, 2017-2018 & 2020-2021
- Past President, 2019-2020 & 2022-2023
- Committee on Graduate Studies, Chair 2019-20
- Coordinating Committee on Education, 2019-2020; Chair, 2017-2018 & 2020-21
- Committee on Student Life, 2018-20
- Faculty Senate Budget Committee, 2013–2018
- Academic Priorities and Presidential Advisory Committee, 2018-2025
- Committee on Committees and Nominations (COCAN), 2014–2016, 2024-2025. Chair, 2016–2017, 2024-2025
- Senator, 2010–2012, 2013–16
- Library Committee, 2006–2010
- Executive Committee, 2016-2025
- University Ad-Hoc Committees
- Provost’s Committee on Student Evaluations, 2019
- Senate Ad hoc Committee on the formation of the Graduate College, ex-officio member, 2018-19
- Provost’s Committee on Adjunct Faculty, 2018
- Provost’s Tenure Track Commission, 2016–2017
- Procurement Advisory Committee, 2016–2017
- Travel & Expense Management Faculty Sub-Committee, 2017-18
- Sustainability Task Force, 2018
- Development of University Ombudsman Office, 2018
- University Search Committees
- Provost, 2022
- Dean, Biden School of Public Policy and Administration, 2022
- Vice President for Enrollment Management, 2019
- Executive Vice President, 2019
- Vice President Student Life, 2018
- Provost, 2017-18
- Board of Trustees Faculty Representative
- Executive Committee, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019
- Finance Committee, Spring 2016, Fall 2016, Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019.
- Grounds and Buildings Committee, Fall 2012, Spring 2015, Spring 2017, Spring 2019.
- Public Affairs and Advancement, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019.
- Academic Affairs, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019.
- Advisor for 1) Food Recovery Network and 2) Student Sustainability Alliance
- Undergraduate Studies Committee, 2024-2025
40. Kennedy, Brian. In Progress. Considering renewable energy development, wildlife conservation, and cultural evolution. M.S. Energy and Environmental Policy.
39. Pongnon, Rasheed. In Progress. Spatiotemporal dynamics of waterfowl harvest distributions on the Atlantic and Pacific Flyways, 1960–2020: A companion study. M.S. Wildlife Ecology.
38. Victor, Kai. In Progress. Microscale habitat use and demographic fitness of different sourced translocated bobwhite into Pennsylvania’s Letterkenny Army Depot. M.S. Wildlife Ecology.
37. Struthers, Blake. In Progress. Wood duck nest box use and success in the Delmarva Pennisula. M.S. Wildlife Ecology.
36. Russo-Petrick, Kelly. 2024. An assessment of wetlands and their management in Pennsylvania. Post-doctoral researcher.
35. Tiemann, Cole. 2024. Quantifying the wintering habitat use, movements, and bioenergetic carrying capacity of green winged teal in coastal North Carolina. M.S. Wildlife Ecology.
34. Weber, David. 2024. Assessing the wintering movement patterns and habitat of Atlantic Brant to better build a bioenergetic carrying capacity model. M.S. Wildlife Ecology.
33. Schley, Hannah. 2024. Evaluating the movement patterns of lesser scaup in relation to environmental quality of the Chesapeake Bay. M.S. Wildlife Ecology.
32. Hannah, Kirk. 2023. An assessment of urban bird mortality with recommendations for municipal conservation policies. M.S. Energy and Environmental Policy.
31. Hardy, Matt. 2023. Assessing waterfowl movement as a source of avian influenza transmission to Delaware poultry industry. M.S. Wildlife Ecology. Co-Advised with Jeff Buler.
30. Hoyt, Amanda. 2023. Evaluating the brood ecology of the American black duck in coastal North Carolina. M.S. Wildlife Ecology.
29. Phillips, Sophie. 2022. Improving diversity and inclusion of visitors to Rock Creek National Park. M.S. Energy and Environmental Policy.
28. Kaili Stevens. 2021. The winter ecology and success of reintroduced northern bobwhite into the New Jersey Pine Barrens. M.S. Wildlife Ecology (incomplete).
27. Phil Coppola. 2021. The effect of forest management in the New Jersey Pine Barrens on northern bobwhite breeding success and songbird occupancy. Ph.D. Wildlife Ecology.
26. Colmorgen, Chase. 2020. Building a predictive map of submerged aquatic vegetation along the Atlantic Flyway to quantify Atlantic brant carrying capacity. M.S. Wildlife Ecology.
