Association for Women in Mathematics
The Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) is a non-profit organization founded in 1971 that seeks to create a community in which women and girls can thrive in their mathematical endeavors, and to promote equitable opportunity and treatment of women and others of marginalized genders and gender identities across the mathematical sciences. The UD AWM student chapter serves to educate and provide information about career opportunities in mathematics, to facilitate networking with professional mathematicians and the UD community itself, and foster the exchange of research ideas and personal experiences.
For updates, you can also follow our Instagram: @udel.awm
About Us
The Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) is a non-profit organization that supports the endeavors of those with marginalized gender identities in the mathematical sciences. The UD AWM student chapter is open to all undergraduate and graduate students, regardless of gender and major. Its purpose is to educate and provide information about career opportunities in mathematics, to facilitate networking with professional mathematicians and the UD community itself, and develop leadership skills. The chapter fosters the exchange of research ideas and personal experiences, providing UD graduates with an edge in the early stages of their career.
Video Math Majors on Choosing Courses: https://capture.udel.edu/media/1_8bxhth6c/
What we do
We conduct meetings and sponsor activities throughout the academic year. Sponsored activities include invited talks by students or professional mathematicians on their research and/or their career path; a mentoring program between junior and senior graduate students; informal panel discussions about experiences as women in mathematics; participation in local conferences; organizing stress-free, non-academic social and networking events.
Tentative events for spring 2025 include Pi Day Potluck, Resume Seminar Series, Movie Night, and End of Year Networking Picnic! More information will be advertised via email, GroupMe and Instagram. Events in fall 2024 included a fall mixer and trivia event, an undergraduate advice panel, a grad student preliminary exam panel, and a reading day decompression session.
Become a Member
The UD AWM student chapter is open to all undergraduate and graduate students, regardless of gender and major.
For questions and comments or to join our mailing list, email udel.awm@gmail.com.
Executive Board