
Sample Letters of Sponsorship

A letter of sponsorship is required with each application for all ELI programs, unless the applicant will pay for his/her own studies.

There are 2 types of sponsors:

  • Individual: An individual person who will pay for the student’s courses; or
  • Organization: A company or organization who will pay for the student’s courses.


Sponsor: Individual

If the student’s tuition will be paid by a person (e.g., family member or friend), please use our “Sample Letter of Sponsorship: Individual.”

Choose your preferred file type for the Sample Letter of Sponsorship: Individual:

Important: If the sponsor lives in the USA, then the letter must be notarized.


Sponsor: Organization

If the student’s tuition will be paid by a company or an organization, please use our “Sample Letter of Sponsorship: Organization.”

It is very important to follow the instructions on this letter very closely. Letters that do not meet our requirements will be rejected.

Choose your preferred file type for the Sample Letter of Sponsorship: Organization