import string, serial, time, os import class LibK3: """This library is converted from C code I wrote around the mid-2000's for my K2. It was modified a bit when the K3 came out, and was converted to python in 2017. Probably not all functionality has been tested after conversion. I.e., expect bugs. :-) NOTE: A /dev/k3 unix device drive could maintain rig state. Then, all computer interactions would be with the driver, avoiding conflicts with xlog, xdx, etc. Mike Markowski, Jan 1, 2018 """ # NOTE: variables are named using the format fn_units, where fn # is a hopefully descriptive function of the variable, and units # are the units, where needed. For example, keyer_wpm might be the # keyer speed i words/minute, and vfoA_Hz might be VFO A setting in Hz. # # The underscore only separates name and units, never words within a # name. def __init__(self): self.modeName = { 'lsb':1, 'usb':2, 'cw':3, 'fm':4, 'am':5, 'data':6, 'cwRev':7, 'dataRev':9} self.modeNum = ['unknown', 'lsb', 'usb', 'cw', 'fm', 'am', 'data', 'cwRev', 'unknown', 'dataRev'] self.k3 = '' def connect(self, dev='/dev/ttyUSB0', baud=38400): """Connect to K3 using specified device and baud rate. Inputs: dev (string): serial port device that K3 is connected to. Default is /dev/ttyUSB0. baud (int): baud rate for connection. Default is 38400. Output: None """ self.k3 = serial.Serial(dev, baud, timeout=1) def disconnect(self): """Disconnect from K3. Input: None Output: None """ if self.k3 == '': return self.k3.flushInput() self.k3.close() def findSerialPorts(self): """Find serial ports on this machine. Input: None Output: (string[]): list of names of serial ports. """ comlist = connected = [] for element in comlist: connected.append(element.device) return connected # # K 3 I n t e r a c t i o n s # def abSwap(self): """Swap A and B VFOs. Input: None Output: None """ self.k3.write('swt11;'.encode()) def cancelSplit(self): """Exit from SPLIT mode. Input: None Output: None """ self.k3.write('fr0;'.encode()) def findMode(self, hz): """Based on frequency, return name of probable mode. For example, findMode(7030) returns 'cw', findMode(3700) returns 'lsb'. Input: hz (float): frequency in units of Hz, whose mode is wanted. Output: (string): name of mode. One of am, cw, fm, lsb, usb. """ kHz = hz / 1e3 if 520 <= kHz <= 1610: # Commercial AM mode = 'am' elif 1800 <= kHz <= 2000: # 160m CW mode = 'cw' elif 3500 <= kHz <= 3600: # 80m CW mode = 'cw' elif 3600 <= kHz <= 4000: # 80m phone mode = 'lsb' elif kHz in [5332, 5348, 5358.5, 5373, 5405]: # 60m CW mode = 'cw' elif 5300 <= kHz <= 5405: # 60m phone mode = 'usb' elif 7000 <= kHz <= 7125: # 40m CW mode = 'cw' elif 7125 <= kHz <= 7300: # 40m phone mode = 'lsb' elif 10100 <= kHz <= 10150: # 30m CW mode = 'cw' elif 14000 <= kHz <= 14150: # 20m CW mode = 'cw' elif 14150 <= kHz <= 14350: # 20m phone mode = 'usb' elif 18068 <= kHz <= 18110: # 17m CW mode = 'cw' elif 18110 <= kHz <= 18168: # 17m phone mode = 'usb' elif 21000 <= kHz <= 21200: # 15m CW mode = 'cw' elif 21200 <= kHz <= 21450: # 15m phone mode = 'usb' elif 24890 <= kHz <= 24930: # 12m CW mode = 'cw' elif 24930 <= kHz <= 24990: # 12m phone mode = 'usb' elif 28000 <= kHz <= 28300: # 10m CW mode = 'cw' elif 28300 <= kHz <= 29700: # 10m phone mode = 'usb' elif 144000 <= kHz <= 144100: # 2m CW mode = 'cw' elif 144100 <= kHz <= 144275: # 2m USB mode = 'usb' elif 144275 <= kHz <= 148000: # 2m FM mode = 'fm' else: mode = 'usb' # Catch all. return mode def quitCw(self): """Halt an ongoing CW transmission. Input: None Output: None """ self.k3.write('rx;'.encode()) def sendCw(self, msg): """Send a message in CW. Input: msg (string): the message to be sent. Output: None """ n = len(msg) # Send full buffers of 24 characters. for i in range(int(n/24)): cmd = 'ky %s;' % msg[i:i+24] self.k3.write(cmd.encode()) # Send final buffer of < 24 characters, if any. leftover = n % 24 if leftover > 0: cmd = 'ky %s;' % msg[n-leftover:] self.k3.write(cmd.encode()) # # g e t t e r s # def getDisplay(self): """Retrieve current K3 display. This is described in detail in the K3 Programmer's Manual but, in short, 4 lists are returned describing the current state of the display. Input: None Output: [ (chars (string[]), points (string[]), icons (string[]), blinks (string[]) ] where chars[] is a list of characters on the display, points[] indicates if decimal point [i] is on by char[i], icons[] indicates which display icons are turned on, blinks[] indicates if char[i] is blinking. """ self.k3.write('ds;'.encode()) display = # Retrieve display. blinks = [] chars = [] icons = [] points = [] for i in range(8): c = display[i+2] & 0x7f # Strip MSB (decimal point data) c = chr(c) if c == '<': c = 'L' elif c == '>': c = '-' elif c == '@': c = ' ' elif c == 'K': c = 'H' elif c == 'M': c = 'N' elif c == 'Q': c = 'O' elif c == 'V': c = 'U' elif c == 'W': c = 'I' elif c == 'X': c = 'c-bar' elif c == 'Z': c = 'c' elif c == '[': c = 'r-bar' elif c == '\\': c = 'lambda' elif c == ']': c = 'eq4' # Rx/tx eq level 4 elif c == '^': c = 'eq5' # Rx/tx eq level 5 chars.append(c) # Save decimal point on/off data (MSB). points.append((display[i+2] & 0x80) != 0) for i in range(8): icons.append((display[10] & (1 << i)) != 0) for i in range(8): blinks.append((display[11] & (1 << i)) != 0) return chars, points, icons, blinks def eqBandNumber(self, bandIndex): """Convert EQ band number, 0 through 7, to K3 button number. """ if not 0 <= bandIndex <= 7: return -1 bn = [11, 12, 13, 24, 27, 29, 33, 34] return bn[bandIndex] def getEqBandSetting(self, bi): """Return EQ band setting for specified band on current EQ. Input: bi (int): band index, 0 to 7, of currently open EQ. Index 0 corresponds to the 50 Hz EQ band, 7 to the 3200 Hz band. Output: (int): value of specified EQ band, -16 to 16 dB. """ bn = self.eqBandNumber(bi) # Get K3 button number for EQ band. numTries = 10 # Try to read this many times from K3. gotIt = False val = 0 for attempt in range(numTries): cmd = 'swt%02d;' % bn self.k3.write(cmd.encode()) # Tap button for EQ band. self.k3.write('db;'.encode()) # Get VFO B text area. s = s = str(s, 'utf-8') # Convert bytes to string. start = s.rfind('+') if start == -1: start = s.rfind('-') semi = s.find(';') if start == -1 or semi == -1 or start > semi: continue try: val = int(s[start:semi]) gotIt = True except ValueError: continue break if not gotIt: print('Couldn\'t read EQ band %d. Using 0 (wrong)!!' % bi) return val def getEqSettings(self, tx): """Retrieve the EQ settings for specified equalizer. Input: tx (boolean): use transmit/receive EQ if tx is