25. Lawson, Daniel. 2020. Evaluating the nesting ecology of the American black duck in coastal North Carolina. M.S. Wildlife Ecology.
24. McPherson, Jake. 2020. Estimating behavioral multipliers to American black duck and lesser scaup resting metabolic rate to better estimate daily energy expenditure and carrying capacity. M.S. Wildlife Ecology.
23. McGrew, Kate. 2019. Determining the underwater hearing abilities and the efficacy of sensory deterrents on seaducks.
22. Zach Ladin. 2018. An analysis of survival and harvest from 25 years of Virginia banded Canada Geese. Post-doctoral Researcher.
21. Macaluso, Will. 2017. Evaluation of the effectiveness of parent-reared vs. Surrogator raised northern bobwhites for reintroduction on Long Island, New York. M.S. Wildlife Ecology.
20. Nissley, Clark. 2016. Assessing the impact of snow geese and cackling geese competition on breeding Atlantic brant on Southampton Island, Canada. M.S. Wildlife Ecology. 2014 Dennis Raveling Scholarship Award Winner. 2014-15 Ankney Scholarship Award Winner.
19. Lewis, Susan. 2015. Tourism and environmental policy in Antarctica: Inadequacies and action. Ph.D. Energy and Environmental Policy.
18. Livolsi, Mark. 2015. Bioenergetics, behavior, and sea level rise: current status and future implications for wintering dabbling ducks in Delaware. M.S. Wildlife Ecology.
17. Caldwell, Jenny. 2015. A policy analysis of hydraulic fracturing in the Marcellus Shale and its impact on wildlife habitat. M.S. Energy and Environmental Policy. Current Employment: Tri-State Bird Rescue and Research.
16. Ringelman, Kevin. 2014. Influence of winter habitat quality on black duck home range and survival. Post-doctoral Researcher. Current employment: Assistant Professor of Wildlife, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge.
15. Rubino, Elena. 2014. Commercialization of wildlife meat as a conservation tool of overabundant species. M.S. in Energy and Environmental Policy. Current Employment: PhD Student, University of Florida.
14. Beston, Julie. 2014. Building a predictive population model for Atlantic Flyaway resident Canada geese. Post-doctoral Researcher.
13. Bennett, Curtis. 2014. A predictive habitat model for river otters in New Jersey estuarine systems. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology. Expected 2013.Current employment: Conservation Project Manager, National Aquarium, Baltimore, MD.
12. Ferris, Gavin. 2013. Nutrient retention and invasive plant permeability in forested riparian corridors. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology. Current Employment: Ecologist, Solitude Lake Management.
11. Ulman, Sadie. 2012. Migratory shorebird and vegetation evaluation of Chickaloon Flats, Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology. Current employment: Research Coordinator, Alaska SeaLife Center.
10. Jones, Orrin. 2012. Constructing a 24 hour time-energy budget for American black ducks wintering in coastal New Jersey. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology. Current Employment: Waterfowl Research Biologist, Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
9. Heise, Jeremiah. 2012. Incorporating nocturnal activity of wintering Atlantic brant (Branta bernicla hrota) into 24 hour time-activity and daily energy expenditure models. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology. Current employment: Wildlife Biologist at Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Saginaw, Michigan.
8. Guerena, Kate. 2011. Resident Canada geese nesting Ecology in New Jersey. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology. Current employment: Wildlife Biologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Florida Keys National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Big Pine Key.
7. Brunette, Cassie. 2011. Commons and commodity paradigms: analysis of the conflicts arising from renewable energy and wildlife policies in the U.S. M.S. in Energy and Environmental Policy. Current Employment: Environmental Defense Fund, San Francisco, CA.
6. (Conover) Duren, Amanda. 2011. The impact of non-native plants on bird communities in suburban forest fragments. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology. Current Employment: Program Coordinator, Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative.
5. Duren, Ken. 2010. A predictive habitat model for northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) in Delaware. M.S. Wildlife Ecology. Current employment: Wildlife Biologist at Ohio Division of Wildlife, Delaware, Ohio.
4. Ladin, Zach. 2010. Bioenergetics and food use of wintering and staging Atlantic brant. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology. Current employment: Post-doctoral Researcher, University of Delaware.
3. Cramer, Dane M. 2009. Estimating habitat carrying capacity for American black ducks wintering in southern New Jersey. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology. Current employment: Regional Biologist, Ducks Unlimited, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
2. Lohr, Michael. 2009. Northern bobwhite winter ecology in Southern New Jersey. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology. Current Employment: Ph.D. Student, Edith Cowan University, Austraila.
