Students in CANR
  • Zimmerman teaching group of students

    Meet our new faculty: James (JD) Zimmerman

    September 26, 2024 | Written by Molly Schafer
    James (JD) Zimmerman is a new assistant professor of landscape horticulture and design in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences. Merging art and science, Zimmerman will teach landscape architecture courses as well as plant science. He is a proponent of experiential learning and holds many classes outdoors where students can observe their subject matter in the field and garden. Classes meet at UD Botanic Gardens and Delaware’s many horticultural gardens and state parks.
  • UD’s Equestrian Team’s triumphant season blends all talent levels, excellence and national recognition

    September 16, 2024 | Written by Nya Wynn
    The UD Equestrian Team had a standout 2023-2024 season, winning the regional championship and placing 11th at the IHSA National Championship. Under coach Whitney Carmouche, the team emphasized inclusivity and support for riders of all experience levels, fostering a healthy team environment. They also introduced initiatives like a scholarship and equipment loan program to help new riders explore the sport without a significant financial burden.
  • Alumni Lexi Dart uses her skills from UD’s landscape architecture program to pursue her Ph.D.

    September 10, 2024 | Written by Nya Wynn
    UD Class of 2023 University of Delaware landscape architecture graduate Lexi Dart is working towards her Ph.D. in design with a concentration in landscape architecture. Dart combines her interest in site engineering and her skills in design and community outreach to analyze how architects can measure different aspects of the landscape and how designs can impact communities.


We're glad you have chosen the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) at the University of Delaware to further your educational and career endeavors. Whether as an undergraduate student or a graduate student you will find that CANR has smaller class sizes, hands-on research opportunities and accessible, friendly faculty and staff.

Here you'll find links, resources and portals you need as a current student at UD.


Current Students | College of Agriculture and Natural Resources | University of Delaware
Current Students | College of Agriculture and Natural Resources | University of Delaware
Current Students | College of Agriculture and Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Featured Video

Riding with technology video:

Riding with technology

University of Delaware students enrolled in AGRI 130 spent their third Saturday field trip driving specialized farm equipment (combine and tractor) equipped with precision agriculture. With prices exceeding in some cases more than three-quarters of a million dollars, it was a unique hands-on experience.

Read more on UDaily

Funding Resource Share

Invest in your future

There are a number of opportunities for our undergraduate and graduate students to be honored for their scholarship and service during their time at the University of Delaware. Students are encouraged to explore financial resources to help pay for college including a select number of UD endowments, an external scholarship listing, and scholarship search engines.


Undergraduate Students | Graduate Students

Current Students | College of Agriculture and Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Additional funding

UD applicants are reviewed for merit scholarships upon admittance. Look through a select number of UD endowments, an external scholarship listing, and scholarship search engines.

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