Fact Sheets And Publications

Achieving Physical Wellness
Maintaining a healthy body through smart diet and activity choices. This may include eating a balanced nutritional diet, exercising regularly, at least 60 minutes per day for youth or 2.5 hours per week for adults, and being generally free from common illness.
How do I achieve physical wellness?
Reflect on the following statements as they apply to you in your life, deciding if they are true for you:
"I eat a balanced and nutritional diet."
"I exercise at least 60 minutes per day for youth or 2.5 hours per week for adults."
"I am generally free from illness and practice a preventive lifestyle."
What can I do?
Nutrition: Examine what you eat
- A balanced diet includes food items from all 5 food groups.
- A nutritional diet includes the six essential nutrients of: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.
- A balanced and nutritional diet includes a variety of foods and nutrients.
Exercise and physical activity: Get moving!
- Exercise includes: Aerobic activity, muscle strengthening activities, bone strengthening activities, and flexibility practice.
- Aerobic: Any exercise that improves your endurance by increasing your heart rate. This may include; running, swimming, dancing, bike riding, jumping rope
- Muscle strengthening: Any exercise that allows you to build muscle and strength. This may include; weight lifting, squats, push-ups, crunches
- Bone strengthening: Any exercise that makes your bones stronger. Many muscle strengthening and aerobic activities may also strengthen the bones including; running, jumping rope, squats
- Flexibility: Any exercises that stretch the muscles of the body: focus on regularly stretching the legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, neck, and arms.
Prevention: Practice healthy habits
- As part of physical wellness you are generally free from fatigue and able to complete everyday activities
- You practice a preventative lifestyle by taking care of your body through doing things like: brushing your teeth, maintaining regular check-ups, receiving appropriate vaccinations, and other things to help prevent you from illness.
- You keep your body free from harmful substances such as drugs, tobacco, or excess alcohol.
- If you do have an illness, you are practicing self-care to limit effects and progression of the illness.
What's next?
After reflecting on these areas, use our guide to SMART Goals to learn how to set effective personal goals related to your physical wellness!

Exercise and Physical Activity
Are you a visual learner?
Check out our resource:
"How to Use a Wellness Wheel!"

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