1. Collins, Bridget M. 2008. Northern bobwhite breeding season ecology in southern New Jersey. M.S. in Applied Ecology. Current employment: Agriculture Policy Coordinator at Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Washington D.C.
36. LaSasso, Sam. 2023. An examination of behavioral stress from wood ducks nesting between wooded and salt marsh habitats. Awarded $4500. Senior Thesis.
35. McNulty, Jessica. 2022. A comparison of wood duck nest success between wooded and salt marsh habitats. Awarded $4,500. Senior Thesis.
34. Woodington, Taylor. 2022. The effect of the Special Conservation Harvest Order on greater snow wintering movement and habitat use. Awarded $4,500. Senior Thesis.
33. Wade, Nathan. 2020. Determining the effect of sea level rise on wintering American black ducks along the North Carolina coast. Senior Thesis.
32. Ryan, Jared. 2020. The effect of wood duck box predator guards and age on nest success. Awarded $5,000. Senior Thesis.
31. Halligan, Susannah. 2019. Delaware waterfowl tracker. Awarded $4,000. Senior Thesis.
30. Musacchio, Nick. 2018. The effect of timber thinning practices on northern bobwhite habitat use in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Senior Thesis.
29. Ziemecki, Nat. 2018. Factors affecting wood duck nest box use and success. Awarded $600. Senior Thesis.
28. Gunderman, Katie. 2017. The effect of soil conductivity on nest site selection in northern diamondback terrapins. Awarded $311. Senior Thesis.
27. VanNeste, Kristen. 2017. Quantifying the effect of invasive Phragmities on waterfowl energetic food supplies. Awarded $580. Senior Thesis.
26. Fino, Samantha. 2015. Quantifying waterfowl energy supply in forested wetlands in Delaware. Presented research at the 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland and won best undergraduate oral presentation award. Senior Thesis.
25. Zoghby, Taylor. 2013. Advancing a 24-hour time activity budget for wintering Atlantic Flyway Canada geese: consideration of nocturnal behavior. Awarded $1,500. Senior Thesis.
24. Cruz, Lauren. 2013. The effects of water temperature and human activity on the nesting frequency of diamondback terrapins. Awarded $1500. Senior Thesis.
23. Matseur, Elizabeth. 2013. The effects of thinning on songbird abundance and diversity in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Senior Thesis.
22. Ermack, Jessica. 2012. Building a predictive habitat model for mink in New Jersey. Awarded $3,500. Senior Thesis.
21. Goldstein, Marissa. 2012. Improving estimates of black duck food availability in Coastal New Jersey. Awarded $3500. Senior Thesis.
20. Blakely, Chris. 2012. Density dependent effects of island size on reproductive success of resident Canada geese. Independent Research.
19. Taylor Zohgby. 2012. The effect of nocturnal behavior of the daily bioenergetics of northern pintails. Awarded $3,500. Senior Thesis.
18. Sheehan, Nick. 2012. Energetic food supply available to migrating shorebirds on Chickaloon Flats, Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. Awarded $1,000. Independent Research.
17. Cruz, Lauren. 2012. Occupancy of mink in New Jersey. Awarded $600. Senior Thesis.
16. Johnson, Zariel. 2011. The effect of latitude on density dependent and independent effects on population growth. Awarded $3,500. Science and Engineering Scholar.
15. Zaccaria, Jamie. 2011. The influence of invasive plant prevalence on catbird occupancy of fragmented forests. Awarded $3,500. Science and Engineering Scholar.
14. Baker, Sarah. 2011. The effect of radiocollars of northern bobwhite survival. Independent Research.
13. Edwards, Christine. 2011. Atlantic brant: issues and management for airline safety. Independent Research.
12. Hendrickson, Phillip. 2011. The effect of human development on black duck habitat use. Independent Research
11. Irvin, Eric-Evan. 2010. A predictive habitat model for grasshopper sparrows in Delaware. Awarded $3,500. Science and Engineering Scholar.
10. Zaccaria, Jamie. 2010. The effect of invasive plants on songbird abundance. Awarded $3,500. Science and Engineering Scholar.
9. Colavecchio, Ashley. 2010. Developing an extension program for the Mid-Atlantic Bobwhite Initiative. Awarded $3500. UD Extension Scholars.
8. Pippins, Kelly. 2010. Measuring the competition coefficient between Bewick’s wren and house wren populations. Awarded $3,500. Howard Hughes Medical Institute Scholar.
