Program Structure

A group of college students sitting outside on the steps of a historic academic building.

How does Academic Transitions work?

AT Semesters

The Academic Transitions (AT) program with the English Language Institute at the University of Delaware is organized into activities that are done during specific semesters. There are 3 semesters of AT offered each year, and each semester lasts 4 months.

Infographic about the three semesters of Academic Transitions and the duration, number of credits and curriculum during each semester. Each semester is 4 months long. During AT1, students earn up to 6 credits including English courses, electives, and a cohort experience. Qualified new students can skip AT1. In AT2, students earn up to 10 credits from a first-year composition course, two other courses and a cohort experience. Students who meet the requirements can begin full-time at UD after AT2. During the optional AT3, students earn up to 12 credits from three UD courses and 1 ELI course.

What do students do in each semester of academic transitions?

AT students take a combination of academic English courses, ESL courses related to topics in U.S. culture or business, university courses for credit, and special activities to help them to develop the cultural skills needed for success in a U.S. university.

Questions? Contact Ross Fenske at


Semester 1


ARSC 150

[3 credits] 

Foundations of English for Academic Purposes

Cohort Experience

[0 credits]

Connecting with university life

(pre-requisite for First Year Experience)

ARSC 151

[3 credits]

ELI elective courses in business, U.S. culture or technology


Semester 2



[3 credits] 

Seminar in composition for

Academic Transitions

2 UD Courses

[6 credits]

2 courses to fulfill University and/or major requirements

Discussion Classes

[0 credits]

1 hour/week of instructional support for each UD course

First Year Experience*

[1 credit] 

Connecting with university life (Cohort International First-Year Seminar)


Semester 3


3 UD Courses

[9 credits] 

3 courses to fulfill University and/or major requirements

Discussion Classes

[0 credits]

1 hour/week of instructional support for each UD course

ARSC 152 or equivalent

[1 to 3 credits]

ELI capstone course: Using the language of your field


Earn up to 6 credits in 4 months

In AT1, students spend all of their time at the ELI, where they focus on building their Academic English skills and developing the academic and social skills that are needed for success at the university level.

Please see the information below for details about AT1 and requirements needed to advance to AT2.

All AT1 students take the courses listed below.

ARSC 150: Foundations of English for Academic Purposes | 3 credits

ARSC 150 is an integrated-skills class (reading, writing, listening, grammar, vocabulary, and speaking) that uses academic content to develop all areas of your language proficiency while also building the background knowledge and study skills for success as an undergraduate in the U.S. The goal of this course is to teach you to understand, think about, summarize, and respond critically to challenging written and spoken texts on topics of academic and public interest.

ARSC 151: ELI Cultural Electives | 3 credits

Each course lasts for 2 months; so, the student will first take 1 of the courses for 2 months, and then will take the second course for 2 months. This will take the entire 4-month AT1 semester.

A list of the ELI courses that can be taken to meet requirements of ARSC 151 is included on this web page.

Cohort Experience | 0 credits

Students will also participate in our renowned cohort experience, where they will develop academic, leadership, and social skills and learn how to engage (to become actively involved) in the campus community.

Learn more about cohort

In order to receive credit for ARSC151, a student must receive a grade of C+ or better in two single session courses offered at the AT1 level. Furthermore, students cannot enroll in the same course material subject for both sessions of ARSC151. For example, a student may not enroll in drama for both sessions of ARSC151.

Students must either register for ELILS 607: Music or ELILS 677: Advanced Academic Communication & Notetaking (AACN) for one of their single sessions in order to receive full credit for ARSC151.

In their other session, they may select from additional courses: Drama, College Textbook Reading and Discussion or English Through the 1960s.

