9/11: UD Remembers
& Reflects


The University of Delaware community is marking the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in multiple ways, looking back at the historic event and its impact but also looking ahead to apply its lessons of resilience and hope.



At UD, Honoring Lives Lost

The University community on Friday gathered on the Green to remember those killed in the 9/11 attacks. After a morning ceremony, hundreds of students, faculty and staff shared their thoughts of remembrance, gratitude, sadness and resilience on ribbons that hung in rows on The Green.

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Serving the nation

    How to participate


    Sept. 3-17 in Perkins Student Center — About 300 ribbons that were part of the campus response immediately after 9/11 are on display in the concourse near the West Lounge, with a sign explaining their significance.



    On September 10 at 9 a.m. all UD students, faculty and staff are invited to the Green on the north steps of Memorial Hall to commemorate the 20th anniversary of September 11, 2001. New ribbons will be displayed and blank ribbons will be available for anyone to write their own message as we reflect on how September 11 impacted us as individuals, our community and our world. This display of ribbons written this year will be up on the Green from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on September 10.  Note: In accordance with University policy, all external visitors at this event must provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative PCR test for the virus, as well as complete the Daily Health Check. More information is available at udel.edu/coronavirus.



    Four times on Saturday, Sept. 11 — at 8:46 a.m., 9:03 a.m., 9:37 a.m. and 10:03 a.m., each marking the moment one of the planes crashed — the Carillon on campus will toll 20 times in recognition of the 20 years since the attack.



    Delaware Athletics will commemorate the 20th anniversary of September 11th on the field prior to the home opening football game at 6:00 p.m. and has designated this game as our First Responder Appreciation game.  Local first responders can reserve up to four complimentary game tickets here, and can opt in to participate in our on-field commemoration of the event.  Note: In accordance with University policy, all external visitors at this event must provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative PCR test for the virus, as well as complete the Daily Health Check. More information is available at udel.edu/coronavirus.



    Beginning September 10 in Morris Library, the exhibition 9/11: Still Responding will display the creative outpourings of authors, artists, playwrights, poets, Delawareans and UD students in response to the national tragedy of September 11, 2001. The exhibition reveals the variety of ways that art, literature, record-keeping and personal remembrances offered emotional and inspirational outlets amidst a time of national mourning. The exhibition will be on view through October 29 in the Lincoln Exhibition Case outside Special Collections and in the Information Room Case near the entrance. It will also be available as an online exhibition. It is presented by Special Collections at the UD Library, Museums and Press.

    2019 Flag planting for Veterans Day, November 5th, 2019. Connor Shields, Junior volunteers his time for the event.
    9/11 Commemoration Ceremony held at Olan Thomas Park in Newark, DE on the 18th anniversary of the tragedies.

Pictured: Col. John W. Long, USAF (Ret.), University of Delaware Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
    Memorial Service