James R. Soles Citizenship Endowment

James R. Soles Citizenship Endowment

Through the generous donations of alumni and friends, the James R. Soles Citizenship Endowment has been established to honor Political Science and International Relations Alumni Distinguished Professor Emeritus James R. Soles (1935-2010) and his lifelong commitment to public service.

Professor Soles joined the Department of Political Science and International Relations in 1968 and taught courses specializing in American government and public law until he retired in 2002. He received his undergraduate and master's degrees from Florida State University and his doctorate in government from the University of Virginia.

Twice a recipient of the University of Delaware’s Excellence in Teaching Award and a winner of the University’s Excellence in Advising Award, he was named the University’s first Alumni Distinguished Professor created to recognize outstanding teaching and mentoring. He was named a Danforth Associate, selected as an American Council on Education Fellow, and chosen as a Salzburg Seminar Fellow, and also served as Chair of the Department of Political Science and International Relations. He is also the recipient of the Liberty Bell Award from the Delaware State Bar Association, the Del Tufo Award for Distinguished Service to the Humanities from the Delaware Humanities Forum, and the University of Delaware’s Medal of Distinction for his lifelong personal contribution to public service and the encouragement of hundreds of his former students to pursue public service. Professor Soles was the co-author of The Government of Delaware and co-producer of the WCAU-TV series Delaware: The First State, and has written in the areas of constitutional law and politics, Delaware government, and higher education. Shortly before Professor Soles retired from the University of Delaware in 2002, many of his former students and colleagues created and contributed to the James R. Soles Citizenship Endowment.

Professor Soles’s most enduring legacy has been his extraordinary impact on the lives of thousands of UD students whom he taught and advised during his long career, hundreds of whom have served or continue to serve the public and their communities in Delaware, Washington, DC, and other states throughout the United States. 

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Each day, in Delaware, decisions are made regarding significant and influential matters of state by those of us who were his students and now his confidants and devotees. We come from all political ideologies, and serve in many different roles, but we each share the thrill of having been fortunate enough to learn from his passion for service that we have something worthy to give.

- The Honorable Jane Brady Delaware’s Superior Court Judge

James R. Soles Undergraduate Citizenship Stipends

The stipends provides up to $4,000 for political science, international relations, public policy, and organizational and community leadership majors. ​​The aim of the stipend is to support students whose fieldwork activities, internships or discovery learning experiences are related to advancing the general welfare of society. Awards are intended to encourage students to engage in “special” civic activities or public service projects with governmental agencies, public interest groups, non-profit organizations and private organizations whose mission is consistent with the aim of Soles Undergraduate Citizenship Fellowship.

The purpose of the awards is to defray costs such as housing, special fees, transportation, travel and other support expenses. It is not designed to provide a salary. Students are expected to file a report on their activities and how this experience will contribute to their educational development.

Please note: Students may not receive funding more than once, and graduating seniors are ineligible.

The applications are accepted quarterly with the following deadlines: June 1st, September 1st, December 1st, and March 1st​.

Please send an email to award-submissions@udel.edu with the following information:

Your full name:

Student ID number:


Current year:

GPA in major:

GPA overall (minimum 2.5 is required):

Are you in the UD Payroll system?

The amount for which you are applying:

Title and a brief description of the project or internship opportunity:

Describe the tasks you will perform while on your project or internship.

Describe how these tasks demonstrate a commitment to civic participation or public service. Describe how this opportunity will contribute to your education in your specific major.

In your email, please attach:

  • An official letter (or email) invitation/confirmation for your project/internship 
  • Resume
  • Detailed budget and justification for each item
  • Lastly, have a University of Delaware faculty member email a letter of recommendation to award-submissions@udel.edu.​

James R. Sole​s Graduate Fellowships

The James R. Soles Graduate Fellowships provide graduate students in the Department of Political Science and International Relations with funding to support learning about and planning for public service careers outside of the academy. This can include participating in internships, civic engagement projects, and research to benefit community organizations, whether domestic or international. Support is intended to cover costs for specialized courses, internships, or field research that directly assists public or non-profit organizations in meeting their public service mission, and projects that enhance graduate student opportunities to learn about public service careers.

Fellowship funds may be used to defray costs such as housing, special fees, transportation, travel and other support expenses in pursuing projects. They may not be used to provide salary support.

Applicants must provide a description of the proposed activity to be funded including all details needed for the Awards Committee to assess the appropriateness of the project for funding. In addition, a timeline and a budget should be provided. The maximum award is $5,000; smaller awards may be made where appropriate.