7. Johnson, Zariel. 2010. Measuring the competition coefficient between Bewick’s wren and house wren populations. Awarded $3,500. NSF EPSCoR Scholar.
6. Dilworth, Erin. 2009. The effect of riparian forested corridors on fish biodiversity in suburban and agricultural landscapes. Awarded $3,500. Delaware Water Resources Center Intern.
5. Hathaway, Ryan. 2009. The effect of riparian forested corridors on bird biodiversity in suburban and agricultural landscapes. Awarded $3,500. UD Research Foundation Scholar.
4. Morgan, Jessica. 2008. The effects of forested riparian corridor width on invasive plant establishment. Awarded $3,500. McNair Scholar.
3. Romero, Oscar. 2008. Effect of forested riparian corridor width within agricultural and suburban dominated ecosystems on salamander populations. Awarded $3,500. McNair Scholar.
2. Diggins, Corrine. 2007. Effects of forested riparian corridor width on soil chemistry within agricultural and suburban dominated ecosystems. Independent Research.
1. Joppa, Lucas. 2004. Environmental factors affecting sampling success of artificial cover objects. University of Wisconsin Independent Research.
Generally, CKW may appear as either the second or last author if publication is a mentored student project. Google Scholar reported citations: 2962, h-Index = 23, i10-Index = 45. ResearchGate Interest Score = 1,215
94. Nissley, C., C. K. Williams, K. F. Abraham, and K. Russo-Petrick. 2024. Anthropogenically induced wildlife population release in native arctic geese incurs apparent competition consequences. Wildfowl
93. C. K. Williams, T. Terhune, J. Parke, and J. Cecil. 2024. Active forest stewardship benefits priority birds in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. PLOS ONE 19:e0302040.
92. McDuie, F., C. T. Overton, A. A. Lorenz, E. L. Matchett, A. L. Mott, D. A. Mackell, S. E. W. De La Cruz, D. J. Prosser, J. Y. Takekawa, M. E. Pitesky, S. L. Diaz-Muñoz, B. Riggs, J. Gendreau, E. T. Reed, M. P., C. K. Williams, J. J. Buler, M. L. Hardy, B. S. Ladman, S. M. Skalos, J. T. Ackerman, and M. L. Casazza. 2024. Predicting H5N1 avian influenza spread with an empirical model of bird movement. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases e5525298.
91. Fisk, J. J., K. M. Leong, R. E.W. Berl, J. Long, M. Adams, D. Hankins, F. Lake, A. C. Landon, C. K. Williams, J. Salerno. 2024. Evolving wildlife management cultures of governance through Indigenous Knowledges and perspectives. Journal of Wildlife Management 88:e22584.
90. Ulman, S. E. G., S. L. Van Wilgenburg, J. M. Morton, and C. K. Williams. 2023. Geographic origins of shorebirds using an Alaskan estuary during migration. Waterbirds 46:47-56.
89. Hernandez-Rubio, L., R. Kaminski, and C. K. Williams. 2023. Wildlife professionals’ and graduate students’ perceptions regarding scientific publishing. Wildlife Society Bulletin e1486.
88. Lavretsky, P., A. Hoyt, D. Howell, and C. K. Williams. 2023. Frequency and types of alternative breeding strategies employed by nesting American black ducks in North Carolina. PLOS ONE 8.2:e0278905.
87. McGrew, K. A., S. E. Crowell, J. L. Fiely, A. M. Wells-Berlin., Olsen, G. H., J. James, H. Hopkins, C. K. Williams. 2022. Underwater hearing in sea ducks with applications for reducing gillnet bycatch through acoustic deterrence. Journal of Experimental Biology 225:jeb243953.
86. Williams, C. K., and R. D. Applegate. 2022. Bobwhites are not waterfowl. Federal collaboration welcomed: a reply to Martin et al. (2022). Journal of Wildlife Management e22286.
85. Prosser, D. J., J. D. Sullivan, H. Schley, J. Homyack, G. Olsen, A. M. Berlin, R. L. Poulson, D. E. Stallknecht, and C. K. Williams. 2022. A lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) naturally infected with Eurasian highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus – Movement ecology and host factors. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 69:e2653–e2660.
84. Caldwell, J., C. K. Williams, M. Brittingham, and T. Maier. 2022. A consideration of wildlife in the benefit-costs of hydraulic fracturing. Special Issue “Sustainable Conservation Planning and Wildlife Management” in Sustainability 14:4811.
