Presidential News & Communications




Letter - Our voice and purpose at UD — Sept. 16, 2024

Letter — Progress and momentum: a new level of transparency and empowerment — Sept. 6, 2024

Letter — Supporting one another in a time of loss — Aug. 28, 2024

Letter — A warm welcome to our UD community! — Aug. 26, 2024

Letter — Urging Congress to Fulfill Commitment to Funding Science (signed as a member of the Council on Competitiveness) — May 28, 2024

Speech — Commencement — May 25, 2024

Presentation — Board of Trustees meeting — May 14, 2024

Letter — Protecting Our Campus From Discrimination (with Vice President Fatimah Conley and Vice President Jose-Luis Riera) — May 9, 2024

Presentation — General Faculty meeting — May 6, 2024

Presentation — Delaware Joint Capital Improvement Committee hearing — May 2, 2024

Letter — Protecting freedom of expression while preserving campus safety — May 1, 2024

Letter — Response to SJP letter (Sent to leadership of the University’s registered student organization Students for Justice in Palestine in response to their April 24 letter) — April 26, 2024

Remarks — UD Faculty Senate — April 1, 2024

Presentation — UD Board of Trustees (with Provost Laura Carlson and Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Mary Remmler) — March 19, 2024

Letter — Early reflections from our listening tour (with Provost Laura Carlson, sent to UD faculty and staff) — March 14, 2024

Letter — Perseverance and unity in our steps forward for a bright future (with Provost Laura Carlson, sent to UD faculty and staff) — March 4, 2024

Letter — Enhancing Operational Efficiency (to UD faculty and staff) — Feb. 6, 2024

Presentation — To Faculty Senate regarding budget challenges — Feb. 5, 2024

Presentation — Delaware General Assembly Joint Finance Committee — Feb. 1, 2024

Letter — 2024: A New Year of Limitless Possibilities — Jan. 2, 2024

Presentation — Board of Trustees meeting — Dec. 5, 2023

Presentation — General Faculty meeting — Dec. 4, 2023

Letter — New Era in Blue Hen Athletics (signed with Athletics Director Chrissi Rawak) — Nov. 28, 2023

Presentation — Delaware Office of Management and Budget — Nov. 13, 2023

Letter — Affirming our position and purpose — Oct. 12, 2023

Letter — Ending Violence, Supporting Peace — Oct. 11, 2023

Presentation — Board of Trustees retreat (slides and video recording) — Oct. 5, 2023

Presentation — Faculty Senate — Oct. 2, 2023

Letter — National Voter Registration Day: Get Involved — Sept. 19, 2023

Letter — Remembering 9/11 — Sept. 8, 2023

Letter — Welcome to a New Academic Year! — Aug. 28, 2023

Statement — Supporting an inclusive and intercultural community at UD — June 29, 2023

Letter — Thank you for another great year! — June 9, 2023

Speech — Commencement 2023 — May 27, 2023

Letter — Sad and unfortunate incident — May 19, 2023

Presentation — Board of Trustees meeting — May 16, 2023

Letter — Hate has no home on our campus — May 9, 2023

Letter — Tragic loss of a UD student — May 8, 2023

Presentation — General Faculty meeting — May 1, 2023

Letter — Tragic Incident: Supporting our Community — April 29, 2023

Letter — Advancing our Commitment to Sustainability — April 3, 2023

Presentation — Delaware Joint Committee on Capital Improvement — March 24, 2023

Presentation — University of Delaware Board of Trustees — March 21, 2023

Letter — 100 Years of Study Abroad: Celebrating Our Blue Hen Impact — Feb. 22, 2023

Letter — Keeping Temple University in Our Thoughts — Feb. 19, 2023

Letter — Tragedy at Michigan State University — Feb. 14, 2023

Letter — Turkey Earthquake: Supporting the UD Community — Feb. 8, 2023

Presentation — Delaware General Assembly Joint Finance Committee — Feb. 2, 2023

Letter — New Year, New Possibilities — Jan. 3, 2023

Letter — Equal Access to Education in Afghanistan and Around the World — Dec. 22, 2022

Presentation — Board of Trustees Semiannual Meeting — Dec. 6, 2022

Presentation — General Faculty Meeting — Dec. 5, 2022

Letter — Supporting the Virginia and Idaho University Communities — Nov. 14, 2022

Presentation — Delaware Office of Management and Budget — Nov. 14, 2022

Letter — Embracing the Opportunity to Strengthen Democracy — Nov. 7, 2022

Letter — Standing Against Antisemitism — Nov. 4, 2022

Letter — Highlighting UD's Impact in Our Community (to Faculty and Staff) — Nov. 3, 2022

