When you invite people to a meeting do not forget to explain the PURPOSE of the meeting in your invitation and repeat this at the beginning of the meeting. One should make clear whether the purpose of the meeting is to INFORM the participants about facts, to COME TO DECISIONS (mention which are the main ones) or to come to a distribution of FURTHER (STUDY) work. People then can determine whether they should attend.
The chairman is responsible for reserving a ROOM, ensure that the correct PROJECTION EQUIPMENT is present and in working order, the presenters use READABLE VIEWGRAPHS and an AGENDA is prepared.
At the start of the meeting let everybody know who is assigned to WRITE THE MINUTES. Let it be your assistant, as you then have control on the wording and content.
As chairman you must avoid having TWO or THREE SUB-MEETINGS at the SAME TIME (several groups of people talking at the same time) within your main meeting as this will result in chaos. Simply raise your voice and ask everybody to stop talking!
Some people need prompting to speak. Ask them to give their opinion if you think their opinion is of value.
KEEP PEOPLE ON TRACK. Kill the red herrings. It is the only way to finish the meeting within the scheduled time.
SUPER-SPECIALISTS MEETINGS should have a small number of participants.
At meetings with five or more people only the results of specialists advice should be given but not discussed as most of your audience will not understand.
In case decisions are required at the meeting prepare sufficient and clear pre-reading material for those that need to decide and leave little to question/decide at the meeting.
The chairman must SUMMARISE at the end of the meeting the main points discussed and/or agreed, repeat any action points resulting from the meeting and agree on who is responsible for the ACTION and by WHEN results are expected.
Write the minutes immediately and distribute for comments.