Agricultural Programs
Economic and environmental integrity
The total economic contribution of all categories of agriculture in Delaware is $7.95 billion in industry output and that the agricultural industry contributes $2.5 billion in value-added activity, and $1.6 billion in labor income, supporting 30,000 jobs. There are currently 7.6 billion people in the world and population is estimated to be over 10 billion by 2050. Further increases in agricultural output are essential while maintaining economic and environmental integrity.
Delaware Cooperative Extension is working with individuals, farms and the agricultural industry to improve and increase economic and environmental integrity and food security.

Timely advice for diverse audiences
Weekly Crop Update (2019)

Educate, Engage and Empower:
Women in Agriculture (2019)
Crop, soil and pasture best practices

Animal Science Research

Climate Variability


Commericial Horticulture

Nutrient Management

Veggie & Fruit Crop Resources

Field Crop Resources

Pest Management

Weed Science
Upcoming Events
Services from experts you can trust

Soil Testing Program

Plant Diagnostics

Beginning Farmer Program

Delaware Master Gardeners

Sustainable Landscapes

Delaware Master Naturalists
Strong community support and leadership

Farm Succession and Estate Planning

Farm Vitality and Health Project

Mental Health First Aid Training
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Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus is an Orthotospovirus. This virus can be seed borne or vectored by multiple thrips species.
Tar spot is caused by the fungal pathogen Phyllachoramaydis. Under favorable conditions for disease, yield loss on susceptible hybrids can be severe.
The alfalfa weevil (AW) overwinters in both the adult and egg stages. Although egg laying occurs in the fall and spring, larvae hatching from spring-laid eggs cause the most damage. Eggs are laid in the alfalfa stem any time temperatures are above 48 degrees F.
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