Plastino Scholars

Contact Information

Dr. Patricia Sloane-White​​

Director of the Plastino Scholars Program​
Where might your dreams take you? Plastino Scholars have gone to over 30 countries . . .and some stayed right here in the U.S. (one even biked from coast to coast!). Have a look at a video that shows places Plastinos have been.

YouTube Video Link for a video about the Plastino Scholars Program:



The Plastino Scholars Program was established in 2007 by a gift from UD alumnus David A. Plastino to help outstanding University of Delaware undergraduate students realize their dreams by supporting them in self-designed, off-campus learning experiences that create a difference in their lives and in the lives of others.

The grants provide funds that make a transformational difference in the lives of Plastino Scholars and enable them to pursue a passionate interest to a degree not otherwise possible.

Learn more about the Plastino Scholars Program

The David A. Plastino Program awards study grants to selected undergraduate students who exhibit extraordinary talent, promise and imagination.

Normally, around four to six Plastino Scholars will be awarded each year. The amount of each award will depend on the nature of the experience proposed. Except in unusual circumstances, the maximum individual award will be $6,000.

Any undergraduate student at the University of Delaware may apply provided that, at the time of application, he or she is enrolled for at least twelve semester hours and has not completed more than five semesters.

Plastino Scholars who have not graduated will serve as "Plastino Ambassadors" after they complete their experience. When they return, they will bring their knowledge back to the University of Delaware community. Therefore, only returning students are eligible.​

Information Presentation for Applicants

Read about Past Plastino Scholar Participants


In order to be chosen as a Plastino Scholar, a student must present convincing evidence of exceptional intellectual, creative, civic or leadership ability through the application materials, written recommendations and a personal interview before the Scholars Selection Committee.​

The student must propose an experience that will allow the pursuit of a passionate interest that goes well beyond the scope of an academic course, normal summer job, internship or enrichment program. Seeking support for an internship which is offered by organizations which regularly provide such opportunities to volunteers may not qualify for a Plastino award; the key to being considered for a Plastino Scholar award is that the proposed project is self-designed and unique.​

In short, to become a Plastino Scholar, a student must demonstrate:

  • Exceptional ability and promise in some realm of endeavor that is within the University's mission to foster
  • ​A compelling commitment to that endeavor
  • The imagination and resourcefulness to plan an experience likely to permit the expression of that ability in a way and to a degree not otherwise possible.​​

Any undergraduate student at the University of Delaware may apply for a David A. Plastino Scholar Award provided that, at the time of application, he or she is enrolled for at least twelve semester hours and has not completed more than five semesters. 

In order to be chosen as a Plastino Scholar, a student must present convincing evidence of exceptional intellectual, creative, civic or leadership ability through the application materials, written recommendations and a personal interview before the Scholars Selection Committee. The annual deadline for applications is in early December. Finalists are notified in mid-February.

All student proposals must include:

  • A 250-word abstract of the proposed experience, detailing the nature of the project, the location, and the duration.
  • A longer narrative of no more than 5000 words which explores the project in full, demonstrating the degree of knowledge the student has about the proposed experience and its objectives.
  • Two letters of recommendation; one must be from a professor.
  • A detailed budget demonstrating that the student has thought out all expenditures related to the proposed experience.​

You must make sure your proposal budget is not only clear and organized, but also covers all that you may need to complete your project. Several things to consider:


Good budgets are organized. They should be presented in a table, with headers at the top of each column (such as “Item," “Description," “Cost in Local Currency," and “Cost in USD"). Group the rows of expenses into categories (“Transportation," “Housing," “Meals," “Incidentals"). Depending on the complexity of your budget, it may be helpful to provide a subtotal for each category. The Plastino Selection committee should be able to quickly look at the file and have a clear understanding of how you would spend your award.

​​W​hat to In​​clude

Each Plastino budget is unique, but most include the following:

  • Transportation to/from the project site (and – if needed – an airport shuttle/taxi)
  • Daily transportation at the project location (i.e. a bus pass, etc.)
  • Accommodation
  • Three meals every day, as well as any extra for snacks and/or bottled water
  • Any necessary insurance (for projects outside of the U.S.; check with the UD Center for Global Programs and Services for requirements)
  • Incidentals such as visas or vaccines

Depending on your project location, it may be appropriate to visit an important museum or monument (e.g. the Taj Mahal if you will be close to Delhi, India). Feel free to include this type of item on your budget if you feel it will add to your research and experience.

What can't be included in your budget

Expensive equipment, gifts to host families, tourist trips that use more than a small portion of your funding. The Plastino Scholars Award cannot be used to support an organization that requests funding for you to participate in its program. If you have questions about this, contact​

Students must also provide two letters of recommendation; one must be from a professor.

All proposals and letters must be received by December 10, 2024, via email to the address given on the application form.

Plastino Scholars News
  • collage of student in front of buildings in Italy and the city

    AAP Plastino Enrichment Fund

    October 17, 2024 | Written by Erin Tanner
    Established through a generous donation from longtime UD benefactor Dave Plastino AS78, this fund was created to offer financial support for individual AAP student activities, including study abroad.
  • 2024 Plastino Scholars

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    Plastino Scholars follow their academic passions worldwide
  • 2023 Plastino Scholars

    September 29, 2023 | Written by Margo McDonough
    The 2023 Plastino Scholars pursued research opportunities around the world during the summer of 2023.
David Plastino and the 2019 Plastino Scholars
David Plastino and the 2019 Plastino Scholars
Packing light for Plastino Scholar Travels
Drew Sanclemente, Plastino '18, traveled to Tanzania to conduct research while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. She had to travel light. Everything she packed is pictured here.
Kira Smitm Plastino Scholar traveled to China
2017 Plastino Scholar Kira Smith traveled to China to research international adoptions at the orphanage from which she had been adopted 20 years earlier. Her trip to China allowed her to study the factors that support and hinder international adoptions and to learn more about the culture of her native country.