True/False. Output: (int[]): list of 8 ints corresponding to settings, -16 to 16 dB, on the eight EQ bands, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 2400, 3200 Hz. """ settings_dB = [] eqCmd = 'MN009;' if tx else 'MN008;' # Open EQ for tx/rx respectively. self.k3.write(eqCmd.encode()) for i in range(8): # Eight EQ bands. setting_dB = self.getEqBandSetting(i) # Get K3 EQ 'slider' value. settings_dB.append(setting_dB) self.k3.write('swt14;'.encode()) # Exit MENU mode. return settings_dB def getEssbMode(self): """Find out if K3 is in ESSB mode or not. Only makes sense to call if K3 is in ssb mode. Input: None Output: (boolean): True/False if K3 is/isn't in ESSB mode. """ self.k3.write('es;'.encode()) essbMode = # EQn, n == 0/1 for ESSB off/on. return essbMode[2] == '1' def getFreq_Hz(self, vfo): """Get current frequency setting of specified VFO. Input: vfo (string): A or B, case insensitive, specifying VFO. Output: (int): current frequency, in Hz, that VFO is tuned to. """ if not vfo.lower() in ['a', 'b']: print('getFreq_Hz: vfo must be A or B, not %s' % vfo) return 0 cmd = 'f%c;' % vfo self.k3.write(cmd.encode()) time.sleep(100e-6) # 100 usec reply = # Should be: FA###########; try: f_Hz = int(reply[2:13]) except ValueError: print('getFreq_Hz: unexpected K3 reply "%s"' % reply) f_Hz = -1 return f_Hz def getKeyerSpeed_wpm(self): """Return the current keyer speed in units of words/minute. Input: None Output: (int): keyer speed in words/minute. """ self.k3.write('ks;'.encode()) reply = try: speed_wpm = int(reply[2:5]) except ValueError: print('getKeyerSpeed_wpm: unexpected K3 reply "%s"' % reply) speed_wpm = -1 return speed_wpm def getMode(self): """Get currnet operating mode of K3. Input: None Output: (string): mode, one of am, cw, fm, lsb, usb, lsbEssb, usbEssb. """ numTries = 10 gotIt = False for i in range(numTries): self.k3.write('md;'.encode()) reply = reply = str(reply, 'utf-8') # Convert bytes to string. reply = reply.lower() if reply[0:2] == 'md' and reply[3] == ';': gotIt = True break if not gotIt: print('getMode: after %d tries, unexpected K3 reply "%s"' % (numTries, reply)) return 'unknown' mode = self.modeNum[int(reply[2])] if mode in ['lsb', 'usb'] and self.getEssbMode(): return mode + 'Essb' return mode def getPower_W(self): """Return current power level in units of Watts. Input: None Output: (float): amplifier power level in Watts. """ self.k3.write('pc;'.encode()) reply = try: power_W = int(reply[2:5]) except ValueError: print('getPower_W: unexpected K3 reply "%s"' % reply) power_W = -1 return power_W def getSerialNumber(self): """Retrieve this unit's serial number. Input: None Output: (int): serial number of this K3. """ self.k3.write('mn026;'.encode()) # Display serial number. chars, points, icons, blinks = self.getDisplay() self.k3.write('mn255;'.encode()) # Exit menu. sn = int(''.join(chars)) return sn # # s e t t e r s # def setRxEqBand(self, bi, newVal_dB): """Set a Receive EQ band to a value. Input: bi (in): band index, 0 to 7, for bands 50 Hz to 3200 Hz. newVal_dB (int): value, -16 to 16 dB, to set band to. """ self.k3.write('mn008;'.encode()) # Bring up Rx EQ. curVal_dB = self.getEqBandSetting(bi) delta_dB = newVal_dB - curVal_dB if delta_dB >= 0: for i in range(delta_dB): self.k3.write('up;'.encode()) # Increase