83. Schley, H., I. West, and C. K. Williams. 2022. Advancing wildlife policy of eastern timber wolves and lake sturgeon through traditional ecological knowledge. Special Issue “Sustainable Conservation Planning and Wildlife Management” in Sustainability 14:3859.
82. Stevens, K. R., C. K. Williams, T. M. Terhune, P. M. Coppola, J. Parke, and J. Cecil. 2022. Winter survival and resource use of translocated northern bobwhite in the Mid-Atlantic United States. Proceedings of the National Quail Symposium 9:28.
81. Rubino, E. C., and C. K. Williams. 2022. Exploring public support for large-scale commercial axis deer harvests in Maui, Hawaii. Special Issue “Sustainable Conservation Planning and Wildlife Management” in Sustainability 14:1837.
80. Harvey, K., P. Lavretsky, J. Foth, C. K. Williams. 2021. Wood Duck nesto-philia and clutch genetic composition establish extent of hen competition and promiscuity for these cavity-nesting ducks. PLoS One 16:e0257105
79. Livolsi, M. C., C. K. Williams, J. M. Coluccy, and M. T. Dibona. 2021. The effect of sea level rise on dabbling duck energetic carrying capacity. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:686–695.
78. Williams, C. K., R. D. Applegate, and P. Coppola. 2021. Why are there so many waterfowl and so few northern bobwhite? Rethinking federal coordination. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:665–673.
77. Lawson, D. M., C. K. Williams, D. L. Howell, and J. C. Fuller. 2021. American black duck nesting ecology in North Carolina. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:989-1000.
76. Lawson, D. M., C. K. Williams, P. Lavretsky, D. L. Howell, and J. C. Fuller. 2021. Mallard-black duck hybridization and population genetic structure in North Carolina. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:1243-1255.
75. Coppola, P, C. K. Williams, T. Terhune, J. Parke, and J. Cecil. 2021. Landscape connectivity influences survival and resource use following long‐distance translocation of northern bobwhite. Journal of Wildlife Management. 85:369-383.
74. VanNeste, K., C. K. Williams, P. M. Castelli. 2020. Does invasive common reed in coastal salt marshes impact dabbling duck food availability? Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. 11:476-484.
73. Ladin, Z. S., C. K. Williams, B. Lewis, and G. Costanzo. 2020. Long-term patterns in survival and harvest rates of resident Canada geese in Virginia, USA. Journal of Wildlife Management 84:666–674.
72. Heise, J., C. K. Williams, P. M. Castelli. Factors influencing a 24-hour time–budget for wintering Atlantic brant. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10:79-90.
71. Ulman, S. E. G., C. K. Williams, J. Morton, and T. Deliberty. Vegetation change on an Alaska estuary after the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake. Northwest Naturalist 93:16-29
70. Ladin, Z. S., and C. K. Williams. 2018. Detecting and analyzing density dependence. In Brennan, L. A., A. N. Tri, and B. G. Marcot, eds. Quantitative Analysis in Wildlife Science. John Hopkins University Press.
69. Ringleman, K. M., and C. K. Williams. 2018. The American Black Duck: Three decades of science-based adaptive management. Case Studies in the Environment
68. Watts, K. G., C. K. Williams, T. C. Nichols, and P. M. Castelli. 2018. Gosling survival of Atlantic Flyway resident population Canada geese in New Jersey. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:1459–1465.
67. Williams, C. K. 2018. Celebrating waterfowl conservation: Reflections of the past and guidance for the future. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:245–256.
66. Anderson, M. G., R. T. Alisauskas, B. D. Batt, R. J. Blohm, K. F. Higgins, M. C. Perry, J. K. Ringelman, J. S. Sedinger, J. R. Serie, D. E. Sharp, D. L. Trauger, and C. K. Williams. 2018. The Migratory Bird Treaty and a century of waterfowl conservation. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:247–259.
65. Ringelman, K., C. K. Williams, P. M. Castelli, M. Sieges, R. Longenecker, T. Nichols, S. Earsom. 2018. Estimating waterfowl carrying capacity at local scales: A case study from Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 9:106–116.
64. Macaluso, W., C. K. Williams, and T. Terhune. 2017. Testing northern bobwhite reintroduction techniques in the northern edge of their range. Proceedings of the National Quail Symposium 8:175-183.
63. Duren, A. M., C. K. Williams, and V. D’Amico. 2017. Microhabitat Factors Associated with Occupancy of Songbirds in Suburban Forest Fragments in the Eastern United States. American Midland Naturalist 178:189-202.