The James R. Soles Graduate Fellowships are funded by the Soles Endowment, which was established in honor of Prof. James R. Soles upon his retirement. Additional funds are provided by a gift from Fr. Marvin H. Hummell '67M.

Use the James R. Soles Graduate Fellowship Application to submit a proposal. Proposals should be submitted by December 1st for winter and spring awards and April 15th for summer and fall awards.

Download the application

Students may not receive funding more than once.

James R. Soles Professorship

​The James R. Soles Professorship in Political Science supports a faculty member in the Department of Political Science and International Relations with career commitments to teaching, students and active citizenship and civic involvement, as exemplified by Professor Soles.

2016 | Professor David P. Redlawsk

2008 | Professor Joseph A. Pika

Black and white photo of James R. Soles

James R. Soles Lecture on Constitution and Citizenship

Professor James R. Soles (1935-2010) made enormous contributions to the Department of Political Science and International Relations, to the University of Delaware, and to our state during his many years at UD. This endowed annual lecture recognizes the impact Dr. Soles had on generations of UD students and his deep engagement in Delaware politics and policy. The Lecture is delivered around Constitution Day, September 17, each year.

Previous Speakers​​

2024: Former Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie

2023: Honorable Judge Leonard P. Stark

2022:​ ​Linda Greenhouse

2021: Delaware Chief Justice Collins J. Seitz

2020: Cancelled due to the pandemic​

2019: Author Elaine Weiss

2018: Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester

2017: Delaware ​Chief Justice Leo Strine

2016​: Floyd Abrams

2015: Congressman Mike Castle

2014: Governor Jack Markell

2013: Senator Chris Coons

2012: Senator Tom Carper

2011: ​Former Vice President Joe Biden


  • ​Jade Carey: Research Project: The Power of The Status Quo: Investigating Casual Factors of The Incumbency Effect​
  • Aidan Phinn Cooney: Internship with Kountoupes, Denham, Carr and Reid, Washington, DC​
  • Madison Damian: Intern for the Office of U.S. Senator Tom Carper​
  • Evanthia Kourlesi
  • ​Bryanna Patrice: Wes Moore Governor's Internship Program, Annapolis, MD​
  • Sean Taggart: Internship with Senator Coons' Office, Washington, DC


  • Anna Squiers: internship with the Women’s Bureau of the U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC.
  • Erin Sheeran: Legislative Intern in the office of Senator Chris Coons (D-DE), Washington, DC.
  • Gelina Dames: internship with Councilwoman Rysheema Dixon and the Delaware Pathways to Apprenticeship program, Wilmington, Delaware.


  • Angelina Craig: internship at Senator Chris Coons's Wilmington, DE office.
  • Kathryn Garner: internship with the U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington, DC.
  • Anya Sen: internship with U.S. mission to the United Nations, New York, NY.


  • ​No stipends were awarded due to the COVID 19 pandemic.


  • Brianna Pearson: internship at the New Castle County Public Defenders Office, Wilmington, DE.
  • Gillian Williams: internship with the Office of Representative Lisa Blunt in Washington, D. C.
  • Danielle Iacovelli: with the Economics Section of the American Embassy in Rome, Italy.
  • Alana Linick: internship with the British Embassy in New York, NY.


  • Kiersten Harris, U.S.-Russia Relations internship , American Security Project, Washington, DC
  • Kathleen D. Turkel, Workplace Equality Program, Human Rights Campaign, DC
  • Kelly James, Workplace Equality Program, Human Rights Campaign, DC
  • Casey Moore, Senior Thesis Field Work, Greece
  • Madison Cann, Internship, Mary Ann's List, DE


  • Katherine Freitag, Environmental League of Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Marisa Missan, Friendship House, Wilmington, Delaware
  • Eshani Pandy, Opening Doors, Sacramento, California
  • Jaime Renman, The City of Philadelphia's Major's Internship Program, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


  • Linda Halfacre, Project Vote Smart and Girl Forward, Austin, Texas
  • Megan Hart, Project Vote Smart, Montana
  • Rachael Russell, Office of Congressman John Carney, Washington, DC
  • Victoria Sanchez, State Department's Bureau of Arms, Control, Verification and Compliance, Washington, D.C.


  • Elizabeth Clinton and Nora Reynolds, Oxygen Nedi and Peace Corp - Ouarzazate, Morocco.
  • Cameron Connor, Congresswoman Martha McSally, U.S. House of Representatives.
  • Monika Chawla, Office of Senator Chris Coons, Washington, DC.
  • Samantha Kelley, dissertation research on migrant labor exploitation in the US.


