Well, I just went on your site and read your hypothesis about the "all the beatles are dead but not Paul" thing (oh, and excuse my bad english...I'm doing wath I can... :¬) ) And I have to Submit you my own theory. (And, you'll see, this one is more hopeful) Who tell you that... All this "clues" That the beatles dropped along the years on their albums to told us that one or them is dead... Who told you that is not a major arnack having for goal to distract ourselve of the evidence tath JOHN'S STILL ALIVE?!! Of course! It's logic! They had did all this tings only to hide the machiavelic plan of John to make us believe that he's dead when actually He's not!!! I'm sur you're thinking i'm a bit mad: I explain myself. The first clue that tell us thta John ain't dead: Lennon's birthday IS (and not WAS, he's not dead) the 9 October. Lennon's dead an 8 December The International Beatle's day (yes, there is one) is on the 7 September: 9,8,7... that's an indenial clues! Beacause all this coïncidences are too much coïncidences to not have benn arranged by someone.. and after 7, it's 6... and I mentionned 3 dates.. and 3 six give 666... and that's the number of the Apocalypse... And Lennon said in a interview book called "Lennon's remembers" that when he was 17, he was often dreaming (or wishing, anyway, it's meaning the same) That (in his words) "could happen a fucking big heartquake so he can go out, and steal, and do wath the black are doing now" ... ok, ok... it doesn't make sense... But think of it!! (no, i'm not insane) and also, in his song "#9 Dream" He was saying that he has seen his death in a dream... That's another sign! He want to make us BELIEVE that he'll die, but He won't.. (Why he would had did that, don't ask me, I don't know... Well...maybe because he was tired to be somebody popular and great and wanted to lived normally... be a (always in his words) "fucking fisherman)) So... now, i'm out of clue to prove that Lennon's still alive... but if you give me some times, I'll find out others....Léa le p(é)tunia
"all you can do with n°1 american cheez spread!"
-The Beatles-
{:-° {:¬} {¦:~) {:^]
Paul John George Ringo