RICE Facility

UD Rice Research, Education, and Communication (RICE) Facility
The Rice Investigation, Communication, and Education (RICE) Facility is an NSF and USDA-funded network of 30 individual rice paddy plots where research, education, and outreach activities are conducted. Each paddy is 2x2 m and equipped with solar powered sensors to allow cutting edge research involving biogeochemical cycling including how soil amendments or engineered water management influences uptake of metals in rice and greenhouse gas emissions.
The process of rice growth from seedling to mature plants
The initial funding for UD’s RICE Facility was via the NSF CAREER award to PI Seyfferth. Since then, the facility has been expanded to address new projects funded by NSF and USDA. This facility is a hub for research, teaching, and outreach.
Undergraduate research
Video link: UD summer scholar studies how to protect rice from arsenic: youtube.com/watch?v=I66UalTzIKE