Chika Inoue

Chika Inoue

Instructor of Japanese

Office: 309 Jastak-Burgess Hall


Chika Inoue is an instructor of Japanese who teaches all levels of Japanese language and is an expert Japanese calligrapher. She was active in establishing K-12 teaching certification programs in Pennsylvania and is currently involved with the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia, an organization funded by the Freeman Foundation whose goal is to encourage and facilitate teaching and learning about East Asia in elementary and secondary schools. 

She is also the placement officer for Japanese. If you are interested in taking a placement test or an exemption exam, please contact Inoue-sensei at

Japanese calligraphy is her passion, and UD offers a 3-credit intensive Japanese calligraphy course JAPN204:The Art of Japanese Calligraphy.



  • Certificate of Advanced Studies (ABD) in Educational Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania
  • Associate Master of Japanese calligraphy, Nihon Shogakkan