Students walking on the green at UD

Master of Public Administration (MPA)

earn an MPA from the Biden School

The Master of Public Administration (MPA) in the Joseph R. Biden Jr. School of Public Policy & Administration at the University of Delaware is a professional degree program that prepares diverse, motivated students to become leaders, managers, analysts, front-line workers, and subject matter experts in gov​ernment and the nonprofit sector. 

Our M​PA program integrates academic excellence with professional experience, teaching students to aspire to the highest standards of ethical and effective public service. The program seeks to develop students’ leadership, analytical, and problem-solving skills. All of our students engage in coursework and capstones that develop the skills critical to competent and ethical decision-making in a diverse, changing, and multi-sectored environment. ​


Biden School alumni are a community of problem solvers and “fixers” committed to helping communities here in Delaware, the nation, and around the world. Our alumni work in academia, politics, government, law, policy, activism, non-profits and the private sector.  


Earn your mpa on campus or online

Consistent with NASPAA accreditation standards, the MPA curriculum is designed to focus on the acquisition and development of five universal competencies:

  • To lead and manage in public governance
  • To participate in and contribute to the policy process
  • To analyze, synthesize, think critically, solve problems and make decisions
  • To articulate and apply a public service perspective, and
  • To communicate and interact productively with a diverse and changing workforce and citizenry.

The 36-credit Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree is designed to provide professional training for public or nonprofit management careers. The curriculum is divided into four areas:

  • Core Courses - 24 credits
  • Specialization Area - 9 credits
  • Internship Experience - 1 credit
  • Capstone Project (or Thesis) - 2 credits



During academic year 2022 – 2023, total number of instructional faculty members teaching required and elective classes in the MPA program was 22, including both nucleus and non-nucleus faculty.

MPA students choose an area of specialization prior to the third semester of full-time study. There are five specialization options available in the in-person MPA modality and two options in the online modality, and students may also design their own specialization:

  • Nonprofit Management (in-person)
  • Public Management (in-person)
  • Public Policy Analysis (in-person)
  • Emergency Management (in-person)
  • Health Systems Management (in-person and online)
  • General Specialization (online)
  • Individualized Specialization developed by the student in conjunction with their mentor and with the approval of the MPA Director.


Each specialization area consists of a minimum of nine credit hours, including a required three-credit threshold course and an additional six credits approved by the academic advisor. The MPA faculty have designated the following as required threshold courses:

  • Nonprofit Management – UAPP 673 Governing Nonprofit Organizations (3 credits)
  • Public Management – UAPP 684 Performance Management and Program Evaluation (3 credits)
  • Public Policy Analysis – UAPP 701 Public Policy (3 credits)
  • Health Systems Management – UAPP 657 Health Policy (3 credits)
  • Emergency Management – DISA 650 Overview of Disaster Science and Management (3 credits)

Biden School graduates work in academia, politics, government, law, policy, activism, non-profits, and the private sector.

MPA Graduate Placement

Our 2022 graduating class was placed in the following sectors:

  • ​Federal Government: ​3
  • ​U.S. City/State/Local Government: ​7
  • ​Nonprofit: ​14
  • Private Sector​: ​1
  • ​Obtaining Further Education: ​1
  • Unemployed (Seeking Employment): ​0
  • ​Status Unknown: ​1


MPA Graduation within Program Length

Our MPA students have a high success rate of graduating on time. Our academic year 2017-2018 cohort, as measured by NASPAA, indicates the following:

  • ​43 students were initially enrolled
  • 27 students graduated within two years
  • 31 students graduated within three years
  • 33 students graduated within four years
  • 35 total students graduated and persisting to graduation


start your application

mpA Admissions Deadlines

  • Fall: December 15 (priority); August 15
  • Spring: December 15 (priority); January 15
  • Summer: April 15 (priority); May 15


This form must be completed in addition to the University of Delaware Graduate Admission Application. Upload this completed form to your online application.

supplemental application form (Pdf)

supplemental application form (DOC)

  • The Biden School does not require the GRE for admission.
  • The Biden School accepts the minimum English proficiency test scores listed in the Graduate Admissions Test scores section.

The UD Graduate College and the Biden School cannot waive fees solely based on financial hardship.


UD Graduate College Application Fee Waiver: Please see if you qualify for a Graduate College fee waiver here

  • Scroll down the page until you come to Application Fee Waivers. Click the “+” sign for more information.
  • Questions regarding applying for a Graduate College-issued application fee waiver should be directed to Graduate Admissions at


Biden School Application Fee Waivers: If you do not meet Graduate College criteria for an application fee waiver, then you may be eligible for a fee waiver through the Biden School based on your academic merit. 

You can begin an application and apply without submitting a payment.

Application review will begin on December 15, 2024. We cannot answer fee waivers until after the admissions committee has reviewed your application. Waivers are granted based on the Biden School goals below:

  • Recognizing exceptional student achievement and merit.
  • Increasing social mobility by supporting first-generation college students.
  • Expanding the diversity of our student body by encouraging applicants who bring unique perspectives shaped by life experiences, such as overcoming significant barriers, navigating systemic inequities, or contributing to underrepresented perspectives.
  • Expanding our cultural and experiential diversity by enrolling individuals with significant work experience, applied expertise, international perspectives, or military service.

Fee waiver decisions are typically made by the end of February.

Once the admissions committee has reviewed your completed application, you will receive an email indicating whether we can grant a waiver.

From Delaware to the World

Biden School Convocation

4+1 accelerated MPA degrees

Complete your bachelor's degree and a master's program in just five years! Students complete a traditional four-year undergraduate program in four years and then pursue a master's program in the fifth (+1) year saving time and money. 

get to knoW the biden school faculty and their work

Biden School faculty embraces the “Delaware Model” of integrating research, teaching, and public service to prepare graduates to impact communities locally and globally. Our faculty are productive scholars, excellent teachers, and skilled practitioners with decades of experience in their field.