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Analyses to help manage your land.
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Managing Spotted Lanternflies

This destructive, invasive insect poses a threat to Delaware's agricultural economy. 

Welcome to UD Cooperative Extension


In 1869, the University of Delaware (UD) College of Agriculture and Natural Resources was established as the state’s land-grant university with a mission consisting of three elements: teaching, research and “extension”.


Cooperative Extension fulfills the third part of this mission: bringing knowledge to the people of Delaware. Today, we offer university knowledge, research and resources — just for you! You have questions.


We have expert answers. From nutrition , Master Naturalist , Master Gardeners to 4-H youth clubs and programs that support local agriculture — UD Cooperative Extension has something for everyone!

Make a DIFFerence


Getting involved with UD Cooperative Extension is an excellent way to support and improve your Delaware community. Whether you're volunteering as a 4-H Adult Leader or donating to supporting an Extension Scholar, your local Master Gardener program, UD Cooperative Extension is grateful to have your involvement!


Each year, impact statements summarize the accomplishments of our educational efforts! The latest impact statements are available in both text and infographic formats.


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    IPM for the Summer – Value of Keeping Records

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  • Tips to Keep Young People Safe from Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug Use

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  • How Do We Define Early Planted Soybean?

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