Undergraduate Advising

Staying on top of your academic progress while working with your academic advisor is key to having a successful and rewarding college experience. Your advisors are just one of the many resources available to help provide you with academic support. See below for more resources.
Who is my advisor? Every student is assigned either a faculty or professional academic advisor. You can view your assigned advisor and email them directly by logging into UDSIS. Your advisor will provide guidance for course selection, progress toward graduation, experiential experiences, and post-graduation planning.
How often should I meet with my advisor? It is recommended that you meet with your advisor at least once a semester to discuss your academic plan, track your progress toward graduation, and to learn about opportunities in your field. Students who meet with their advisor at least once a semester tend to perform better academically.
Have a pressing advising question? Please reach out to your assigned academic advisor first. Then email CANR Undergraduate Student Services at anr-academics@udel.edu for additional assistance.
What constitutes an excused absence and how do I request one? First, please review UD's attendance policies. If you have documentation for absences due to serious illness, short-term military duty, or death in one’s family, we can send an excused absence notification to your faculty. Please submit your request and documentation to anr-academics@udel.edu for review and approval.
I would like to take a course elsewhere and transfer it back to UD. How do I do this? See step-by-step instructions for how to transfer undergraduate credits to UD.This will explain whether you should submit a Transfer Credit Evaluation Request web form (you can find links to web forms in your UDSIS account) or if you should email a PDF of the paper version of the Transfer Credit Evaluation form to anr-academics@udel.edu. Please complete this process PRIOR to enrolling or completing the course you wish to transfer.
I have a 3.2 G.P.A. and I haven’t heard about being on the Dean’s List. Is there a reason why? Full-time, matriculated students must earn a minimum of a 3.5 G.P.A. to receive Dean’s List recognition (or a minimum of 6 credit hours counting toward their GPA if they are designated as full-time students under the Office of Disability Support Services’ Reduced Course Load Policy). If a student has a temporary grade on their transcript (i.e. “I”) they are not eligible for inclusion.
One of the most important responsibilities you have as a student is to track your academic progress each semester. Your online degree audit, in UDSIS, is the primary tool to assist you in determining your academic progress toward graduation. This tool allows you to clearly see which degree requirements you have fulfilled and which you still need to complete. In other words, if something is listed as “not satisfied” on your audit, you will not be cleared for graduation. All requirements on your degree audit must be satisfied to receive your diploma. Please see your academic advisor with any questions you may have.
CANR "UCanDoIt" Program
We provide support to students whose cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0 and are placed on Academic Warning. Through our UCanDoIt Program, this support includes individual assessment of needs, referral to appropriate resources, and periodic appointments to discuss academic progress.
Junior Check-In: Countdown to Graduation!
You’ve been working hard and before you know it Senior year will be here. Here are some reminders and suggestions to help you as you plan for your final year. Read the information below and check off each item as you complete it.
Confirm that the following are correct in UDSIS: graduation term, major(s), concentration(s), minor(s). If any of these are incorrect, complete the Change of Graduation Term form or Change of Major or Minor form located in UDSIS.
Make an appointment with your assigned advisor to review your degree requirements and plan your final year of coursework. Where applicable, meet with your minor advisor to review minor requirements as well.
Be sure to follow the degree requirements for the year you entered the university. If you entered in Fall of 2019, follow the 2019-2020 Catalog, not the 2021-2022 Catalog.
Use your degree audit in UDSIS to track your academic progress.
Double check that you are taking approved courses for breadth and major requirements. Course substitutions are rarely made. However, if a substitution is warranted your advisor must submit a Course Substitution Form for approval by your academic department. If approved by the department the substitution will be reflected in your degree audit.
Confirm that all transfer work and test credits (AP/IB) are posted to your UD transcript. Transfer courses require a completed Transfer Credit Evaluation Form and receipt of an official transcript from the institution where you took the course. For more information visit: https://www1.udel.edu/registrar/transfer/
Complete any coursework for courses with a Sustaining (S) or Incomplete (I) grade. You must have a permanent grade (A-F) for graduation.
Confirm that your mailing address and phone number are accurate in UDSIS so that you receive important mailings and your diploma.
DON’T take a transfer course without submitting the Transfer Credit Evaluation form and confirming that the credit(s) will count toward your degree
DON’T wait until the last minute to submit paperwork to have transfer credit posted to your UD transcript
DON’T count ENGL 166, 266, etc. as credit for ENGL 110. Only UD ENGL 110 or courses approved by the English department will fulfill this requirement
DON’T double count credits. If you repeat a course the credits only count one time. Also, if you use one course to fulfill two requirements the credits only count one time.
DON’T count non-credit bearing courses toward your total credit count, i.e., MATH 010
DON’T choose UD Breadth Courses from the same subject area, i.e., you can only use a HIST course for one Breadth area, not two. The same goes for cross-listed courses, i.e., if a SOCI course is cross-listed with HIST and you have already used a HIST course, you cannot count the SOCI course
DON’T forget to check minimum grade requirements. Some majors require a C- or higher in major courses. All UD Breadth courses and ENGL 110 require a C- or higher
DON’T forget your GPA. You need a 2.0 cumulative GPA to graduate
DON’T forget to earn the required total number of credits. All CANR majors require between 120-124 credits to graduate. Check your catalog to determine your required number of credits.
Questions? Email us at anr-academics@udel.edu.
Senior Check-In: Countdown to Graduation!
You have put in the hard work and graduation is right around the corner! To ensure that you will graduate on time, please make sure to follow the steps below:
- Complete the Graduation Application Google Form that will be sent by CANR’S Academic Program Manager the semester before you will be graduating
- Meet with your academic advisor. During this meeting:
- Verify that your graduation term is correct in UDSIS.
- Confirm that you will satisfy ALL degree requirements with the completion of the courses you plan to take during your graduation term semester.
- Make sure you fulfill your requirements by taking courses approved for breadth and major requirements based upon the catalog year you entered the university not the year you plan to graduate. (i.e. Do not use the Fall of 2021 catalog if you entered in the Fall of 2017.)
- Confirm you have the minimum number of credits for graduation. Don’t forget to include currently enrolled courses.
- Confirm that you will satisfy your FYE, DLE, and Capstone requirements.
- Any course substitutions/waivers must be submitted online by your advisor or department chairperson. Only the department chairperson or their designee can approve substitutions/waivers for major or minor requirements; Only the CANR Assistant Dean can approve substitutions/waivers for university/college requirements.
- (Honors degree students only) Confirm your progress towards your honors degree requirements with the Honors Program as they will clear you for your honors degree, not CANR.
- Watch your email for information on Commencement and Convocation ceremonies and cap & gown information. See http://www.udel.edu/commencement for up-to-date information.