Local Government Training at IPA

A panel discuss local government human resources issues

offering timely workshops for local leaders

To meet the needs of local governments, the Institute for Public Administration (IPA) offers several training programs for public officials and municipal staff. Training is primarily focused on targeted issues of importance for town councils and planning commissions, such as municipal planning and zoning, legal issues, economic development, and sustainability. We also provide annual training to town administrators through the Delaware Municipal Clerks Institute.

Training Programs

IPA offers a variety of training programs to meet the needs of local governments. To learn more about our programs, toggle the dropdown menu below. 


Local governments are increasingly asked to do more, often with fewer resources. Local officials are frequently called upon to understand and make decisions on highly complex issues. Today's elected and appointed leaders must be well versed in everything from land-use planning, zoning, development review, FOIA, personnel law, economic development, housing, and many other issues. Our Local Government Training Program is intended to provide important and necessary knowledge for local officials so that they can make informed decisions for their towns and cities.​

What is the Certificate in Local Government Leadership?

Upon completion of a total of 25 hours of education and training sessions in our program within a three-year period along with attendance at one or more Institute for Local Government Leaders held each fall, local officials will be informed that they have earned their Certificate in Local Government Leadership. These Certificates will be presented at IPA's annual Institute for Local Government Leaders.

No additional cost is associated with the awarding of this certification and recipients are invited to attend the Institute as IPA's guest to receive their certificate. Customary registration fees are $50-$100 for participation in most of the individual education and in-person training sessions while fees between $20-$50 are typical for remote learning sessions.​

A group of local government training session attendees sitting in a classroom setting
The Institute for Public Administration's Delaware Certificate in Local Government Leadership is a chance for local government officials to grow, learn, and achieve.


For over 20 years the Institute for Public Administration has partnered with the Office of State Planning Coordination and the Delaware Chapter of the American Planning Association to offer training courses that are specifically targeted toward ensuring that local government officials are well-versed in planning and zoning issues both to meet their own needs and to meet state requirements.

Our planning courses are held at various times year-round, but the core courses​ of Planning 101, Land Use Law, and Land Use Administration are held every January, February, and March. Other courses are designated as qualifying for planning credit based on their content throughout the rest of the year.​

What is the Certificate for Planning Education?

Upon completion of a total of 15 hours of specifically directed education and training sessions on planning and zoning topics within a three-year period, including attendance at Planning 101, Land Use Law, and Land Use Administration, local officials will be informed that they have earned their Certificate in Planning Education. These Certificates will be presented at IPA's annual Institute for Local Government Leaders held every fall.

No additional cost is associated with the awarding of this certification, and recipients are invited to attend the Institute as IPA's guest to receive their certificate. Customary registration fees are $50-$100 for participation in most of the individual education and in-person training sessions while fees between $20-$50 are typical for remote learning sessions.​

Planning Certificate Awardees pose for a photo holding certificates
The Institute for Public Administration's Certificate for Planning Education is an opportunity for local government officials and leaders to navigate important issues surrounding community planning.

core planning courses 

The following three courses are required to be completed in order to earn a Certificate in Planning Education.

Planning Your Community's Future - "Planning 101"

This course will provide basic information and education for elected officials who have to consider and act upon comprehensive plans, land use and zoning matters. Participation is also helpful for planning and zoning commissioners, board of adjustment members, and others who take part in community planning and land-development matters. The course covers:

  • Delaware Planning and Zoning Statutory Requirements
  • The Elements of a Comprehensive Plan
  • The Basics of Land Use Control
  • The Role of the Planning & Zoning Commissioner

Land-Use Law and Regulation

This course focuses on land-use law.  It begins a review of the basic principles governing land-use law.  Topics include police power, delegation of authority, nuisances, due process, equal protection, just compensation, vagueness, and vested rights.  Participants will then learn about Delaware court decisions affecting local land use. The course covers:

  • Basic Terms and Concepts
  • Zoning, Subdivision, and Site-Plan Review
  • Other Approaches to Land-Use Control  

Land-Use and Development Administration

This is primarily a hands-on course designed to build the skills for administering and interpreting land-use regulations. Participants will be introduced to zoning, subdivision, and land-use codes and how they are linked to municipal comprehensive plans. In-class exercises will provide an opportunity for participants to analyze and interpret a land-use and development code, to formulate answers to typical land-use administration questions, and to review development plans.


The Institute for Local Government Leaders is an event typically held each Fall in Dover, which is changed every year to be themed around important topics for Delaware local governments. Awards are given out at the event for participation in IPA's training programs.

The Institute for Local Government Leaders is part of IPA's program that will qualify participants to receive a Certificate in Local Governance Leadership. Attendance provides local officials with four hours of eligible education and training toward the Certificate requirement of 24 contact hours.

Delaware Institute for Local Government Leaders pose for photo holding certificates
The 2022 Delaware Institute for Local Government Leaders cohort pose for photo during the celebration of completion award ceremony.


The Office of Municipal Clerk, sometimes referred to by the title of City Secretary or Town Administrator, is at the very hub of local governance. In support of the key role that is played by the municipal clerk, the International Institute of Municipal Clerks recognizes 46 state, provincial, or regional education centers in the United States and Canada that provide programs of instruction that qualify individuals for the designation of Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC).

The University of Delaware's Institute for Public Administration conducts an annual series of municipal clerks training sessions, which enrolls municipal and county staff from throughout the state of Delaware and the surrounding region. Participation in this training over a three-year cycle satisfies the educational requirements for the CMC designation. 


The Fall 2024 Delaware Municipal Clerks Institute is a 40-hour program hosted on nine Fridays in the fall: August 23 & 30, September 6, 13, 20, & 27, and October 4, 18, & 25. ​​​​

​Course Topics Include...

  • Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork
  • What is Public Administration?
  • Roles of Clerks during Elections
  • Service Learning at Milford Food Bank
  • Tour of the Delaware Public Archives
  • History of the Administrative Office of the Courts
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Resources for Municipal Government
  • Climate Change
  • Improving Digital Proficiency Skills for Career Impact
  • Budgeting/Tips for Dealing with Council
  • Emotional Labor in Public Service
Municipal Clerks Certificate Training Program attendees sitting in classrom during presentation
With its wide range of course topics, the 40-hour Municipal Clerks Certificate Training Program satisfies the educational requirements for the designation of the Certified Municipal Clerk and Master Municipal Clerks.
This video features the recent Collaborative Policy Forum: Delaware’s Changing Landscape, Transportation & Demographic Challenges in a Post-Covid Era that took place on July 17, 2024.

Delaware's Changing Landscape Recap Video: https://capture.udel.edu/media/1_uceo6x3q/