  • Dylan Gallimore, Burlington County Republican Committee
  • Elizabeth Gibson, US Senator Lamar Alexander, Washington, DC
  • Lauren Mick, Governor Chris Christie, Trenton, NJ
  • Alexander Patrick, US Congressman John Carney, Washington DC
  • Kevin Pregent, Alliance of Artists and Recording Companies
  • Stephan Savastano, New Jersey Republican State Committee
  • Melissa Veriaque, US State Department Office to monitor and combat trafficking in persons
  • Samuel Wiles, Cecil County, Maryland Office of the State's Attorney
  • Monika Chawla, Office of Senator Chris Coons, Washington, DC
  • Justin De Leon, dissertation research Cheyenne River Tribe Reservation, SD
  • Emmanuel Balogun, International Studies Assoc. Global South Caucus Conference, Singapore


  • Nora Crawford, The Honorable Kent A. Jurden, United States Court of Appeals Third Circuit, Wilmington, DE
  • Elizabeth Gibson, US Senator Mark Kirk, Washington, DC
  • Michele Lambert, Mayors Internship Program, Philadelphia, PA
  • Rebecca Marshall, DE Department of Education Teacher Leader Effectiveness Unit, Dover and Wilmington, DE
  • Alex Minore, AmericaSpeaks, Washington, DC
  • Steve Tomkeil, The National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws
  • Sam Wiles, US Congressman Tim Bishop, Washington, DC
  • Brenna James, US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Washington, DC
  • Sophie Le Blanc, dissertation research in Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • Chiedo Nwankwor, dissertation research in Pretoria, South Africa


  • Peter J. Artese, Office of PA State Representative Nicholas "Nick" Miccarelli, III
  • Gregory Doolittle, travel-to-teach.org, Chitwan, Nepal
  • Ian J. Guthoff, US Representative Nan Hayworth, Washington, DC
  • Thomas J. Jackson, Federal Bureau of Investigation, New York, NY
  • Ashley Lavery, Defenders Association of Philadelphia
  • Olivia Lucas, White House Internship Program, Office of the Vice President
  • Lauren Pitruzzello, White House Internship Program, Office of the Vice President
  • Lindsay Romano, US Senator Thomas Carper, Washington DC
  • Dan Bottomley, dissertation research in Indonesia


  • Paige Barton, US House Committee on Homeland Security
  • Carys Golesworthy, United States Embassy, La Paz, Bolivia
  • Michael Paterra, United States Consulate, Naples, Italy
  • Thien-Chan Vu, Compassion for Migrant Children, Beijing, China
  • Lauren Balasco, The Hague Academy of International Law
  • Zofia Maka, ICPSR Summer Program, University of Michigan
  • Rajdeep Pakanati, dissertation research in United Kingdom and South Africa
  • Reid Tillman Smith, Palestinian Summer Experience


  • No Soles Stipends or Fellowships were awarded in 2010.


  • Brittany Hayes, Road2Argentina
  • Seth Levy, US Representative Nita Lowey, Washington, DC
  • Jamie E. Miller, Partners in Development, Haiti and Guatemala
  • David Parkinson, ABC News
  • Tara Patel, Council on Hemispheric Affairs
  • Mara J. Pfeffer, Global Volunteer Network, India
  • Paul Ruiz, US Representative Melissa L. Bean, Washington, DC
  • Meredith Stuart, Human Rights and Peace Building Program of the International Women's Tribune Centre
  • Diaraye Sylla, Visions in Action, Washington, DC
  • Alissa Werzen, Child Death, Near Death, and Stillbirth Commission
  • Sara Chehab, dissertation research in Dubai
  • Yinan Chen, United Nations Development Programme, Washington, DC


  • Courtney Carson, US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
  • Dustin L. Engelhardt, Woza Moya Community Outreach Project, South Africa
  • Jessica Falborn, US Embassy, Tunisia
  • Christopher O. Lang, US Senator Thomas Carper, Washington, DC
  • Nicolette Lotrionte, Fox News Channel, Fox and Friends
  • Jordan Miller, Federal District Court for the District of Delaware
  • Jennifer L. Price, Amnesty International, Washington, DC
  • Atnre Alleyne, Workshop on Political Theory, England
  • Joshua S. Martineau, ICPSR Summer Program, University of Michigan