Use the following chart to help register for courses for ARSC151:

  AT1 1st Session AT1 2nd Session
Choice 1

ELILS 677: Advanced Academic Communication & Note-taking (AACN)

ELILS 607: Music

ELILS 605: Drama

ELILS 673: College Textbook Reading and Discussion

ELILS 626: English Through the 1960s

Choice 2

ELILS 605: Drama

ELILS 673: College Textbook Reading and Discussion

ELILS 626: English Through the 1960s

ELILS 677: Advanced Academic Communication & Note-taking (AACN)

ELILS 607: Music

Students are required to achieve the following grades in AT1 activities in order to advance to AT2:

Component Grade
ARSC 150: Foundations of EAP  | 3 credits C+
ARSC 151: ELI Cultural Electives | 3 credits C+
AT1 Cohort C+ 

Important notes

  • Students will only receive credit for courses for which they receive a minimum grade of C+.
  • Students who pass ARSC 150, but who do not pass ARSC 151 and/or the cohort experience will advance to AT2.
    • These students will still need to meet all matriculation requirements (including passing ARSC 151 and the cohort experience) to complete the AT program.
  • Students have only 2 chances to pass an AT course with a C+; otherwise, they may be dismissed from the ELI and lose their conditional admission to UD.

Second Semester of Academic Transitions (AT2)

Earn up to 10 credits in 4 months

The AT2 semester is a critical time in our students’ pathway to university.

Not only do they continue developing their Academic English skills, but they also begin to take what they have learned so far at the ELI courses and they apply that knowledge to their university coursework. Plus, they can earn up to 10 credits!

AT2 students are required to take the following courses.

ELI ENGL 110: Seminar in composition for Academic Transitions | 3 credits

The purpose of this class is to introduce students to key genres of university-level academic writing, including the personal essay, summary, critical interpretation, argument, and research paper. Students read, understand, synthesize, and respond critically to challenging texts on topics of public, professional, disciplinary, and personal interest.

ELI-ENGL 110 is aligned with the learning outcomes of the mainstream ENGL 110 Seminar in Composition, but offers enhanced instruction in American culture, genre and language use.

Discussion Classes (required) | 0 credit

All AT students have 1 hour of discussion classes per week for each university course that they are taking. In these classes, which are taught by Instructional Assistants (IAs), students review the content from the course lectures, receive feedback on upcoming assignments, and learn how to manage the workload for the class.

Cohort Experience | 0-1 credit

During AT2, students who meet the requirements participate in UNIV 101 (1 credit). Business majors will take AT2 Cohort for Business not for credit at the request of the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics.

Learn more about Cohort

University of Delaware Content Courses | 6 credits

AT2 students will take up to 2 university content courses. The courses that they take will depend on their AT track of study (i.e., they will take courses related to their university major).

See AT2 and At3 course List

AT2 students must meet the following requirements to matriculate (i.e., to begin full-time university studies):

Component Grade
ELI ENGL 110 | 3 credits C+
2 UD content courses | 6 credits C+ | each course
UNIV 101 or AT2 Cohort for Business Students Pass (C+ or higher)
Cumulative AT GPA of 2.0 or better

Important notes

  • Students will only receive credit for courses for which they receive a minimum grade of C+.
  • New students who place directly into AT2 are placed in AT2 Cohort, which they are required to complete prior to matriculation..
  • Students must earn 16 credits to matriculate from AT2. Students who began ELI directly in AT2 are only required to earn 10 credits in order to matriculate after AT2 (9 credits for business majors).
  • Students who do not meet matriculation requirements after AT2 will be required to continue studying in ELI for another 4 months in AT3.

Students will advance to AT3 if they have earned a grade of at least C+ in ELI ENGL 110 during AT2, but have not yet met the required minimum number of credits to matriculate.

Note: Students who do not earn the minimum grade of C+ in ELI ENGL 110 will be required to repeat the course and will also still be considered an AT2 student.

Repeating AT2

Cohort requirement

  • If you did not meet the cohort experience requirement (i.e., AT1 Cohort and AT2 Cohort with a C+ or higher), then you will continue in the cohort experience in upcoming sessions until you have done so.
  • If you did meet the cohort experience requirement, then you will not be required to continue the cohort experience the next time you will be in AT2.

