Intensive English Program

The Intensive English Program (IEP) is a core program of the English Language Institute at the University of Delaware. Through four focus areas, the IEP helps students improve their English for general and professional purposes. The IEP includes a full cultural program as well as various housing options.
Did you know?
In addition to your studies, the ELI organizes cultural events, trips, and activities so that you can make the most of your experience at the University of Delaware. There are many ways to get involved in university life and in our community!
General English
General English courses, offered at all levels of the Intensive English Program, seek to improve students’ English skills in a great variety of discourse settings. Students develop communicative competence for social and work-related environments through interactive activities simulating real-life situations.
Until a certain proficiency level, all English is general English. As students progress in proficiency, they gain access to more variety.
Language skills addressed include: listening, fluency development, oral intelligibility, reading, grammar, writing, and vocabulary development.
Note: All courses in levels 1 through 4 are General English.

Level 1 — Beginner
Level 1, Listening/Speaking
This course develops basic listening, speaking, pronunciation and vocabulary acquisition for use in the classroom and daily life. The course is intended for beginners in English and for students with basic communication abilities.
Learner outcomes include improved ability to understand basic spoken English and to communicate in common situations by using basic language functions and the appropriate vocabulary with standard pronunciation.
Materials include a textbook for listening, speaking, and pronunciation and a picture dictionary.
Activities include both in-class and out-of-class listening and speaking tasks.
Level 1, Reading/Writing
This course develops basic reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar skills. The course is intended for beginners in English and for students with limited basic abilities in reading and writing.
Learner outcomes include improved ability to read and understand basic high frequency vocabulary and simple sentences, to write at the sentence and simple paragraph level with accurate spelling and punctuation and to understand and use accurately basic verb tenses and grammar.
Materials include a reading and vocabulary text and a grammar text.
Level 2 — High Beginner
Level 2, Listening/Speaking
This course develops listening, speaking, pronunciation and vocabulary acquisition for use in daily life and the classroom. The course is intended for high beginner students with basic communication abilities.
Learner outcomes include improved ability to understand basic spoken utterances and vocabulary and to communicate in common situations by using basic language functions and the appropriate vocabulary with standard pronunciation.
Materials include listening and speaking and pronunciation textbooks.
Activities include both in-class and out-of-class listening and speaking tasks which develop the students’ communication ability.
Level 2, Reading/Writing
This course develops reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar skills. The course is intended for high beginner students in English and for students with basic abilities in reading and writing.
Learner outcomes include improved ability to read and understand high frequency vocabulary and simple and more complex sentences, to write at the paragraph and short composition level with accurate spelling and punctuation and to understand and use accurately verb tenses, nouns/pronouns, and articles.
Materials include a reading and vocabulary text and a grammar text.
Level 3 — Intermediate
Level 3, Listening/Speaking
This course develops listening, speaking, pronunciation and vocabulary acquisition for use in common social situations and the classroom. The course is intended for intermediate level students with some communication ability but with limited vocabulary and range of expression.
Learner outcomes include improved ability to understand the meaning of common spoken utterances and vocabulary and to communicate in common situations with English speakers by using appropriate language functions and vocabulary with standard pronunciation.
Materials include listening, speaking and pronunciation textbooks.
Activities include both in-class and out-of-class listening and speaking tasks which develop the students’ communication ability, including listening to short monologues and conversations and interacting with native and non-native users of English.
Level 3, Reading/Writing
This course develops reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar skills. The course is intended for intermediate level students with some ability in reading and writing but with limited vocabulary and range of expression.
Learner outcomes include improved ability to read and understand high frequency vocabulary and complex sentences, to write at the composition level with accurate spelling and punctuation and to understand and use accurately more complex grammar structures.
Materials include a reading and vocabulary text and a grammar text.
Level 4 — High Intermediate
Level 4, Listening/Speaking — General English
This course improves the general English skills of high intermediate students.
Learner outcomes include overall communicative fluency as well as accuracy in pronunciation, oral grammar, and vocabulary usage.
Level 4, Reading/Writing — General English
This course improves the general English skills of high intermediate students.
