Virtual Ag Day Archive


Virtual Ag Day lasted a whole week IN @2021!


April 19 - April 24, 2021


Thank you for helping us to make it such a huge success!


One World One Health Ag Day Graphic Banner
Blue and Gold Event Flags

Virtual Ag Day

For many decades, thousands of people headed to the University of Delaware's south campus on the last Saturday of April to celebrate Ag Day. For the second year in a row we are unable to host an in-person Ag Day event, but this year we're bringing the fun online. 

The 2021 Ag Day theme is 'One World, One Health' and will highlight college-wide research pertaining to this concept. One Health is a research perspective that considers the health of animals, humans and the environment as a single, integrated whole.

Imagine stepping on-campus and walking towards Townsend Hall, the home to UD's College of Agriculture and Natural Resources where students are able to work on a 350-acre farm, study botanic gardens, research the Ecology Woods and watch over several different wetland habitats for local wildlife. On a typical Ag Day you would find tents with vendors and exhibits spread over nearly 80 different rectangular tables. There would be dozens of Cooperative Extension agents and faculty amongst hundreds of CANR students. Ag Day is our opportunity to showcase what CANR means to the community. 

Beginning Monday, April 19, you will find virtual tents, with video tables where these groups will have an opportunity to talk with you about what their research, program or organization is all about. So be prepared to come on in, take a listen and grab some activities for the kids. We're so happy to celebrate this special week with you again for this very special Virtual Ag Day event!

To participate in our event, visit all videos on FlipGrid are closed captioned.

Visit the Cooperative Extension Tent

Cooperative Extension empowers communities of all sizes to meet the challenges they face, improve nutrition and food safety, prepare for and respond to emergencies and protect our environment. Learn more about their programs in this tent.

Visit the Cooperative Extension Tent

Visit the Community Tent

Our community partners share our passion for sustainable agriculture, wildlife protection and ecosystem conservation. Explore activities and other resources from these important local, regional and national allies.

Visit our Community Partners

Visit the CANR Campus Tent

At the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, world-class research, teaching and hands-on student experiences create an unparalleled learning environment. Discover what makes us unique from our 350-acre classroom to our award-winning ice cream!

Visit THE CANR Campus Tent

Visit the registered student organizations tent

CANR student clubs and around UD cater to a wide array of interests and offer many ways to get involved, find new friends and give back to the campus community. See what our students are up to below and download an activity or two.

Visit the Student Clubs Tent

What is One Health?

ZOOM Backgrounds

We have created themed virtual backgrounds for your use during online meetings! Show your CANR spirit next time you're online!

Browse Backgrounds

The CANR Campus Tent

The future of research at UD’s redesigned Worrilow Hall:

Graphic that says Animal Demos with illustrations of chicken, sheep, cows

Sheep Shearing Demo with Larry Armstrong:

UD Apiary Bee Demo:

Virtual Ag Day Cows Are Cool:

UDairy Creamery - Farm to Spoon:

The Cooperative Extension Tent

Parts of the Area Prepare for Cicada Invasion

A huge influx of cicadas is expected to soon emerge from the ground. NBC10’s Tim Furlong talks with Brian Kunkel from UD's Cooperative Extension show you what you might see – and hear – when they arrive in parts of our area.

The Student Organizations Tent

University of Delaware Animal Science Club

The Animal Science Club promotes and provides educational opportunities for students interested in the field of animal science.

Download one of their activities. 

Crossword Puzzle | Word Search

Vforce Comic Book from the American Veterinary Medical Association

Download an action packed comic book featuring 6 super hero veterinarians  from the American Veterinary Medical Association.


English Version  |  Spanish Version

The Community Tent

Wild Biomes: America’s Rainforests and Deserts from Nature Lab:

White Clay Creek FestWhite Clay Creek State Park's Creek Fest

Visit our Virtual Programming page for self-guided hikes, online video programs featuring Delaware State Parks naturalists and interpreters, links to the parks adventure blog and coloring book pages for the kids to help you stay active and informed! You will also find links to our division's Facebook, Instagram and YouTube pages where you can explore even more virtual-based activities and information daily!

Delaware State Parks Virtual Programming

Rubber ducky stormwater run-off:

City of Newark

The City of Newark has joined forces with the University of Delaware in developing a stormwater management program. Water that flows into the storm drainage system does not get treated at the waste water treatment plant. It flows through a series of pipes and discharges either directly or indirectly into our creeks and tributaries. To minimize the potential for water quality problems, we need to work together to clean up our stormwater at the source.

To learn more about stormwater in Newark, Delaware, click here.

Download a "Let's Learn About Water" Activity Book

Extension302 Podcast Graphic

Extension302 Podcast

Episode 16: Ag Day 2021: One World, One Health

Listen now on:

SPOTIFY | youtube

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April 22: an Earth Day lecture

Gardens are Good for You

Sue Barton, Professor, Extension Specialist and 2021 Worrilow Award winner

Humans share a deep relationship with the outdoor world. Spending time outdoors in the nature can help reduce stress, heal what ails you, build social and community bonds, help children learn and even help businesses make more money. Learn how to harness the power of observation, see patterns around you and appreciate the value of a sense of place.