University content course requirement

You will take two university content courses (and their respective co-requisite discussion classes) that will help you to meet either major or university requirements.

  • Remember, if you earned a grade of C+ (or higher) in your AT2 courses, you will earn credit for them when you eventually matriculate.

Additional tutoring

Students may be assigned private or cluster tutoring hours for additional support.

Repeat limit

Students are only permitted to repeat an AT semester one time (i.e., you can only take an AT semester a maximum of two times). Students who fail an AT semester twice may be dismissed from ELI and lose their admission to UD.

Academic Transitions 3 (AT3)

Earn up to 12 university credits in 4 months

AT3 is an optional* final step in the students’ pathway to the university. The majority of the students’ time is spent taking university content courses, while also enjoying the support of the ELI. Plus, AT3 is a great value because the tuition price per credit is discounted!

Learn more about Pricing

* AT3 is an option that students can choose even if they have met their conditional admissions requirements in AT2; however, students who do not meet all requirements in AT2 are required to take AT3.

Students can earn up to 12 credits in AT3!

ARSC 152: AT Capstone – Language of the Disciplines | 3 credits

The purpose of this course is to develop students’ genre awareness and language proficiency by making language not only the outcome of the course but also the content of the class. Students learn how to read and analyze the books and articles they will study for their major. The course culminates in a student-led conference with poster presentations in front of an audience.

University of Delaware Content Courses | 9 credits

AT3 students will take up to 3 university content courses. The courses that they take will depend on their AT track of study (i.e., they will take courses related to their university major). For more information, see “AT3 – University Course Options” below.

See AT2 and At3 course List

AT3 students must meet the following requirements to matriculate (i.e., to begin full-time university studies):

Component Grade
ARSC 152: AT Capstone — Language of the Disciplines | 3 credits C+
2-3 UD courses | 6–9 credits C+ (each course)

Note: Students will only receive credit for courses for which they receive a minimum grade of C+.

UD Courses Offered in Academic Transitions

The chart shown here includes a list of university courses are offered to students in AT2 and AT3.

Course code Course Name Credits
ANTH 101 Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology 3
ARTH 151 Myth, Religion, and Art 3
BHAN 155 Personal Health Management: An Approach for a Lifetime 3
BISC 104 Principles of Biology, with Laboratory 4
BUAD 110 Basics of Business 3
CHEM 103 General Chemistry, with Laboratory 4
CHIN 204 The Art of Chinese Calligraphy 3
CISC 106 General Computer Science for Engineers 3
COMM 212 Oral Communication in Business 3
COMM 256 Principles of Communication Theory 3
ECON 101 Introduction to Microeconomics 3
ECON 103 Introduction to Macroeconomics 3
GEOG 120 World Regional Geography 3
GEOL 105 Geological Hazards and Their Human Impact 3
LEAD 200 The Leadership Challenge 3
LEAD 300 Leadership, Creativity, and Innovation 3
MATH 114 College Mathematics and Statistics 3
MATH 115 Pre-Calculus 3
MATH 117 Pre-Calculus for Scientists and Engineers 4
MATH 221 Calculus I 3
MATH 241 Analytic Geometry and Calculus A 4
MATH 242 Analytic Geometry and Calculus B 4
PHYS 207 Fundamentals of Physics with Laboratory 4
PLSC 202 History of Landscape Architecture 3
POSC 150 Introduction to American Politics 3
POSC 240 Introduction to Global Politics 3
SCEN 109 Art of Botany 4
UNIV 101 International First-Year Seminar 1

To learn more about these courses:

IMPORTANT: We continue to add to our course offerings! The courses that will be available next semester will be listed on your Intention Form. Not all courses are offered each AT semester.


After Academic Transitions: Support for new UD students

Accelerate-U Delaware helps newly enrolled international students build a strong academic, linguistic and cultural foundation during their first semester as undergraduates at the University of Delaware. Offered in fall and spring semesters, the program ensures a smooth transition to college life and prepares students for success.

Learn about Accelerate-U Delaware