Certificate Programs
- Animal & Food Sciences
- Applied Economics & Statistics
- Entomology & Wildlife Ecology
- Plant & Soil Sciences
Statistics certificate
The Graduate Statistics Certificate is designed for graduate students across the University who desire to gain additional proficiency and knowledge in statistical methods to augment their disciplinary graduate studies. The certificate helps students burnish their quantitative credentials for the job market and gain necessary skills to complete their graduate thesis or dissertation work. All required courses focus on applied content, but students may substitute courses that most closely align with their needs.
Why choose our certificate?
This unique opportunity greatly enhances UD graduate students’ skill set without pursuing an additional, full degree. Students build quantitative and analytical skills in statistics and data science that not only helps during your graduate studies, but in your post-UD career. SAS, R and other statistical programming languages launch our students into a higher level of data analysis.
What makes the program unique?
The certificate builds upon your current disciplinary graduate studies. This value-added piece to your resume allows you to stand out to future employers. Our faculty ensure that these valuable statistical analysis skills apply directly to your chosen discipline of study. In addition, many courses are available online, adding flexibility to your schedule.
Required courses
The University of Delaware is an Equal Opportunity Institution and Provider. Visit UD’s Office of Equity & Inclusion to learn more.
Additional Links
531 South College Avenue Newark, DE 19716 (302) 831-2501