Presentation — Board of Trustees retreat — Oct. 6, 2022

Letter — Action steps to enhance campus safety — Oct. 5, 2022

Letter — Supporting Our Iranian Colleagues — Sept. 30, 2022

Letter — Support for CHIPS and Science Funding (sent to Congress and signed with other members of the Council on Competitiveness) — Sept. 29, 2022

Letter — Voting: Democracy Depends on All of Us — Sept. 19, 2022

Letter — Remembering 9/11 — Sept. 9, 2022

Letter — DSU shooting incident earlier today — Sept. 3, 2022

Letter — Welcome! — Aug. 29, 2022

Letter — To NCAA regarding DSU Women's Lacrosse Team (signed with other leaders of Delaware higher education institutions) — June 10, 2022 

Letter — A Momentous Occasion for Reflection — May 31, 2022

Speech — Commencement 2022 (video) — May 28, 2022

Presentation — Board of Trustees — May 19, 2022

Letter — Standing Against Hate — May 17, 2022

Letter — Welcome UD's New Provost Laura Carlson — May 4, 2022

Letter — Earth Day: Investing in Our Future — April 22, 2022

Letter — UD's Commitment to Supplier Diversity — April 7, 2022

Letter — Connecting Our Purpose: UD President's Report 2022 — April 6, 2022

Presentation — General Faculty — April 4, 2022

Presentation — Delaware Joint Capital Improvement Committee — March 31, 2022

Letter — Go Hens! — March 17, 2022

Presentation — Board of Trustees — March 16, 2022

Letter — Congress and the President Must Act Now to Ensure the United States Leads in Science & Technology (signed with other members of the Council on Competitiveness) — March 8, 2022

Letter — Joining Our Voices for Peace and Justice in Ukraine — Feb. 28, 2022

Presentation — Board of Trustees — Feb. 16, 2022

Presentation — Faculty Senate — Feb. 7, 2022

Presentation — Delaware Joint Finance Committee — Feb. 3, 2022

Letter — New Year, New Energy — Jan. 3, 2022

Presentation — UD Board of Trustees — Dec. 7, 2021

Letter — Addressing a racist incident near campus — Nov. 12, 2021

Presentation — Delaware Office of Management and Budget — Nov. 9, 2021

Letter — Announcing new senior leadership role in equity and diversity — Oct. 27, 2021

Letter — Gender-Based Violence: Finding a Path Forward — Oct. 14, 2021

Letter — Blue Hen Re-Coop Day — Oct. 11, 2021

Presentation — General Faculty (video and slides) — Oct. 4, 2021

Presentation — Board of Trustees Retreat — Oct. 7, 2021

Letter — Our Strong Community (signed with Fatimah Conley, Interim Chief Diversity Officer, and Jose-Luis Riera, Vice President for Student Life) — Sept. 30, 2021

Letter — 9/11: UD Remembers and Reflects — Sept. 10, 2021

Letter — Welcome! — Aug. 30, 2021

Letter — Mitigating Foreign Influence in Higher Education Research Collaborations (signed as a member of the Council on Competitiveness) — July 8, 2021

Speech — Class of 2020 Commencement — May 30, 2021

Speech — Class of 2021 Commencements — May 28-29, 2021

Presentation — UD Board of Trustees — May 25, 2021

Letter — Commemorating Juneteenth — May 21, 2021

Presentation — Delaware Joint Capital Improvement Committee — May 6, 2021

Letter — COVID-19 Vaccine to be Required for UD Students — May 5, 2021

Presentation — General Faculty — May 3, 2021

Letter — Caring for Our Health and Wellbeing — May 1, 2021

Letter — University of Delaware President's Report 2021 — April 29, 2021

Letter — Advancing Justice in Our World (signed with Fatimah Conley, Interim Chief Diversity Officer) — April 20, 2021

Letter — Resilience and Progress — March 18, 2021

Town Hall — President's Update: Progress and Promise — March 18, 2021

Letter — Standing in Solidarity with the Asian American Community (signed with Fatimah Conley, Interim Chief Diversity Officer) — March 18, 2021

Letter — Celebrating the Class of 2021 (sent to graduating students) — March 12, 2021

Letter — Celebrating the Class of 2020 (sent to 2020 alumni) — March 12, 2021

Letter — Spring 2021: Optimism for the Semester Ahead — Feb. 15, 2021

Presentation — Delaware General Assembly Joint Finance Committee — Feb. 4, 2021

Letter — A New Chapter in Our Shared Story — Jan. 20, 2021

Letter — Staying United through Civility and Respect — Jan. 6, 2021

Letter — New Year, New Opportunity — Jan. 4, 2021

Presentation — University of Delaware Board of Trustees — Dec. 8, 2020

Presentation — Faculty Senate — Dec. 7, 2020

Letter — A Time to Give Thanks — Nov. 23, 2020

Presentation — Delaware Office of Management & Budget — Nov. 10, 2020

Letter — Moving Forward as a University and as a Nation — Nov. 7, 2020

Letter — Vote — Nov. 2, 2020

Letter — Support U.S. research during COVID-19 (signed with 49 peer presidents in Science) (PDF) — Oct. 30, 2020

