Ikram Masmoudi
Ikram Masmoudi is Associate Professor of Arabic whose area of interest includes Arabic language, modern Arabic literature, Iraqi fiction, and literary translation. She was educated in Tunisia and France where she received her Ph.D. from Université Stendhal, Grenoble III in Textual Linguistics and Francophone Literature. She obtained the Agrégation d’arabe and taught Arabic language and culture at the Universié de Provence. She has extensive teaching experience. She has taught courses for all levels of Arabic including courses on Modern Arabic literature and culture at Middlebury College, Duke University and Princeton University. In the fall of 2008, she joined the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at the University of Delaware where she chairs the Arabic Program and co-directs the UD Winter Study Abroad Program in Tunisia/Morocco.
Professor Masmoudi translated a novel Beyond Love by Iraqi author Hadiya Hussein, published in 2012 by Syracuse University Press. She has just finished the translation of The Green Zone, a novel by Shakir Noori and The Clouds’ Soloist by Ali Bader both forthcoming.
Her recent monograph on War and Occupation in Iraqi Fiction was published in 2015 by Edinburgh University Press. The book examines how recent Iraqi fiction depicts the Iraqi subject in its relation to war, coercion, and occupation; it focuses particularly on tangible experiences of war and occupation marked by the struggle and marginality involved in war desertion, detention, suicide bombing and sectarian killings.
Dr. Masmoudi is currently on sabbatical for the Spring 2019 semester.
- Ph.D., Linguistics, University Stendhal
- Agregation d' Arabe