Learner outcomes include improved reading comprehension, writing skills at the paragraph and essay level, general vocabulary, and understanding of grammar and its use.
Materials include ESL grammar and reading texts, as well as adapted literature.
Activities include intensive and extensive reading, vocabulary development, written and oral grammar exercises, and paragraph and essay writing.
Level 5 — Advanced
Level 5, Advanced Listening and Communication Skills
This advanced-level course helps students to develop their listening and speaking skills so that they can function in everyday, academic, and professional contexts.
In this course, students will move from listening to conversations, interviews, radio programs, or podcasts to more complex documentaries, movies, and short lectures.
Students will develop their discussion and conversation skills for social and academic purposes, both in and out of class. In addition, the course includes an intensive focus on pronunciation, fluency, and oral grammar.
Level 5, Reading/Writing — General English
This course improves the general English skills of advanced level students.
Learner outcomes include improved reading comprehension and speed, essay-writing skills, general vocabulary, and understanding of grammar and its use.
Materials include ESL grammar and reading texts, and supplementary non-adapted texts, newspapers, and magazine articles. Sample writing tasks include summarizing, synthesizing, showing cause/effect, and stating and supporting opinions. (Students wishing to take English for Academic Purposes 5 are required to successfully complete this course.)
Level 6—HIGH Advanced
Level 6, Reading/Writing — English for Professional Purposes
This class is designed for students who wish to improve their English skills at the advanced level for professional, personal or academic reasons.
Reading selections are varied and include short stories, popular science articles from magazines, poems, and short prose passages.
Writing assignments include reviews, descriptions, interviews and short synthesis papers.
The grammar lessons build on the students’ grammar foundation and are designed to help students apply their knowledge of the structure of English to their writing
English for Academic Purposes
English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses provide language instruction for academic study in American universities.
Language skills addressed include: listening comprehension, fluency development, oral intelligibility, reading, grammar, writing, and vocabulary development.
Academic study skills addressed include: test taking and note taking skills, academic vocabulary usage, critical reading and writing, comprehending academic lectures, research and library skills, formal composition forms and development, including research papers.
Students in the Academic Track may apply for conditional admission to the University of Delaware and to any of our many partner universities.

Level 5 — Advanced
Level 5, Listening/Speaking for Graduate Programs
These courses develop academic listening and speaking skills for advanced level students who are interested in graduate study at an English-speaking university.
- Learner outcomes include general academic vocabulary development, listening skill improvement in a graduate-school setting, development of effective note-taking skills, and improved seminar, discussion, and presentation skills.
- Students build skills through practice with an ESL pronunciation text and materials that use authentic academic content-based lectures as well as authentic supplemental materials.
- Activities include formal presentations, discussions, and reports on research.
(Graduate CAP students must complete these classes, earning a grade of B+ or higher in level 6, before matriculating in their graduate program. Lerner College of Business students in majors other than finance substitute Advanced Business Case Studies for the level 6 course.)
Level 5, Reading/Writing for Graduate Programs
These courses develop students’ ability to read and write graduate-level texts, including summaries, definitions, essays, bibliographies, critiques, and data commentaries. Each student also conducts in-depth library research into a topic of interest in their graduate field of study and writes an analytical literature review. The course includes a comprehensive review of academic written English grammar. Students must hold a completed undergraduate degree (bachelor’s degree) to take these courses, which are suitable for anyone considering starting a graduate degree (masters or doctorate) at an English-speaking university.
(Graduate-CAP students, including Lerner College of Business students, must complete these classes, earning grades of B+ or higher in level 6, before matriculating in their graduate program.)
Level 6 — High Advanced
Level 6, Listening/Speaking — English for Academic Purposes
This course develops academic listening and speaking skills for advanced level students who are interested in undergraduate study in the United States or other English-speaking countries.
- Learner outcomes include general academic vocabulary development, listening skill improvement in an academic setting, development of effective note-taking skills, and improved academic discussion and presentation skills.
- Students build skills through practice with an ESL pronunciation text and materials that use authentic academic content-based lectures and American university texts.