Letter — Looking Ahead to an Exciting 2021 — Oct. 21, 2020

Letter — UD Financial Outlook: Ensuring Transparency (signed with Trustees Chairman John Cochran) — Oct. 14, 2020

Letter — UD Financial Outlook: Personnel Measures (signed with Provost Robin Morgan and EVP John Long) — Oct. 8, 2020

Presentation — General Faculty Meeting and Town Hall (slidesaudience Q&A) — Oct. 1, 2020

Letter — UD Financial Outlook: Meeting the Challenges Ahead (sent to Faculty and Staff) — Sept. 24, 2020

Letter — UD Financial Outlook: Our Commitment to Your Academic Success (sent to Students) — Sept. 24, 2020

Letter — Remembering 9/11 — Sept. 11, 2020

Letter — Embracing Change: Welcome to UD's 2020-21 Academic Year — Sept. 1, 2020

Letter — Advancing Toward Greater Social Justice — Aug. 28, 2020

Letter — Fire Damages Chabad Center for Jewish Life — Aug. 26, 2020

Letter — Fall 2020 Planning: Most UD academic courses to be delivered online — July 22, 2020

Letter — Protecting UD's International Students — July 14, 2020

Letter to the Class of 2020 — Postponement of Commencement to 2021 — July 13, 2020

Letter — Our return to campus: Update on the fall semester — June 23, 2020

Presentation — UD Board of Trustees — June 23, 2020 

Letter — Celebrating Juneteenth at the University of Delaware — June 18, 2020

Letter — We can do better as a University community — June 4, 2020

Letter — UD Phased Campus Reopening — May 31, 2020

Letter — Creating a more just society — May 29, 2020

Presentation — General Faculty meeting and town hall — May 11, 2020

Letter — Blue Hen Celebration set for May 30 — May 11, 2020

Letter — Coronavirus Update: Phased Campus Reopening — May 8, 2020

Letter — Managing Our Path Forward (signed with Provost Robin Morgan and Executive Vice President John Long) — May 4, 2020

Letter — COVID-19 Impact and Outlook: Advancing Our Strong UD Community — April 27, 2020

Letter to the Class of 2020 — Celebrating the Class of 2020: Moving Forward — April 16, 2020

Letter — COVID-19 Pandemic Pay Protocol in effect for spring semester — April 2, 2020

Video — Momentum and Resilience: Our UD Spring Semester Resumes — March 29, 2020 

Letter — Coronavirus Update: Emergency academic policies instituted — March 26, 2020

Letter — Coronavirus Update: Remote-work period extended to May 15 — March 24, 2020

Letter — Coronavirus Update: Remote-work period extended to April 13 — March 20, 2020

Letter — Coronavirus Update: Spring Break extended — March 15, 2020

Letter — Coronavirus Update: Residence halls to close — March 13, 2020

Letter — Coronavirus Update: Additional cases confirmed — March 12, 2020

Letter — Coronavirus Update: Campus response to confirmed coronavirus case — March 11, 2020

Presentation — Delaware General Assembly's Joint Capital Improvement Committee — March 3, 2020

Op-Ed — UD's commitment to First State students — Feb. 10, 2020

Presentation — Delaware General Assembly's Joint Finance Committee — Feb. 6, 2020

Letter — Keeping Our Community Healthy: Stay Informed About Coronavirus — Feb. 5, 2020

Editorial — The Future of the Internal Combustion Engine — International Journal of Engine Research (PDF), January 2020

Letter — Shaping a Bold Future Together — Jan. 2, 2020

Presentation — Board of Trustees — Dec. 10, 2019

Letter — Input sought for Middle States accreditation (signed with Provost Robin Morgan) — Oct. 25, 2019

Presentation — General Faculty — Oct. 7, 2019

Letter — Remembering 9/11 — Sept. 11, 2019

Letter — Our shared path forward: UD Strategic Plan (signed with Provost Robin Morgan and Executive Vice President John Long) — Sept. 10, 2019

Letter — Welcome to campus! — Aug. 26, 2019

Letter — Guided by mission in a world of continuous change — UD Magazine, September 2019

Letter — Mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton — Aug. 4, 2019

Letter —