by 1 dB. else: for i in range(-delta_dB): self.k3.write('dn;'.encode()) # Decrease by 1 dB. self.k3.write('swt14;'.encode()) # Exit EQ menu. def setEqBands(self, tx, vals_dB): if len(vals_dB) != 8: print('setEqBands: didn\'t receive 8 band settings:') print(' %s' % vals_dB) return '' if tx: # self.k3.write('mn255;'.encode()) # Exit menu. cmd = 'te' for i in range(8): cmd += '%+03d' % vals_dB[i] cmd += ';' self.k3.write(cmd.encode()) else: # Rx EQ for i in range(8): self.setRxEqBand(i, vals_dB[i]) def setExtendedMode(self): """Put K3 in Extended Mode to enable newest firmware commands. """ self.k3.write('k31;'.encode()) self.k3.write('k3;'.encode()) try: reply = except ValueError: print('setExtendedMode: unexpected reply "%s"' % reply) reply = '' return reply def setFreq_Hz(self, vfo, freq_Hz): """Set frequency of specified VFO. Input: vfo (string): A or B, case insensitive, specifying VFO. freq_Hz (int): frequency in Hz to set VFO to. Output: None """ if vfo.lower() != 'a' and vfo.lower() != 'b': print('setFreq_Hz: vfo must be A or B, not %s' % vfo) return cmd = 'f%c%011d;' % (vfo.upper(), int(freq_Hz)) self.k3.write(cmd.encode()) def setK2ExtendedMode(self): """Put K2 in Extended Mode to enable newest firmware commands. """ self.k3.write('k22;'.encode()) def setKeyerSpeed_wpm(self, speed_wpm): """Set the current keyer speed in units of words/minute. Input: speed_wpm (int): speed in words/minute to set keyer. Must be from 9 to 50 wpm. Output: None """ if not 9 <= speed_wpm <= 50: print('setKeyerSpeed_wpm: requested %d wpm, but must be 9 to 50 wpm.' % speed_wpm) return cmd = 'ks%03d;' % speed_wpm self.k3.write(cmd.encode()) def setMode(self, mode): """Set K3 modulation mode. Input: mode (string): K3 mode, must be one of lsb, usb, cw, fm, am, data, cwRev, or dataRev. """ if not mode in self.modeName.keys(): print('setMode: unexpected mode requested, "%s"' % mode) print(' use: lsb, usb, cw, fm, am, data, cwRev, or dataRev.') return m = self.modeName[mode] cmd = 'md%d;' % m self.k3.write(cmd.encode()) def setNormal(self): """Set K3 filter what is considered normal for current mode. Input: None Output: None """ self.k3.write('swh58;'.encode()) def setPower_W(self, power_W): """Set amplifier output power level in units of Watts. Input: power_W (float): amplifier power level in Watts. Output: None """ cmd = 'k31;pc%03d;' % power_W if power_W <= 12: frac_W = power_W - int(power_W) if frac_W > 0: cmd = 'k22;pc%03d0' % int(10 * power_W) self.k3.write(cmd.encode()) def setSplit_Hz(self, vfo1, rx_Hz, up_Hz): """Put K3 into split mode. Input: vfo1 (string): A or B, case insensitive, for receiving VFO. rx_Hz (int): frequency in Hz to tune vfo1 to. up_Hz (int): offset in Hz to tune other VFO to. That is, receive on vfo1 at rx_Hz, transmit on othe VFO at rx_Hz + up_Hz. Up_Hz can be negative. If zero, K3 exits split mode. """ vfo2 = 'b' if vfo1 == 'a' else 'a' vfoTx = '1' if vfo1 == 'a' else '0' cmd = 'ft%s;' % vfoTx # Enter split mode, set tx VFO. self.k3.write(cmd.encode()) self.setFreq_Hz(vfo1, rx_Hz) # Set rx freq. self.setFreq_Hz(vfo2, rx_Hz + up_Hz) # Set tx to (rx + up). def setTest(self): """Toggle between test mode on and off. Test mode keeps the K3 power amplifier turned off. """ cmd = 'k31;swh18;' self.k3.write(cmd.encode())