- Activities include formal presentations, discussions, and reports on elementary research.
(Students in the Academic Transitions program must complete this course, earning a grade of C or higher, before beginning the credit-bearing portion of their AT program.)
Level 6, Reading/Writing — English for Academic Purposes
This course develops academic reading, writing, and research skills of advanced students who are interested in undergraduate programs in the United States or other English-speaking countries. Students learn and develop the skills for university and college content courses.
- Learner outcomes include academic vocabulary development, improvement in reading and comprehension of university textbook materials, short stories, magazine articles, and on-line/library materials, and development of academic essay and research paper writing skills.
- Materials include a reader with authentic selections from American university texts, short stories from on-line libraries, and other authentic reading materials.
- Students read and present material both verbally and in writing, and write essays, and complete a research paper up to 10 pages in length.
(Students in the Academic Transitions program must complete this course, earning a grade of C or higher, before beginning the credit-bearing potion of their AT program.)
Level 6, Listening/Speaking for Graduate Programs
These courses develop academic listening and speaking skills for advanced level students who are interested in graduate study at an English-speaking university.
- Learner outcomes include general academic vocabulary development, listening skill improvement in a graduate-school setting, development of effective note-taking skills, and improved seminar, discussion, and presentation skills.
- Students build skills through practice with an ESL pronunciation text and materials that use authentic academic content-based lectures as well as authentic supplemental materials.
- Activities include formal presentations, discussions, and reports on research.
(Graduate CAP students must complete these classes, earning a grade of B+ or higher in level 6, before matriculating in their graduate program. Lerner College of Business students in majors other than finance substitute Advanced Business Case Studies for the level 6 course.)
Level 6, Reading/Writing for Graduate Programs
These courses develop students’ ability to read and write graduate-level texts, including summaries, definitions, essays, bibliographies, critiques, and data commentaries. Each student also conducts in-depth library research into a topic of interest in their graduate field of study and writes an analytical literature review. The course includes a comprehensive review of academic written English grammar. Students must hold a completed undergraduate degree (bachelor’s degree) to take these courses, which are suitable for anyone considering starting a graduate degree (masters or doctorate) at an English-speaking university.
(Graduate-CAP students, including Lerner College of Business students, must complete these classes, earning grades of B+ or higher in level 6, before matriculating in their graduate program.)
Level 6, Reading/Writing in Your Field
This course develops advanced academic reading and writing skills for students who have completed the English for Academic Purposes courses. Students do academic work in their field of interest including research and research paper writing.
- Learner outcomes for the course include improved reading comprehension, writing proficiency, academic vocabulary, and research skills, all in a single content area of the student’s choice.
- The reading materials are authentic and from publications in the chosen field.
- Students will write brief reports on their research and present them to the class.
This class does not satisfy conditional admission requirements.
Business English
Business English courses provide language instruction and training in business communication, including business correspondence, negotiations, formal presentations, informal networking, business vocabulary, report and proposal writing, vocabulary for professional purposes, and reading for professional purposes.
Language skills addressed include: listening, fluency development, oral intelligibility, reading, grammar, writing, and vocabulary development.
Students in the Business English track may also apply for conditional admission to the University of Delaware and to any of our many partner universities.
Note: Course and level offerings are dependent on enrollment and adjusted as necessary to meet student needs.

Level 4 — High Intermediate
Level 4, Listening/Speaking — Business English
This course develops communication skills in a business context and is intended for high intermediate level students interested in using English in business. Learner outcomes include improved listening, speaking and pronunciation skills, as well as vocabulary development for basic business situations and an understanding of American business culture. Students develop language skills for business management and marketing through role-playing, group, discussions, negotiations, oral interviews and oral presentations. Materials include an ESL pronunciation text and a business ESL text.
Level 4, Reading/Writing — Business English
This course develops reading, writing, and vocabulary skills in the business context, and is intended for high intermediate level students with an interest in using their language skills in business. Learner outcomes include improved reading comprehension, writing, and grammar skills; business vocabulary development; and an understanding of current American business culture. Writing activities include business letters, memos, email, résumés, business article summaries, and development of a written business portfolio. Materials include an ESL grammar text and business readings in areas of management/leadership, human resources, business organizations and entrepreneurship.
