John Bernard
John Bernard
Office Location:
531 S. College Avenue
229 Townsend Hall
Newark, DE 19716
- Ph.D., Cornell University, 1999
- M.S., Cornell University, 1994.
- B.A., Ithaca College, 1989
Current Courses
- APEC 316: Economics of Biotechnology and New Technologies
- APEC 404: Food and Fiber Marketing
- APEC 615: Advanced Prices and Statistics
- Consumer Behavior and Food Marketing
- Auction Experiments
- Economics of Technology
Professional Activities
- Member, American Agricultural Economics Association
- Member, Food Distribution Research Society
- Member, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association
Gifford, K. and J.C. Bernard. “Factor and Cluster Analysis of Willingness to Pay for Organic and Non-GM Food.” Journal of Food Distribution Research, Forthcoming.
Bernard, J.C., J.D. Pesek, Jr., and X. Pan. “Consumer Likelihood to Purchase Chickens with Novel Production Attributes.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 39(2007): 581-596.
Awokuse, T.O. and J.C. Bernard. “Spatial Price Dynamics in U.S. Regional Broiler Markets.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 39(2007): 447-456
Bernard, J.C., C. Zhang and K. Gifford. “An Experimental Investigation of Consumer Willingness to Pay for Non-GM Foods when an Organic Option is Present.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 35(2006): 374-385.
Bernard, J.C. “Finding and Retaining the Dominant Strategy: The Second-Price, English, and ‘Sealed-Offer’ English Auctions.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 60(2006): 553-561.
Gifford, K. and J.C. Bernard. “Influencing Consumer Purchase Likelihood of Organic Food.” International Journal of Consumer Studies, 30(2006): 155-163.
Bernard, J.C. and D.J. Bernard. “Using Context in Classroom Experiments: A Public Good Example.” International Review of Economics Education, 4(2005): 9-22.