Kara Ellerby

Kara Ellerby

Associate Professor
International Relations and Gender and Politics

Office: 465 Smith Hall

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Kara Ellerby, (Ph.D. Political Science, University of Arizona, 2011) joined the department isn 2011. Now an associate professor, her research is situated in International Relations. Her research interests are at the intersection of artificial intelligence governance, emerging technologies, and global gender equality policy. She is interested in understanding if and how global actors are integrating 'gender' into AI governance and what effects that will have on AI policy. Her 2017 book, No Shortcut to Change: The Unlikely Path to a More Gender Equitable World, won the 2018 American Political Science Association Victoria Shuck Award for the best book on women and politics. She teaches undergraduate courses on global politics, gender and politics, as well as social justice. Her graduate courses include Feminist International Relations and International Organizations.

Selected Publications

2025. With Gunay Khalilova “AI Strategizing in Post-Soviet Countries: Cooperation, Preferences, and Learning. Accepted at Europe-Asia Studies.

2019. “Gender Equality Policies and African Women: A Comparative Assessment.” in The Palgrave Handbook of African Women’s Studies. Eds. Olajumoke Yacob-Haliso and Toyin Falola. Palgrave-Macmillan.

2019. with Laurel Weldon and Mala Htun “Critical Dialogues- Review and Response.” Perspectives of Politics 17(3): Fall 2019: 820-825.

2017. No Shortcut to Change: The Unlikely Path to a More Gender Equitable World. New York: New York University Press. Winner of the 2018 Victoria Shuck Award from the American Political Science Association for best
book in women and politics

2017. “(En)gendering Peace: Divergent Post-Conflict Processes for Women in Guatemala and El Salvador” In Women and Post-Conflict Transformation: Lessons from the Past, Implications for the Future Eds. Joyce Kaufman and
Kristen Clark. pp. 182-199. Routledge Press.