Level 5 — Advanced
Level 5, Listening/Speaking — Business English
This course develops advanced communication skills in a business context and is intended for low advanced and advanced level students interested in using English for business. Learner outcomes include improved listening, speaking and pronunciation skills, as well as business vocabulary development and understanding of American business culture. Language skills are practiced within a context of problem solving techniques through role playing, group discussions, interviews and presentations, special group projects, and introductory case study activities. Materials include an ESL pronunciation text and authentic business and business case study materials.
Level 5, Reading/Writing — Business English
This course develops reading, writing, and vocabulary skills in the business context, and is intended for low advanced and advanced level students with an interest in using their language skills in business. Learner outcomes include improved reading comprehension, writing and grammar skills; business vocabulary development; and understanding of current American business culture. Writing activities focus on formal business writing such as trip, progress and status reports; business proposals; case studies; and technical reports. Materials include an ESL grammar text as well as authentic business readings and case studies.
Level 6 — High Advanced
Level 6, Listening/Speaking — Advanced Business Case Studies
This course is designed for students who wish to learn business concepts, improve English proficiency and fluency skills, and develop critical reasoning skills. A case study format is used in preparation for courses taught in MBA programs. This course integrates development of listening and speaking academic study skills with business content. Students improve intelligibility by doing oral exercises to develop stress, intonation and rhythm. Listening comprehension skills and practice note taking is improved by listening to and discussing business videos and news stories from on-line business publications like the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, the Economist, and the video series: America and the New Global Economy.
Level 6, Listening/Speaking — Entrepreneurship and Business Planning
This advanced course introduces students to the process of preparing a business plan. By working in teams to design and promote a new product or service, students learn essential concepts, skills and vocabulary for your MBA degree or professional work. Skills necessary for effective business communication, including developing PowerPoint slides using graphics and other visuals are practiced. A variety of rhetorical techniques to enhance communication, including how to respond to questions and objections in class discussions and presentations involving native English speakers, are practiced. Students develop critical thinking skills and interact with representatives of Delaware’s small business community. The Entrepreneurship and Business Planning course will give you an edge in your future studies and business ventures.
English Through American Culture
American Culture track courses offer language instruction using the context of the study of American culture, history, society, and community.
Language skills addressed include: listening, fluency development, oral intelligibility, reading, grammar, writing, and vocabulary development.
Special activities and travel support classroom study in our on-campus program.
Note: Course and level offerings are dependent on enrollment and adjusted as necessary to meet student needs.

Level 4 — High Intermediate
Level 4, Listening/Speaking — English through the News
This course uses radio and television news broadcasts to develop students’ listening comprehension of rapid native speech and complex discourse. Students will work on their spoken English skills through class discussions of current events. Oral intelligibility work focuses on pronunciation, suprasegmentals and fluency.
Level 4, Listening/Speaking — American Culture for International Scholars
For many students, American culture, although familiar, may not be completely understood. The “why” of many American customs and values may seem a mystery.
For example, students may wonder, “Why do Americans give a tip when at a restaurant?” or “What are common marriage customs in the U.S.?” or “Why is individualism such a prominent value in American culture?”
By examining the historical and cultural background of the United States, this course will help students come to a better understanding of US customs and prepare themselves for encounters they may have during their stay within the U.S.
It will also challenge them to interact more with Americans, reflect on culture in general, and express their own thoughts about cultural differences. Thus, students will emerge from the class, not only with improved language skills, but also a greater ability to navigate the US culture.
Level 5 — Advanced
Level 5, Listening/Speaking — English through Stories
This class seeks to improve listening comprehension through guided listening to stories told by North American storytellers. The stories are based on both universal and American cultural themes.
At the same time, students will develop their speaking skills as they practice pronunciation and oral grammar, and they will improve their fluency as they discuss stories that they hear and tell stories of their own.
Level 5, Reading/Writing — English through American History
This class is focused on the improvement of students’ reading, writing, and grammar skills through the study of the culture and history of United States of America from its founding to the Civil War, and from the late 1800s until the present day.
