Kimberley Isett
Vice Provost for Academic Programs and University Initiatives
Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration
University of Delaware
116 Hullihen Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Kimberley Roussin Isett earned a Ph.D. (Management, Organization theory) and MPA (health and human services, policy) from the University of Arizona's Eller College of Management. Her research focuses on institutional pressures and dynamics in implementing government services, with a particular interest in the delivery of services to vulnerable populations, and the use of evidence in public decision-making. Her goal is to do research that aids government organizations to find their optimal system design given their political, policy, regulatory, and financial constraints. To date, Dr. Isett has been the PI or co-PI on grants totaling over $14m. She has been recognized by the Academy of Management for excellence in research and participated in the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation's Mental Health Policy Research Network (2002 – 2008). In 2020 she was elected as a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration. Isett has worked with elected officials and policymakers at all levels of government on a variety of issues. Prior to joining the Biden School, Dr. Isett was on faculty at Georgia Tech, Columbia University, and Texas A&M, and she completed a NIMH sponsored post doc at UNC-Chapel Hill's Sheps Center for Health Services Research.
- PhD, Management University Of Arizona, Eller College of Management (2001)
- MPA University Of Arizona, Eller College of Management, (1998)
- BA, International Relations, Ursinus College
Research Interests
Complex Systems Change, evidence use in decision making, collaboration/social network analysis
Subject Lead, Australia New Zealand School of Government