Conduct Process

Gore Hall on the North Green

Student Conduct Process

Learn more about the steps involved in investigating and resolving possible violations of the Code of Conduct. This includes the case intake, hearing and appeal process, as well as rights of students who are involved in the student conduct process.

Student Conduct Process Overview

Participant Roles

Students (and others) may interact with Community Standards & Conflict Resolution in a number of ways, depending on their connection with an incident. These connections include:

  • As a charged student, when their behavior is documented as a possible violation of the Code of Conduct. Charged students are encouraged to know their rights, become familiar with the student conduct process and consult with a student conduct advisor.
  • As a witness, when they observe behavior of others that may be a violation of the Code of Conduct. Witnesses are encouraged to learn more about their role and participation in the student conduct proves, which is typically during the case resolution conference stage.
  • As a reporting party, when they document student behavior that is concerning. This primarily would be faculty, Residence Life, UDPD and other University staff. However, all members of the University community are encouraged to report concerning behavior, via an online form.
  • As a victim, when others’ behavior has impacted them. CSCR will inform victims of their rights and offer supportive measures as appropriate. A victim may participate in a case resolution conference and/or appeal to share factual information or impact statement.
  • As a person seeking to resolve a conflict, CSCR can assist the student in resolving the conflict through alternative dispute resolution offerings, including conflict coaching, facilitated dialogue and restorative practices. Those seeking to resolve conflict which is not specifically related to a violation of the Code of Conduct are encouraged to contact CSCR at to initiate a conversation about options.

Student Rights

Students who are charged with violating University policy are entitled to certain rights within the student conduct process.

Case Intake Meetings

A case intake meeting provides an opportunity to learn more about a pending conduct case. Case intake meetings typically last 30 to 45 minutes.

The student will meet with a case manager and discuss the following:

  • The student conduct process in general.
  • Student rights within the student conduct process.
  • The specific case pending, including the policies associated with the case.
  • Sanctions which would be applied if responsible for the pending charges.
  • Options for resolving the case.

Case Resolution Conference

Case Resolution Conferences are an opportunity for charged students and the presenting party to share information regarding an incident with a case resolution manager. It also provides a setting where direct witnesses to an incident can share their information.

Participating in the conference are:

  • Charged student(s)
  • Reporting party
  • Student conduct advisor (if so requested by a charged student)
  • Witnesses (only for the time they are sharing information)
  • Case resolution manager


An appeal may be submitted by the charged student(s) or the victim within five business days of when the decision is sent.

Release of Records

Based on an initiative from the Student Government Association, the Student Guide to University Policies was updated in Summer 2017 to allow students, in certain circumstances, to have conduct records protected and not released to entities outside the University, such as graduate schools or potential employers. This policy, known as a Limited Release of Records, was instituted in recognition that students make mistakes and a small error in judgment early on in a student’s academic career should not have significant negative impact on their future endeavors.

Suspension and Return

A suspension holds a student accountable for their behavior but will also, hopefully, serve as a catalyst for the student to re-evaluate their priorities and return to the University following suspension committed to contributing positively to the University community.

Re-Application Timeline

If your suspension is effective through:

Contact Community Standards & Conflict Resolution:

Fall semester (December 31) December 1 (all students)
Winter Session (January 31) December 1 (international students only)
January 2 (all other students)
Spring semester (May 31) May 1 (all students)
Summer Session (August 31) July 1 (international students only)
August 1 (all other students)

Community Standards & Conflict Resolution is part of the Division of Student Life, which advances equity and inclusion, deepens student learning and drives holistic development through education, experiences and communities.