FAQ | Quantum Science and Engineering
What is Quantum Science and Engineering
We are at the beginning of the “Second Quantum Revolution.” The first quantum revolution occurred when scientists discovered quantum mechanics, which led to technologies ranging from lasers to MRI machines to the engineering of new molecules for biomedical applications. The second quantum revolution started with the realization that quantum information processing could be much more powerful than the digital information processing that enabled the information and computing revolution of the past few decades.
Quantum science and engineering is the design and study of materials, devices and algorithms that take advantage of the unique properties of quantum systems to realize technologies that can outperform their classical counterparts. Classical digital electronics, like the chips used in modern cell phones and computers, have bits that can only be in two states, which we call 0 and 1. Quantum bits can be in the 0 or 1 state, but they can also be in something called a superposition, which means a mixture of 0 and 1 that will collapse into either 0 or 1 only when a measurement is made. This allows each quantum bit to carry more information than a classical bit. When two classical bits interact in a logic gate, like the transistors in classical digital electronics, the output is deterministic — there is exactly one output for whatever the input is. When quantum bits that are in a superposition state interact, they become entangled, which means that the state of one quantum bit depends on the other. This allows quantum bits to effectively parallel process many possible input states.
Quantum technologies will not outperform every classical device, but they are extremely powerful for certain applications. For example, searching a large database — like Google does when it performs a search — requires a classical computer to evaluate every candidate element individually and then to rank each element of the database in terms of how well it matches the search criteria. In contrast, a quantum computer could perform a single search and return the element that matches best. Essentially, the massively parallel processing of many possible inputs allows quantum computers to be MUCH faster than classical computers for certain types of calculations. Quantum technologies offer similar advantages for sensing and communication applications.
The first quantum devices have hit the market and have already demonstrated that they can outperform their classical counterparts for specific (small) test problems. They have not yet displaced classical technologies, but that transition is going to begin happening in just the next few years.
Over the next five years we are likely to see quantum technologies used in three ways. First, quantum sensors will be increasingly integrated into devices ranging from medical imaging probes to detectors of fundamental physics like the amount of dark matter in the universe. Second, complex calculations like database searches or optimization problems will be increasingly outsourced to cloud-based quantum computers. Third, quantum key distribution will become an increasingly effective method for fundamentally secure encryption of data. Beyond five years it is difficult to project exactly what quantum technologies will dominate, but the market is expected to grow dramatically.
About the Program
UD has one of the only programs offering both M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in quantum science and engineering. In response to the needs of industry, our curriculum is designed to rapidly introduce all students to the fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics and quantum information processing, establish a shared vocabulary and knowledge base that accelerates collaboration across disciplines, and train students with the professional skills they need when they join the workforce. With a curriculum developed to maximize hands-on, project-based learning, students will be trained to use state-of-the art equipment ranging from semiconductor nanofabrication tools to high performance computers.
Huge companies like Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, Google and Northrop Grumman are all making massive investments in quantum technologies. They are joined by a host of small quantum-specific startups. On top of that, many traditional industries, like banking, are also investing in understanding how they can leverage quantum technologies to improve their business operations. Business analysis firms predict that the growth rate for the quantum industry will be somewhere between 30% and 50% per year over the next decade. That’s an unbelievable rate of expansion, and there are nowhere near enough qualified graduates to fill those positions. A degree in QSE from UD will uniquely qualify you for this explosive market.
UD’s program is designed for people with a STEM background, but it does not require prior knowledge of quantum mechanics. Our applicants have undergraduate degrees ranging from physics to electrical engineering to computer science, with everything in between.
M.S. and Ph.D. students take the same core and elective courses. The master’s degree can be completed in as little as one year because the coursework is followed by a relatively brief capstone project. The M.S. program is designed for people who want to learn the foundations of the field and enter the workforce relatively quickly. The Ph.D. program typically takes five to six years because the coursework is followed by several years of research under the supervision of a faculty advisor culminating in a Ph.D. dissertation. The Ph.D. program is designed for people who want to develop the capacity to perform – and lead – independent research in the field.
The M.S. program is open to both full- and part-time students who can choose to enroll in as many courses as they want to take each semester. Part-time participation in the Ph.D. program is rare, though not impossible, because the research typically requires full-time effort.
At present, no. This is because most of our courses are designed to have substantial hands-on, collaborative, project-based interactions that are more effective in person.
Students enrolled in the Ph.D. program typically receive a tuition waiver and a stipend that covers their living expenses for the duration of their course of study. M.S. students are not eligible for this type of support, but financial aid is available.
The required courses for each track are:
- Quantum Nanotechnology
Introduction to Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (3 credits)
Engineering the Quantum Revolution (3 credits)
Professional Communication in Quantum Science and Engineering (2 credits)
Quantum Mechanics (3 credits)
Introduction to Quantum Hardware (3 credits)
Experimental Techniques for Quantum Systems (3 credits)
Semiconductor Device Design and Fabrication (3 credits)
- Quantum Theory
Introduction to Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (3 credits)
Engineering the Quantum Revolution (3 credits)
Professional Communication in Quantum Science and Engineering (2 credits)
Quantum Mechanics (3 credits)
Introduction to Quantum Hardware (3 credits)
Advanced Topics in Quantum Information (3 credits)
- Quantum Algorithms and Computation
Introduction to Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (3 credits)
Engineering the Quantum Revolution (3 credits)
Professional Communication in Quantum Science and Engineering (2 credits)
Algorithms and/or Machine Learning (3 credits)
Quantum Algorithms (3 credits)
Advanced Topics in Quantum Information (3 credits)
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