62. Williams, C. K., A. R. Ives, and R. D. Applegate. 2017. Do movement patterns and habitat use differ between optimal and suboptimal sized coveys? Proceedings of the National Quail Symposium 8:196-206.
61. Fino, S., C. K. Williams, M. Livolsi, K. M. Ringelman, J. M. Coluccy, P. K. Devers, and P. M. Castelli. 2017. Carrying capacity of wintering American black ducks in forested wetlands. Journal of Wildlife Management 81:243–250.
60. Goldstein, M., C. K. Williams, K. Duren, P. M. Castelli. 2016. Addressing variability in estuarine food density for American black ducks. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40: 564-569.
59. Guerena, K. B., P. M. Castelli, T. C. Nichols, and C. K. Williams. 2016. Factors influencing nest survival in resident Canada geese. Journal of Wildlife Management 80:1022–1030.
58. Nissley, C., C. K. Williams, and K. F. Abraham. 2016. Ross’s Goose (Chen rossi) Nesting Colony at East Bay, Southampton Island, Nunavut. Canadian Field Naturalist 130:22-24.
57. Beston, J. A., C. K. Williams, T. Nichols, and P. M. Castelli. 2016. A population model for management of Atlantic flyway resident population Canada geese. The Wildlife Society Bulletin 40:106-111.
56. Livolsi, M. C., K. M. Ringelman, J. M. Coluccy, M. T. DiBona, and C. K. Williams. 2015. Implications of uncertainty in true metabolizable energy estimates for estimating wintering waterfowl carrying capacities. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39:827–833.
55. Livolsi, M. C., C. K. Williams, J. M. Coluccy, and M. T. DiBona. 2015. Morphometris of mid-Atlantic dabbling ducks for use in thermoregulation models. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 117:644-649.
54. Ringelman, K., C. K. Williams, P. Devers, J. Coluccy, P. M. Castelli, K. Anderson, J. L. Bowman, G. Costanzo, D. Cramer, M. T. DiBona, M. Eichholz, M. Huang, B. Lewis, D. Plattner, and T. Yerkes. 2015. A meta-analysis of American black duck habitat use along the Atlantic Coast. Journal of Wildlife Management 79:1298–1307.
53. Beston, J. A., C. K. Williams, T. Nichols, and P. M. Castelli. 2015. Survival and harvest of Atlantic Flyway resident population Canada geese. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39:583–592.
52. Ringelman, K. M., C. K. Williams, and J. M. Coluccy. 2015. Assessing uncertainty in coastal marsh core sampling for waterfowl foods. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 6:238–246.
51. Livolsi, M. K. Ringelman, and C. K. Williams. 2014. Subsampling reduces sorting effort for waterfowl foods in salt-marsh core samples. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 5:380–386.
50. Williams, C. K., B. Dugger, M. Brasher, J. Coluccy, D. Cramer, J. Eadie, M. Gray, H. Hagy, M. Livolsi, S. McWilliams, M. Petrie, G. Soulliere, J. Tirpak, and L. Webb. 2014. Estimating habitat carrying capacity for wintering waterfowl: considerations, pitfalls, and improvements. Proceedings of the North American Duck Symposium. Wildfowl Special Issue 4:407–435.
49. Jones, O., C. K. Williams, and P. M. Castelli. 2014. A 24-hour time-energy budget for wintering American black ducks (Anas rubripes) and its comparison to allometric estimations. Waterbirds 37:264–273.
48. Ladin, Z. S., C. K. Williams, P. M. Castelli, K. Winiarski, J. Osenkowski, and S. R. McWilliams. 2014. Regional and intraseasonal variation in diet of wintering and staging Atlantic brant. Journal of Wildlife Management 7:1206–1215.
47. Beston, J. A., T. Nichols, P. M. Castelli, and C. K. Williams. 2014. Factors affecting survival of Atlantic Flyway Resident Population Canada geese in New Jersey. Journal of Wildlife Management 78:612–619.
46. Guerena, K. B., P. M. Castelli, T. C. Nichols, and C. K. Williams. 2014. Spatially-explicit land use effects on nesting of Atlantic flyway resident Canada geese in New Jersey. Wildlife Biology 20:115–121
45. Brunette, C., J. Byrne, and C. K. Williams. 2013. Resolving conflicts between renewable energy and wildlife by promoting a paradigm shift from commodity to commons based policy. Journal of International Wildlife and Policy 16:375–397.
44. Irvin, E., K. Duren, J. Buler. W. Jones, A, Gonzon, and C. K. Williams. 2013. A multi-scale occupancy model for the grasshopper sparrow in the Mid-Atlantic. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:1564–1571.
43. Williams, C. K. 2013. Accounting for wildlife life-history strategies when modeling stochastic density dependent populations: A review. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:4–11.
42. Williams, C. K. and R. D. Applegate. 2012. Do resident and non-resident northern bobwhite hunters self-regulate harvest based on population size? Proceedings of the National Quail Symposium 7:148–154.
41. Williams, C. K., B. K. Sandercock, B. M. Collins, M. Lohr, and P. M. Castelli. 2012. A Mid-Atlantic and a national population model of northern bobwhite demographic sensitivity. Proceedings of the National Quail Symposium 7:163–172.
40. Williams, C. K., and P. M. Castelli. 2012. A historic perspective of the connectivity between waterfowl research and management. Pages 155–178 In Sands, J. P., S. J. DeMaso, L. A. Brennan, and M. J. Schnupp (eds). Wildlife science: Connecting Research With Management. CRC Press: Taylor Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. Book won the 2013 Outstanding Book Award from Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society.
39. Guerena, K. B., P. M. Castelli, T. C. Nichols, and C. K. Williams. 2012. Evaluation of a clutch containment method during hatch in geese: using resident Canada geese as an example. Wildlife Society Bulletin 36:376–379.
38. Ferris, G., V. D’Amico, and C. K. Williams. 2012. Determining effective riparian buffer width for nonnative plant exclusion and habitat enhancement. International Journal of Ecology. Article ID 170931:1–7.
37. Duren, K., J. J. Buler, W. Jones, and C. K. Williams. 2012. Effects of broadcasting calls during surveys to estimate density and occupancy of northern bobwhite. Wildlife Society Bulletin 36:16-20.
36. Cramer, D. M., P. M. Castelli, T. Yerkes, and C. K. Williams. 2012. Food resource availability for American black ducks wintering in southern New Jersey. Journal of Wildlife Management 76: 241–219.
35. Jones, O., P. M. Castelli, and C. K. Williams. 2011. Observed herring gull kleptoparasitism of American black ducks. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 2:196–198.
34. Duren, K., J. J. Buler, W. Jones, and C. K. Williams. 2011. An improved multi-scale approach to modeling habitat occupancy of northern bobwhite. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:1700–1709.
33. Ladin, Z. S., P. M. Castelli, S. R. McWilliams, and C. K. Williams. 2011. Time energy budgets and food use of Atlantic brant across their wintering range. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:273–282.
32. Lohr, M., B. M. Collins, P. M. Castelli, C. K. Williams. 2011. Life on the edge: northern bobwhite ecology at the northern periphery of their range. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:52–60.
31. Long, B. and C. K. Williams. 2011. Mid-Atlantic Regional Issues in Bobwhite Conservation. Pages 149–155 in Palmer, W.E., T.M. Terhune, and D.F. McKenzie, eds. The National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative: A range-wide plan for recovering bobwhites. National Bobwhite Technical Committee Technical Publication, ver. 2.0, Knoxville, TN.
30. Holtcamp, W. N., C. K. Williams, and W. E. Grant. 2010. Do invasive fire ants affect habitat selection within a small mammal community? International Journal of Ecology Article ID 642412:1–7
29. Colavecchio, A., and C. K. Williams. 2010. The northern bobwhite of the Mid-Atlantic: a landowners guide to their ecology and management. University of Delaware Cooperative Extension Bulletin Number 147. Newark, DE. 10pp.
28. Joppa, L. N., C. K. Williams, S. A. Temple, G. S. Casper. 2010. Environmental factors affecting sampling success of artificial cover objects. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 5:143–148
27. Collins, B.M., C. K. Williams, and P. M. Castelli. 2009. Reproduction and microhabitat selection in a sharply declining Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) population. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121:688–695.
26. Williams, C. K., and B. M. Collins. 2008. Mortality. Pages 2449–2455 In S. E. Jorgensen (ed.) Encyclopedia of Ecology. Elsevier Press, Oxford, England.
25. Sandercock, B. K., B. E. Jensen, C. K. Williams, R. D. Applegate. 2008. Demographic sensitivity of population change in the northern bobwhite: a life-stage simulation analysis. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:970–982.
24. Backlund, D. C., G. M. Marrone, C. K. Williams, K. Tilmon. 2008. Population estimate of the endangered American burying beetle, Nicrophorus americanus, (Coleoptera:Silphidae) in South Dakota. Coleopterists Bulletin 62:9–15.
23. Williams, C. K., M. D. Samuel, V. Baranyuk, E. Cooch, and D. Kraege. 2008. Winter fidelity and apparent survival of lesser snow goose populations in the Pacific Flyway. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:159–167.
22. Helmus, M. R., T. J. Bland, C. K. Williams, and A. R. Ives. 2007. Phylogenetic measures of biodiversity. American Naturalist 169:68–83.
21. Williams, C. K., A. R. Ives, R. D. Applegate, and J. Ripa. 2004. The collapse of cycles in the dynamics of North American grouse populations. Ecology Letters 7:1135–1142.
20. Williams, C. K., P. J. Rodrick-Williams, R. D. Applegate. 2004. Beliefs and characteristics of Kansas northern bobwhite hunters. Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks Wildlife Bulletin No. 4.
19. Williams, C. K., F. H. Guthery, R. D. Applegate, M. Peterson. 2004. The northern bobwhite decline: scaling our management for the twenty-first century. Wildlife Society Bulletin 32:861–869.
18. Applegate, R. D., C. K. Williams, and R. R. Manes. 2004. Assuring the future of prairie grouse: dogmas, demagogues, and getting outside the box. Wildlife Society Bulletin 32:104–111.
17. Williams, C. K., R. S. Lutz, and R. D. Applegate. 2004. Winter survival and additive harvest in Kansas northern bobwhite coveys. Journal of Wildlife Management 68:94–100.
16. Williams, C. K., A. R. Ives, and R. D. Applegate. 2003. Population dynamics across geographical ranges: time-series analysis of three small game species. Ecology 84:2654–2667.
15. Williams, C. K., R. S. Lutz, and R. D. Applegate. 2003. Optimal group size in northern bobwhite coveys. Animal Behaviour 66:377–387.
14. Applegate, R. D., and C. K. Williams. 2003. Use of roadside survey for gray and fox squirrel populations and harvest. Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks Small Game Wildlife Bulletin 3.
13. Van Why, K., B. Flock, R. D. Applegate, and C. K. Williams. 2003. Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) body mass in relation to consumption of red and white grain sorghum. Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks Small Game Wildlife Bulletin 2.
12. Williams, C. K., G. Ericsson, and T. Heberlein. 2002. A quantitative summary of attitudes toward wolves and their reintroduction (1972–2000). Wildlife Society Bulletin 30:575–584. Between 2010–2013, this article was the second highest assessed article (921 times) in the Wildlife Society Bulletin.
11. Applegate, R. D., C. K. Williams, and R. S. Lutz. 2002. The effect of flooding on northern bobwhite. Western North American Naturalist 62:227–229.
10. Van Why, K., C. K. Williams, R. D. Applegate, and B. E. Flock. 2002. A portable aviary for field observations of behavior. Journal of Field Ornithology 73:20–22.
9. Williams, C. K., W. R. Davidson, R. S. Lutz, and R. D. Applegate. 2000. Health status of northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) in eastern Kansas. Avian Diseases 44:953–956.
8. Williams, C. K., R. D. Applegate, R. S. Lutz, and D. H. Rusch. 2000. A comparison of raptor densities and habitat use in Kansas cropland and rangeland ecosystems. Journal of Raptor Research 34:203–209.
7. Williams, C. K., R. S. Lutz, R. D. Applegate, and D. H. Rusch. 2000. Habitat use and survival of northern bobwhite in Kansas cropland and rangeland ecosystems during the harvest season. Canadian Journal of Zoology 78:1562–1566.
6. Williams, C. K., K. Van Why, and R. D. Applegate. 2000. Eastern woodrat (Neotoma floridana) consumption of northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus). American Midland Naturalist 143:239–244.
5. Applegate, R. D. and C. K. Williams. 1998. Long term small game trends from 30 years of Kansas rural mail carrier surveys. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 101:95–100.
4. Williams, C. K., R. D. McKown, J. K. Veatch, & R. D. Applegate. 1997. Baylisascaris sp. found in wild northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 33:158–160.
3. Peles, J. D., C. K. Williams, G. W. Barrett. 1997. Small mammal population dynamics in strip-cropped vs. monoculture agroecosystems. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 9:51–60.
2. Peles, J. D., C. K. Williams, G. W. Barrett. 1995. Ecological energetics of golden mice: the importance of food quality. American Midland Naturalist 133:373–376.
1. Williams, C. K., V. Witmer, M. Casey, G. W. Barrett. 1994. The effects of strip-cropping on small mammal population dynamics in soybean agroecosystems. The Ohio Journal of Science 94:94–98.