Applied Music | Piano

The keyboard area offers a supportive, rewarding and challenging course of study for soloists, music teachers/educators, chamber musicians and accompanists. Piano students are challenged to flourish musically and technically in an atmosphere of support and excellence. The keyboard area offers instruction for music majors pursuing the Master of Music in Piano Performance, Bachelor of Music in Performance, Bachelor of Music in Music Education and Bachelor of Arts in Music degrees. The School of Music also offers private instruction, by audition, for well qualified non-majors who wish to continue their musical studies. In addition to piano, UD students may study organ and harpsichord. Keyboard students are taught by professors who are successful performers, teachers and researchers. Graduates of the University of Delaware have placed in national competitions, participated in major international music festivals and continued studies at prestigious graduate schools of music.
The piano/keyboard area focuses on performance, and as such students concentrate on private instruction. Piano study is also a central component in the Bachelor of Music in Music Education.
At the University of Delaware, pianists have ample opportunity to engage in chamber music and accompanying. They are invited to perform in Music School General Student Recitals throughout the academic year and to participate in the annual Student Concerto Competition. Guest pianists also visit campus to conduct master classes. Students take an array of classes that contribute to their overall musical education, including keyboard literature, piano pedagogy, accompanying, chamber music, organ class, music theory, ear-training and music history.
Prospective graduate piano students have the opportunity to audition for a graduate assistantship. Duties associated with the stipend include teaching, accompanying and chamber music performance.