This class will alternate between these two periods from session to session. It will give an overview of the significant events in American history that have shaped political, cultural and social trends since the country’s founding.
At the end of this class, students will have increased their abilities to understand American culture while demonstrating the required proficiency in English through the desired learning outcomes.
Level 5, Listening/Speaking — American Culture for International Scholars
For many students, American culture, although familiar, may not be completely understood. The “why” of many American customs and values may seem a mystery.
For example, students may wonder, “Why do Americans give a tip when at a restaurant?” or “What are common marriage customs in the U.S.?” or “Why is individualism such a prominent value in American culture?”
By examining the historical and cultural background of the United States, this course will help students come to a better understanding of U.S. customs and prepare themselves for encounters they may have during their stay within the U.S.
It will also challenge them to interact more with Americans, reflect on culture in general, and express their own thoughts about cultural differences. Thus, students will emerge from the class, not only with improved language skills, but also a greater ability to navigate the U.S. culture.
Level 5, Reading/Writing — Read It! Watch It! Books and Their Film Versions
This course focuses on developing students’ reading and writing skills by exploring the differences and similarities that exist between written expression (such as short stories, poems and novels) and visual expression (such as films).
Students will read a text, view its film version and compare the two versions through writing exercises such as compositions, book and film reviews and other creative writing activities.
Level 6 — High Advanced
Level 6, Listening/Speaking — English through the 1960s (Parts 1 and 2)
This course focuses on developing students’ listening and speaking skills in the context of issues and events that occurred in the United States in the 1960s. Class work includes a wide variety of activities such as films, recordings, guest speakers, class activities and projects. Oral intelligibility instruction focuses on suprasegmentals (intonation, stress, rhythm, linking, volume, gestures) and fluency development.
Level 6, Listening/Speaking — English through Drama
Improve your listening, speaking and vocabulary while telling stories, presenting skits and playing drama games. This class will use drama to help you develop your listening/speaking skills with a special emphasis placed on improving presentation skills. Using short stories, excerpts from plays and original skits along with improvisation (unrehearsed) activities, students will work together to improve their skills and plan and present a final performance. If possible, we will attend a local live performance. No drama experience is necessary, only a desire to get up out of your chair and create!
Level 6, Listening/Speaking — English through Film: Viewing and Producing
This is an advanced level English language course that focuses on developing cognitive academic language proficiency. It is suitable for language learners who want to prepare for academic study in American universities.
The course teaches technical video production skills using the University’s video cameras, microphones and computers, while focusing on the development of academic listening, note-taking, speaking and research skills.
The pronunciation portion of the class emphasizes understanding native reductions, rhythm and intonation, and focus words.
Level 6, Listening/Speaking — Music Listening: The Basics
"Music Listening: The Basics" is an advanced-level English language course that focuses on developing academic reading, listening and speaking skills. The course content of a typical university breadth requirement music class will be explored.
This course is suitable for advanced students who are preparing for academic study at American universities. It is also suitable for advanced non-academic track students who want to learn more about the topic of music listening while improving reading, listening and speaking skills. Authentic university lectures (online) and a typical textbook for a freshman university class will be utilized.
Level 6, Listening/Speaking — Songs That Say Something
"Songs That Say Something" is an advanced-level English language course that focuses on developing the skill of listening for details (lyrics); discussion skills (discussing the meaning of lyrical poetry); pronunciation suitable to public reading, presenting, and or performing; vocabulary; understanding of figurative language; and deeper understanding of American culture.
It is suitable for language learners who want to prepare for academic study in American universities or for those who merely desire to develop advanced level skills in a musical environment.
The pronunciation portion of the class emphasizes understanding native reductions and producing intelligible phonemes, proper syllable and clausal stress, and linkage.
Level 6, Listening/Speaking — E-Gaming: Play the Games, Learn the Language
This is a course focused on using collaborative language to play team video games in English and also design a proposal for an educational game. Students will practice collaborative language, advanced grammar and pronunciation in concert with an investigation of gaming history, business and its role in education.