Our Mission and Vision
The mission of the Graduate College is to achieve excellence in graduate education and graduate research, scholarship and creative expression at the University of Delaware. In doing so, the Graduate College will elevate the stature of our graduate programs nationally and internationally.
Established in 2019, the University of Delaware Graduate College is an expression of the will of the faculty and administration at the University to dedicate itself to the needs and aspirations of our graduate students and postdocs. We will advocate for our graduate students’ and postdocs' success and well-being in all parts of their lives on and off campus. The Graduate College will enhance graduate experiences by:
- building a welcoming, respectful, strong, diverse and resilient graduate community,
- fostering innovation in graduate education, especially in creating and supporting interdisciplinary programs, delivering online courses and programs and extending educational opportunities to nontraditional learners,
- providing opportunities for professional development so that graduate students and postdocs can achieve their career aspirations,
- recruiting and retaining the best and brightest students,
- supporting, developing and enhancing opportunities for graduate and postdoctoral research, scholarship and creative expression.
We place the highest value on our common humanity, and therefore we will reflect and act upon issues of diversity, equity and inclusion in the decisions that we make. Operational excellence and operational continuity will be our guiding organizational principles. Best practices, data and evidence will inform all our actions, and we will maximize our impact by working harmoniously with the Graduate Council, the University’s other colleges and units, as well as partners from outside the university.