Policy Scientist, IPA
University of Delaware
DGS Annex
Newark, DE 19716
Cell: 302-932-5287
Master of Marine Policy, University of Delaware (1996)
Bachelor of Environmental Studies, Rutgers University (1990)
November 2022–Present Policy Scientist, Institute for Public Administration
May 2013–November 2022 Brownfields and Voluntary Cleanup Programs Coordinator (Planner V), Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Division of Waste & Hazardous Substances (DNREC-WHS)
May 2013–October 2021 Environmental Program Manager II, DNREC
October 2008–March 2013 Independent Environmental Marketing Consultant
November 2006–December 2009 Special Projects Director, Delaware Community Reinvestment Action Council
June 2000–June 2004 Associate Director for Natural Resources Conservation, Delaware Nature Society
January 1999–May 2000 Conservation Policy Analyst, National Aquarium in Baltimore
July 1997–December 1998 Chesapeake Bay Program Living Resources Fellow, Chesapeake Research Consortium
March 1997–July 1997 Community Organizer, New Jersey Environmental Federation
September 1993–November 1995 Research Assistant, Center for the Study of Marine Policy, University of Delaware
July 1991–July 1993 Assistant to the Vice President, Policy Affairs, World Resources Institute
July 1990–July 1991 Legislative Assistant, U.S. Representative Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ)